A little bit about ME

Well you wan't to know some more about me, Brian S. Decker, Hmm? Well you've come to the right place. Eventually there will be a Picture of me here (when I find one I like) but in the mean time a quick description.

I'm 5'9" tall weigh about 200lbs (yeah I know...)
I have shoulder length Dark Brown to Black Hair (sometimes died Blue-Black)
Brown eyes and an easy smile.

I can usually be found wearing black jeans and a poet shirt (white or black) Occasionally I'll break out a t-shirt but why when Poet shirts look so good and are much more comfotable (shock value that's why). I invariably wear Black Combat Boots, and you can't see my socks so they don't matter.

I currently Live in Portland, OR. I currently do Tech Support for a fairly large company and spend 10 hours a day four days a week in front of computers, and no there is no porn on this page...go somewhere else for that.
I previously lived In Seattle, WA (no I'm not in a grunge band). I graduated from Lynnwood High School, and haven't actually made it into collage yet so this is what you get.

Hobbies and interests...

Well what am I into...let me think.....

Gothic-industrial music, Celtic music and jewelry...well silver jewelry in general
Women, sorry all you horny men out there, with Great looks and Great personalities...
Dancing, preferable to Gothic-Industrial Music.
Roleplaying...Mostly White Wolf products, though I have been know to play CyberPunk,
Feng Shui, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
Comics: Sandman, Hellblazer, Preacher, The Crow...and other interesting comics.
Going to the Beach, when it's cloudy or foggy, especially if it's stormy.
Reading...Mostly Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk, or British Humor like Terry Pratchet or Douglas Addams
and of course Movies and TV.

Other Favorites (besides those in other places on these pages.)


Highlander (orginal 1986)
The Crow: City of Angels
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Dusk till Dawn
Four Rooms
Police Story (Jackie Chan)
Supercop (Jackie Chan)
The Killer (John Woo, Chow Yun Fat)
Hard Boiled (John Woo, Chow Yun Fat)
A Better Tomorrow (same)
A Better Tomorrow II (same)
Lost Boys
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Coppula)
Hamlet (Mel Gibson, Zappherelli)
Henry V (Branaugh)
Much Ado about Nothing (Branaugh)
Near Dark
The Hunger
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Jacob's Ladder
TRAINSPOTTING!!!!!! (ya gotta see this movie)
Shallow Grave (same folks as Trainspotting)
and many many more....just ask and I'll be glad to expand the list further.


Sisters of Mercy
Nine Inch Nails
Tangerine Dream
Front 242
Electric Hellfire Club
Depeche Mode
The Cure
Christian Death
Loreena McKennit
Susanne Vega
No Doubt
Seven Mary Three
Stabbing Westward
also much, much more feel free to ask

Things I don't like.... Ignorant hate filled people who say things when they don't know what they are talking about ie...Homophobes, Neo-Nazies, White Supremacists, and the like.

People who assume I'm a flake just because I don't dress like normal people.


Stupid Sitcoms that take up good air time on TV

Bad Hollywood action flicks...(bad Hong Kong action flicks are great)

People who can't do roleplaying without loosing reality...

People who think Role playing games are satanic (get real ... It's just escapism.)

People who own a computer for 3 years and never bother learning how it works!!!!!!

Football, Basketball, Baseball....just about any sport that preempts the enjoyment of my TV

MONSTER TRUCK RALLEYS!!!(Me and some friends are still trying to figure out an appropriate end to those who attend these events...I think nerve gassing the audience was ruled out because of most of their nervous systems are already dead and gassing them wouldn't do any good...any suggestions?)

Snooty, uptight, city officials who get there panties in a bunch because my favorite Dance club has a dress code, and dosen't play grunge.
More to come as my rant list grows....

Wow...this is a long page...but this is the Closing Words.

I believe in a lot of different things, foremost in being as forgiving as possible, and as honorable as possible. If more people followed those two points we wouldn't have wars or conflicts. We wouldn't need borders and fences...but we are human. And being Human means feeling and hating and loving and crying and a hole range of emotions that we really can't control. There is no easy answer, only more questions, and questions lead to other problems...In the end we all have to do the best we can.

If you wan't to talk or discuss life in general, music, movies, TV....just E-mail me...I monitor my e-mail on MTThF and I reply to all messages...honest. (even if it's just to tell you to *#$@off.)

© 1996 brian_decker@stream.com
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