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since June 15th, 1996!web-counter
Hi! I'm Binney (well that's my nickname anyway, don't ask) and I'm 16 and I live a little north of West Palm Beach, FL. I like reading and writing, and surfing the net. I love swimming, tennis, softball, biking, rollerblading, and absolutely love drama. I'm taking college classes and I want to be a lawyer. Oh, and I love Seinfeld, X-Files, and 20/20. As for music, I love anything from Jewel, Lisa Loeb, Puff Daddy, Elton John, Meridith Brooks, Matchbox 20, Frank Sinatra. I guess a little of everything. Well bye!
Links to other sites on the Web
Netcentral Live Chat
Entertainment Network Online
Hotmail- get free online email accounts!
The Troom- a great place for teen girls
Lycos People Find- find anyone in the country listed in the phonebook
Okay, well, hope you've enjoyed your little stay here, I'll be updating my place once in awhile, so keep checking back! If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or whatever, email me! Bye! PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!
© 1996 binney_girl@hotmail.com