Disclaimer: This story takes place during PRZ, while Jason is the Gold Ranger. The characters and blah blah blah are owned by Saban Entertainment blah blah blah by full extent of the law blah blah blah. Enjoy the story!

by Kittie

"Rita, come here for a moment please." Lord Zedd drummed his fingers on the arm of the seat next to him. He could hear Rita grumbling somewhere in the back of the Winnebago, and Goldar babbling on about something or another.

"Coming Zeddy," she called... screeched, really. Zedd flinched.

"Is that really necessary?"

"What?" she asked irritably.

"Must you screech like that? No wonder you get so many headaches."

Rita glared at him. "What do you want?"

He sighed. "I've been thinking."

"Oh?" She asked sweetly. "What about?"

"Those Power Brats. And why we never could defeat them."

"They cheat."

"They do not cheat, we cheated. And it still never worked, and you know why?"

She sighed and decided to play along. "No, why?"

"Because we insisted on playing with them, that's why."


"Think about it, Rita. We could have defeated them many times if we'd quit with the elaborate schemes and just gotten rid of them. Remember the Wizard of Deception?"

"Yuck. Don't remind me."

"We had Tommy right where we wanted him! He was weak, barely conscious... the Wizard could have killed him and been done with it. But no, we had to create another evil Green Ranger, and let Tommy live so we could have the pleasure of seeing him defeated by his own blah blah blah...." Zedd rolled his eyes and sighed again, resting his metal-plated head on the window.

"So... what are you saying?"

"I'm saying we should just kill the brats and have the Earth for ourselves, Rita. Forget the plans, forget the monsters, let's just go with good old fashioned homicide."

"What about the Machine Empire?"

"They're on vacation, they won't know til it's too late."

"But... but they're all different Rangers now Zeddy."

"Same concept," he said calmly. "It won't be half as much fun, but it'll get the job done."

Rita shrugged and sank into the seat next to him. "Are you sure Zeddy? I mean... getting there is half the fun...."

"I know... I guess I just stopped having fun."

"Yeah... Guess so."

They sat in melancholy silence.

* * *

"Here ya go, Jason," Ernie said quietly. "One peach-orange smoothie. Wanna talk about it?"

Jason lifted a pair of red-rimmed brown eyes and tried to smile. "Naw, thanks anyway Ernie."

The portly man nodded. "You know where to find me." He retreated back to his spot behind the counter.

Jason sighed and lifted the glass in a solitary toast. "Bottoms up," he muttered unenthusiastically, and downed half of it in one gulp. He put the glass down and waited. The pain started behind his eyes- a dull burning ache. He shut his eyes and lifted clenched fists to the sides of his head. And then-

"BRAIN FREEZE!" two voices chorused.

He peered up with half-blind eyes at the blurred forms in front of him. One was wearing green, the other wore red. "Hi Tommy... Adam," he managed.

The two boys took seats opposite him. "Enjoying yourself?" Adam asked, half-seriously.

Jason shut his eyes again and grunted in response. He could practically feel the worried look that passed between his friends.

"Haven't seen you much this week," Tommy noted. "What have you been up to?"

Jason didn't bother to answer. He just shook his head, motioning vaguely to the half-full smoothie in front of him.

"I think he wants us to wait," Adam joked, "Until the effects have worn off."

"You want some fries Jase?"

He shook his head.

"'Kay. Adam?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Tommy stood and headed over to the counter. Adam picked up Jason's smoothie and took a sip. "Oh that's good. What flavor?"

"Peach-orange," Jason murmured, eyes still closed.

"Never seen you order that flavor. I thought you liked wild cherry-mango."

"Yeah well... I get this sometimes."

"He gets it when he's upset," clarified Ernie as he placed two baskets of french fries on the table. He ignored the dirty look Jason threw his way and continued. "Only been three times.... First time was a while back... something to do with Tommy, I know that... you guys had some kind of fight, and he disappeared for a while. And then right before you left for the Peace Conference, and now...." He shrugged. "Keep an eye on him, Adam."

