Disclaimer: Not mine, Saban's. This is set fairly early in Zeo. Billy hasn't graduated yet. It gives a different slant to all of Zeo. This is dramatically different from anything seen on the show, both plot-wise and, to an extent, character-wise. You have been warned. I rate it PG-13 for violence and sexual situations. It's not really meant for anyone under the age of 13, at least, due to the sexual content. It's not graphic by any means, but it is somewhat adult. And yes, this is a pretty big stretch from what I normally write. You might be thinking to yourself, "His mind is in the gutter." Well, I'm a nineteen year old male. My mind is in the gutter. So, you've been warned. Proceed with caution. Viewer discretion is advised. Oh yeah, and Ellen, I'm eternally grateful for your invaluable help in writing this. And Akiko, psychoanalyze me to your heart's content. 8^)

A Different Shade of Zeo
by Jeremy Ray Logsdon

"I'm sorry, Kimberly," Tommy whispered.

Kimberly closed her eyes briefly to force the tears away. "It's okay," she said inaudibly. _No it's not okay! Why?!_

"I really, really think this is for the best," Tommy said.

"Are you going to tell the others, or should I?" Kimberly asked after a long silence.

"I don't know," Tommy said as he shifted the phone to his other ear.

"Would you please te-tell me why?" Kimberly asked.

"We're on different coasts, Kimberly," Tommy said. "We can't have a relationship like this. We should just break up now and not be tied down."

Kimberly said nothing as she looked at the boxes around her apartment. _I'm not gonna tell him. I'll let him find out when I come home._ "Okay," she said. "Whatever...."

"Kimberly, please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not," she said woodenly. _I'm too hurt to be mad._

After their awkward phone conversation came to an end, Kimberly wrapped her arms around herself and cried. She had decided to quit Coach Schmidt's training program to come home for Tommy, only to have him call her the night before she went home to be dumped. Kimberly told herself over and over that it wasn't a big deal, but that only succeeded in making her cry harder. Three thousand miles away, Tommy was feeling the exact same emotions, and crying the same bitter tears.

Three Days Later....
"Kimberly!" Katherine shouted.

"That's her?" Tanya asked.

"Come on," Billy urged. He and the two Rangers, the only ones that knew of Kimberly's return to Angel Grove, ran across the bustling airport to their chestnut-haired friend.

"Billy!" Kimberly shouted upon seeing her old friend. With a cry of her own, she dropped her luggage and rushed to meet him. _Maybe returning to Angel Grove won't be so bad after all. I'll get to see my other friends._

Katherine was next in line to give Kimberly a hug. "How was Florida?"

"Dull as dirt," Kimberly said. "I have never been so tired of gymnastics in my life. Billy, are you sure your parents mind me staying with you all for a while? I hate to impose."

"No, we don't mind," Billy answered. "We've got a spare bedroom just waiting to be filled."

"Hi," Tanya said, stepping to the forefront. "My name is Tanya."

Kimberly smiled and gave the virtual stranger a hug. "I'm sure we'll be good friends," Kimberly said truthfully.

"I have heard so much about you from Tommy," Tanya told her. Kimberly's smile immediately dropped off of her face, although she attempted to hide it.

"Kimberly?" Billy asked.

"Tommy dumped me," Kimberly said dryly.

"What?" Katherine asked in shock.

"He dumped you?" Billy echoed in awe. "Why didn't he tell us?"

"I don't know," Kimberly said. _Let's change the subject before I start bawling again!_ "Let's go get something to eat and talk about... anything else. Okay?"

Billy, Tanya, and Katherine looked at each other. "Okay, Kim," Billy spoke for the three of them. "Let's get your bags and go."

* * *

Adam and Tommy collapsed roughly at the Juice Bar. "Man, I'm wiped," Tommy complained. Adam nodded in agreement as he sipped his smoothie.

"Where are the others?" Rocky asked as he ran up to them.

