The zany man from far away, unless he lives near you.
Kerrin J. Hardy
Well, you already know that I am a computer science person. I was a student at the University of Kent at Canterbury, and am now working in Cambridge, UK (Silicon Fen), and have been since June 1999.
You also know my main interests are Computers, Red Dwarf, Bon Jovi and talking to people.
Here is my picture :
That is Jonathan Brandis on the monitor, don't you think we look the same?
This photo was taken in 1998, I no longer wear glasses, unless I have to, I have contacts now, and I have a little better taste in clothes, a little.
Other things you MAY want to know
Date Of Birth : 2nd September 1975
Gender : Male
Height : 5'9" (ish)
Hair colour : Dark Brown
Eye colour : Hazel Brown
Weight : Over 9 stone (Not over or under weight, but that ain't much help)
Religon : HAG (Anti-religon actually), I'm actually not religous, this is a joke, ok. So no religous freak e-mail me to save my sole. I don't care.
Other information : Kerrin is a nice person, with lots of friends (Well, more than one) and is very clever (he can count to 10 at least). He is very friendly (not over friendly, I know what you were thinking) and is handsome (well, not ugly anyway).
Other, other information : I like a drink occasionly (OK, I'd like to drink all the time). Here's me getting drunk and a news group social thing (UKC.MISC).

Information on the name KERRIN : Kerrin is an Irish name, but I am not. There are VERY few people with this name in the world (I know of around 10), I have contact with one other Kerrin (male also), and he is from Australia (Although, there are others in the world, who are female, and a male Kerrin in Edinburgh)
What else would you want to know?
I don't go around maming small animals or anything.
I have been called insane, but I am, so that explains that.
I hate Chris Evans, but who doesn't and is sane? Even Chris Evans probably does and he's insane.
I'm gay, but it isn't my guiding force (It doesn't control me, like if I was remote control), but if your homophobic I don't want to know you.
In 1997 I was a LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexsual) repesentive for my college committee, so if you want to talk to anyone on any sexsuality topic, I'm your man (Well, I'm someones man, but unless you are him, it not you.).
You can talk to Papa, your Gay Agony Uncle.
This year I'm the Park Wood Vice-President (oh, that's an important job!)
There is also my Universities LGB Society page which I use to co-editing.
E-mail :
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