"I will," Adam promised as Ernie walked back to the counter.

Jason scowled. "Why can't he mind his own business?"

"'Cause he cares about you," Tommy answered from behind Jason's chair, startling him. "You know he has a soft spot for you."

Jason smiled a little. "Yeah... Billy too."

Tommy snickered as he took his seat and dug into the fries. "I think he has a crush on Billy."

That made Jason laugh, despite himself. "Okay, okay... stop it."

They were quiet for a while, Tommy and Adam munching on their fries, Jason staring into his drink. "What happened with Tommy," Adam finally asked quietly.

"What? Oh, that."

"Huh?" Tommy looked confused.

"Ernie said there've only been three times Jason's ordered a peach-orange smoothie. The first time-"

"It was after Tommy lost the Green Ranger powers," Jason interrupted quietly. "I felt kinda guilty."

"Oh." Adam flushed slightly and nodded. "Billy told me a little about all that."

"We both felt guilty, man," Tommy put in. "I still can't believe all the stuff I did."

"Let's not get into that again, it's ancient history," said Jason, slightly irritated.

"Okay," Tommy agreed quickly.

There were another few minutes of silence, and then... "If you don't mind me asking," Adam said hesitantly, "Why the second time? Before the Peace Conference?"

Jason sighed. "Oh you know... leaving everybody and everything behind. It's a hard decision to make."

"Yeah...." Adam sighed a little himself. "I know. I mean, I still don't know what's happening after this summer. We're graduating soon...."

Tommy nodded. "I know. We'll figure it out."

"Yeah." Adam lifted his head and looked Jason straight in the eye. "So what is it this time?"

Jason look started. "What?"

"The smoothie. Why now?"

Jason looked away. "Oh. It's... Emily dumped me, is all."

Adam dropped the ketchup bottle. "What?"

"She dumped me. Decided she liked Eddie better after all. No biggie."

"Oh... Oh man, I'm sorry...."

"Don't be." Jason stood abruptly and headed for the door. "I'm not."

"Jason, wait...." Adam stood and reached as if to stop him, but Jason just kept walking.

"I'll see you guys later."

* * *

Jason pushed his way out of the juice bar and was halfway through the parking lot when the tears came. He cursed angrily and swiped at his eyes, glaring at the ground. It was stupid of him to have trusted her in the first place, he thought. _Serves me right for letting my guard down._

It had come out of nowhere, really. They'd been on a date, just shopping, laughing, and talking, and on the way home she'd gotten that serious look in her eyes. And then those fateful words. "We need to talk."

He'd been so calm and understanding about it right then... he'd just smiled and nodded, then hugged her and told her it was all right. The second she was out of sight, though....

Jason growled to himself and thrust his hands deep into his pockets. In his distress, he never heard the person creeping up behind him.

His world exploded in pain and color as something slammed into the back of his head. Jason grunted as he fell, and instinctively rolled over to try to get to his feet. He was dizzy, however, and never made it to his feet. He opened his mouth to scream, but there was another blow to his head, then another.

Jason knew he had only one last chance. He lifted his communicator to his mouth and was about to activate the emergency call, when his attacker administered a crippling blow to his elbow. He heard the snap and could only watch in bleary confusion as his arm fell limply at his side. The dark form above him raised an arm for the killing blow. The last thing Jason Scott saw was the light of the street lamps glinting off a pair of metal cones.

* * *

It happened quite suddenly. Zordon of Eltare felt a sudden surge of power, and then a strange emptiness. "No...." he whispered, almost despite himself.

Alpha Five looked up at him curiously. "Zordon...?"

The robot's unasked question was answered, however, as the Golden Power Staff suddenly appeared in the middle of the Power Chamber, hovering in a field of unearthly light. "Jason...." Alpha whispered.

Zordon spoke grimly. "Place the Power Staff in a stasis field, quickly."

Alpha hurried to do as he was told. Zordon mourned the loss of one of his favorite pupils.

* * *

Tommy Oliver had felt fear more times than a seventeen year old should ever imagine. Now, though, was worse than any of those times.

