Ha! Thought this was going to be all about the Movie? Didntcha? Well I read the comic long before I saw the movie and while I love both, everyone has seen and done Crow Movie pages...this is sort of a mixture. I'll Change these pictures periodically as I get scans I like so keep your eyes open. Also eventually these will link to larger versions but I don't have time right now.

If you don't know anything about The Crow let me explain.....
The Comic, written and drawn by J.O.Barr, is a Gothic/Horror/Crime masterpiece. Barr was overcoming a major personal tragedy (which I will not go into with respects to Barr) when he wrote this, and thus the dark and sinister world he created. The series portrays a man "Eric" who is apparently brought back from the dead to revenge the brutal Rape/Murder/Rape of his girlfriend and his own murder. Though extremely graphic in it's portrayal of the violence in Barr's world, it, at the same time, shows beautiful scenes of true artistry and the simply but poignant story moves you to hate, love, laugh, even cry. The Original series is now totally out of pint, but you can still purchase it in it's entirety in Trade Paberback (a collection of comics in single book format). I highly recommend it.

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