Angela's Almost Disney World

These are my creative writings, most of which were posted to rec.arts.disney.*. They include parodies, top ten lists, and spoofy scripts. I wrote these for fun and they are meant to be taken as good-natured jokes and as little tributes to the excellent work Disney has done. I hope you enjoy them, and please don't hesitate to write me a note telling me what you think of them--good and bad. It helps keep me writing, and writing well (I hope). The majority of them are based on Disney songs.

In alphabetical order

And some Disney and anime parodies...

A look behind the scenes!

(Or, how on earth do I come up with these crazy ideas...?)

If you'd like to see some creative works by other people, head on over to the R.A.D.* Creative Archives. If you'd like to submit something, let me know.

Back to my Mostly Disney World

Sketch of the gargoyles from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Copyright by the Walt Disney Co. Used without permission.

© 1996,1997,1998,1999,2002. Last modified March 8, 2002.

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