It was cold in the waiting room of Angel Grove General Hospital, even though he was flanked by four of his closest friends. One of his friends, however, was conspicuously absent.

Katherine Hillard shivered and clutched his arm tightly. "How could this have happened?" she said, mainly to herself.

Next to her, Tanya Sloan shook her head mournfully. He'll pull through.... He has to."

Adam bit his lip nervously. "This doesn't make sense. This doesn't happen in Angel Grove. People don't do things like this.... Not here."

No one had a response.

Rocky glanced over at Jason's parents, who were seated close to the doors to the Trauma Unit, into which their son had disappeared almost an hour before. The were clinging to one another for support, praying that their only child would pull through.

As if on cue, a harried doctor burst out of the Trauma center and approached the Scotts. The Rangers snapped to attention, barely breathing, straining to hear what the doctor was saying. The words weren't audible, but Mrs. Scott's actions were clear. She burst into tears.

"No...." Adam whispered. "No way...."

Tommy leap out of Kat's arms and ran to them. "Mrs. Scott... what's going on? Is Jason...?"

"No, no...." She grabbed him in a hug, startling them all. "Oh God, Tommy, he's alive. My baby's alive."

* * *

Lord Zedd turned to his wife, who was sitting morosely in the passenger seat of their Winnebago. "Why didn't you just finish him off?" he asked calmly.

"I did, kind of.... It's not my fault those doctors brought him back! Besides, he's out of commission, right?" She was babbling. "Can't we just send down a monster? It's not the same!"

Zedd sighed. "All right... we'll have one last hurrah. An evil ranger. But we have to kill the original. Deal?"

Rita considered, chewing her lip thoughtfully. "One last hurrah...."

Zedd nodded.


Power Chamber....
"...Do you accept the responsibility and honor associated with the gold powers?" Trey of Heart asked.

"I do," came the answer.

"Then take the staff," instructed Trey of Courage, "And become the Gold Ranger."

He reached out his hand and grasped the staff, and the power flooded through his body. When it was all over, the Gold Ranger stood tall before them.

Rocky cleared his throat. "Um... I thought you said you couldn't get those powers."

Billy Cranston removed his helmet. "I know what I said. I lied."

Adam stepped forward. "But why? You could have-"

"I just... didn't feel like I deserved them."

"But-" Tommy began.

"That doesn't matter now," Billy interrupted. "I'll hold these powers until Jason's well, but only til then." The Rangers nodded grimly.

"Welcome back to the team Billy," Katherine said quietly.

* * *

Lord Zedd sighed to himself and drummed his metal-plated fingers against his jaw. "Damn."

"Billy's back," Rita said unnecessarily.


"Should we clone him?"

Zedd shook his head. "Been there, done that."

"Tommy and Kat too, made 'em evil, copies galore...." Rita added. "Been done to death."

"So who? Rocky?"

"Well... How about Adam? I like Adam."

"But remember, we have to kill the original."

"Oh right. Well then... I want... the yellow one... what's her name? I don't care if we kill her." Rita shrugged.

"All right." Zedd nodded his agreement. "The yellow one. Shall we go?" He linked arms with his wife and they teleported to Earth.

* * *

The Power Chamber's alarm began to shriek. Billy turned with a frustrated sigh. "Oh. Wonderful."


"Right," Tommy nodded. "It's morphin' time!"

"Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

"Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

"Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

"Zeo Ranger Four, Green!"

"Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

Billy just jammed his helmet back on his head. "Let's go."

* * *

"Zeddy, they're here!" Rita laughed, and began firing bolts of energy at the Rangers.

"Whoa!" Billy flipped out of the way of a bolt that subsequently destroyed an oak tree. "Watch it!"

"Hi Billy," Rita sang gleefully. "Welcome baaaack!" Another bolt of energy narrowly missed him. "Did you like our present?"

"What present," he asked, nimbly avoiding her attacks.

"Why if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be here!"

Billy froze. "Jason...."

"Billy! We need help!"

Billy whirled around to see the other rangers surrounded by Tengas and Putties. All of the others except one. "Where's Tanya?"

