This page is dedicated to people who give out incorrect information over the internet. This is bad because a large majority of people believe what they read, especially Americans.
The problem is, anyone can write a web page. You just need to spurt you rubbish out into a web page authoring application, and spend 10 seconds looking for a free host on the internet. And you can pretend you are the authoritive voice on anything you want.
Answer : In short...Yes.
Sound is the vibration of particles, as long as this forest is a normal forest, with air, the air particles will vibrate, and hence a sound will be made.
So given this simple fact, why does this web page defy logic, and try to convice people sound is only made if people are around to hear it?
This odd web page insists, that for every single Earth rotation, there are 4 days!?
Following something similar to this theory, which says there are 4 points on the Earth that are significant, and they all have there own days, I could prove that for every Earth day, there is an infinate number of days! As there are infinate points on the Earth, and each has it's own day.
The 4 points are meant to be where 4 important people live, these people are by no means, on an equal par. They are Jesus, Einestine, Socrates, and Clinton (yes Clinton, why him over any other American, I don't know!).
But if this isn't enough, they state that God is cornered at Queer! Sorry, I'm not religous, but if I was, I would certainly take offence at that.
This was linked from another page, which is very good, Inexplicable Objects