by Neil Gaiman

Welcome to my SandMan Page

This is my page dedicated to Neil Gaiman's SandMan. The incredible Monthly comic that helped to change the way The industry looks at comics. It has thought provoking story lines and interesting characters. The series began in 1988 and ran for 75 issues in intricate story lines and character development. It has been a beautiful and enjoyable ride, and I will sorely miss this series, but continuing it past it's proper ending would only lessen the impact and diminish the happy memories we have.


He is the eldest of the Endless. He stoically stands in his garden and turns the pages that define our existence. He reads his book that guide our lives and tells the Story of the Universe. Though seemingly unemotional at first, as one comes to understand this character, one comes to realize that this is not true...but that his sense of duty out ways his trepidation of the next page.


Without a doubt, one of the best characters in comics. She's sassy, she's sensitive, she's fun, she's the best older sister anyone could ask for, well sorta. This is not
your usual grim reaper. She knows what it means to be mortal, and die. She's got looks and style and is the last face most of us see....well I certainly wouldn't be complaining.


Morpheous, King of Dreams, The King of Stories. He has many names and many faces, and each of us know him. Every night we enter his care and become his guests and every morning he returns us to our place. Every story comes from him, every dream crafted by him. Of all the endless, save Destiny, he is the most diligent and serious about his task. His final cycle is the background for the entire series.

Rest well old friend.


Destruction is the Prodigal Endless. The only of the family to walk away from his post and leave it to be run on it's own. He now wanders the universe reading books and poetry, standing by the sea, walking the byways of planets and stars. He was accompanied for a time by Barnabas, a talking dog that he eventually let Delerium adopt at the end of the Brief Lives arc. The least is known of this brother except that he love his siblings. Perhapse someday we will meet him thing is for sure, before Death locks the door, Destruction will rejoin his family at the end of the universe.


What do you wan't? What do you need? Who do you love? These are all Desire of Endless. He She is everything. He She is perfect and your perfect mate. He She defines you and the way you live your life...Who is Desire?
...Look in yourself for that.


What do you feel when Desire leaves. What is that final feeling when the Noose tightens around a suicidal neck. Certainly Despair is part of all our lives as well. This twin of Desire, it's dark shadow, is the path many take. Once she and Desire were one, but in the modern age they separated and manage their kingdoms separately but always in conjuncture with one another. Do you Despair? Then you know her well.


Ahh...Yes Delirium. She used to be the Youngest. She used to be Delight. Now she's just herself. She has a Dog and talks in pretty colors, Maybe not coherent colors, or sentences, but colors none the less. Where would this world be without Delirium, very unhappy that's for sure. She is that light happy giddy mood that flits through your brain...or the insanity of your parents...

Daniel...the new King of Dreams
What will he make of Morpheus's realm now that Morpheus has truly met his sister. He seems to have more emotion, and compasion then his predecessor. Who can say? Only time and our sleep will tell.

Thanks Neil for all your hardwork over the years. Your stories and visions have both entertained us and made us think about who we are and the world we live in....Thanx

NOTICE: The above images are the characters of Neil Gaiman, and the images are copyright DC, or the respective artists.

© 1996
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