"Over here, Gold Ranger," came the answer.

Lord Zedd had Tanya on the ground, his staff pointed at her throat. "And you're too late to do anything about it!" A bolt of light shot out of the staff and engulfed Tanya in cracking red lightning. She screamed in pain and terror.

"No!" Adam shouted from across the field. "Tanya!"

As soon as it started, it was over. The Yellow Ranger stood next to Lord Zedd, hands on her hips. But Tanya, demorphed, lay at his feet. All action stopped.

"T... Tanya?" Adam asked tentatively.

"Yes," growled the Yellow Ranger, "And no." With a gleeful cry, she leapt into the air and kicked Adam full in the chest.

Rita hurried over to Zedd. "Well? They're all occupied with that clone. I guess now's the time."

Zedd looked down at Tanya, who shifted slightly and moaned. "Yes," he agreed thoughtfully. "It is time." He lifted his staff high above his head and prepared for the killing blow. "Goodbye... Tanya." The staff swung into its downward course.

"Kyuh!" Zedd was suddenly knocked aside by a blur of green.

Rita shrieked and jumped aside, watching in shocked silence as the Green Ranger beat the crap out of her husband. "Don't... You... Ever... Touch... Her... Again!" Each word was punctuated with a well-placed blow from an armored fist.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, the Evil Yellow Ranger was not faring well against the rest of the Zeo Rangers, and the Gold Ranger had somehow teleported the unconscious Tanya away while the Green Ranger distracted Zedd.

"Uhmm... Zeddy?"

Zedd glanced over at her from beneath the enraged Green Ranger. "Yes, dear?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I think so...."

"This is fun."


"I like fun."

"So do I."

"There we're agreed?"

Zedd laughed. "Agreed!" And he and his wife teleported away just as the Evil Yellow Ranger exploded in a brilliant display of colors.

Adam stretched out his cramped limbs and yawned widely. He heard Billy chuckle beside him, but ignored it. "You'd do the same thing if it was your girlfriend," he countered.

"I know," admitted Billy, "It's just funny."

Tanya stirred and opened her eyes, smiling when she saw Adam above her. "Hi."

He leaned over and kissed her gently. "How are you?"

"I feel pretty okay. You?"

Adam eyed his bandaged hand. "Zedd has a very hard face."

Billy snickered again.

"Well, it's your own fault for going berserk like that," Tanya scolded.

Adam rolled his eyes. "Yes, mother."

Billy stood as well, and looked down at Tanya. "You'll be fine in a few days," he told her, "You just need to rest. Your body still needs to replenish the energy Zedd stole from you when he made that clone."

Tanya sighed. "But I'm bored."

Adam grinned shyly. "I think I can help with that."

Billy flushed. "I think I'll... go see Jason."

It was Adam's turn to laugh.

* * *

When Billy arrived at the hospital, he found Jason sitting up, attempting to flip though a magazine with his good arm. "Hey," he greeted him, and Jason looked up, startled.

"Oh, hi Billy! How are ya?"

Billy shrugged. "Okay I guess. I'll be better when you're out of here."

Jason nodded. "You and me both, bro." He paused. "So are you gonna tell me why you lied about... the powers?" He whispered the last bit, in case anyone happened to be passing.

Billy sighed. "I told you, I didn't feel like I deserved them."

"That doesn't explain a thing and you know it."

"Well, I-"

Billy was saved further explanation as Emily walked into the room. "Jason...?"

Jason paled slightly. "Em...."

She approached the bed slowly, and for the second time in less than ten minutes, Billy felt extremely out of place. "I, uh... should go...." he fumbled. "Rocky's probably... at the Youth Center.... uh... bye."

Halfway to the Youth Center, his communicator chimed. "Ai-yi-yi, Billy! Rita and Zedd are at it again. They have erected a large 'Welcome Home Gold Ranger' sign in the middle of the business district, and there are seven monsters playing loud disco music and trashing the place! Ai-yi-yi!"

Billy rolled his eyes. "Oh boy... this should be fun."