"The girls and Billy went somewhere," Adam said. "I don't know where though." He paused for a moment and looked over at the forlorn Red Ranger. "Tommy? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess," Tommy said. Rather than get cornered into a conversation he wasn't ready to have, he jumped off of his stool and ran over to the punching bag.

"Something's wrong with him," Rocky murmured. Adam nodded in agreement.

* * *

"You're gonna have to see Tommy eventually," Billy told her.

Kimberly sighed and pulled the pillow in her arms even closer. "I'll see him tomorrow at school," Kimberly said. "C'mon Billy. I've only been back in Angel Grove for six hours. I'm not ready to see Tommy yet."

"Don't think badly of him, Kimberly," Billy said. "It sounds to me like he was doing it for you." Kimberly immediately shot him an icy look. "Sort of...."

"I have spent the last two days so hurt all I could do was cry," Kimberly growled. "Now that I'm back in Angel Grove, though, I am so mad... I don't even know if I can face him without...."

"I wish I knew what to say," Billy said. "I'm just... not... good with relationships."

Kimberly slid off of the bed and sat down beside Billy with a thump. "I don't know why you aren't," she whispered. "You're very handsome, you've got those bedroom eyes...."

"Kim," Billy said, half-stern half-bemused.

"Maybe you can help me," Kimberly said thoughtfully.

"How so?"

"Tommy dumped me," Kimberly said. "And Tommy is gorgeous. He's going to have women all over him now that he's free."

"I don't follow," Billy murmured.

"I want to make him jealous. I want to make him regret ever dumping me."

"That's pretty spiteful."

"Are you willing to help me or not?"

"You want to make Tommy jealous? How?"

"By showing up with a new boyfriend," Kimberly said, slipping an arm around Billy's. "Who just happens to be Tommy's best friend." She leaned close to Billy and gave him a very gentle peck on the lips. "Do you get it now?"

"You want me to... date you?"

"Yeah," Kimberly said with a big smile.

_Kimberly Hart wants to date me? Thank you God!_ "You want to date me?"

"Uh huh," Kimberly nodded. "Whaddya say?"

"I say yes."

"Good," Kimberly said with a grin. "Now don't you worry about anything. I'll take care of the whole ordeal. I don't want Tommy to be mad at you."

"So, I basically just... do what you tell me to?"

"Right," Kimberly said. "You don't mind, do you?"

"I guess not," Billy said thoughtfully.

* * *

"Kimberly?!" Rocky cried.

"Yeah!" she shouted back.

He dropped his books and darted at her. With a squeal, she leapt into his arms and spun him around in a hug. "What are you doing here?!"

"I moved back!" she cried. "Now put me down."

"Kimberly," Adam said happily as she moved on to give him a hug. "Tommy will be so happy to see you. Does he know yet?"

Tommy suddenly stepped up to his locker. He glanced over at Kimberly, and did a quick double-take. "Kimberly?"

"Hello Tommy," Kimberly said coldly.

"Let's go, Adam," Tanya said, taking his hand and pulling him away.

"You too, Rock," Katherine murmured, yanking the Blue Ranger away roughly.

"Watch it," Rocky complained as he was drug away.

Billy was immediately at Kimberly's side.

"Hey Tommy," Billy said warmly.

"Yeah, hi," Tommy said, still shell-shocked at Kimberly's sudden reappearance. "Kim, what are you doing back?"

"I decided to move back home about a week ago," Kimberly said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tommy asked. "Uhm, Billy? Would you mind leaving us alone?"

"Don't go, Billy," Kimberly told him forcefully. "I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you. But, it looks like you surprised me, instead."

"If I had known you were coming home, I would have never, ever broken up," Tommy said. "I thought I was doing the right thing. I just... figured you had met some guy in Florida but weren't seeing anyone because I was keeping you tied down. Take me back?"

"No," she said in a voice devoid of emotion.


"I've already got a new boyfriend," she said. "I'm sorry, Tommy. C'mon Billy." She took the former Blue Ranger's hand in hers, and they walked off to their first class.

With a sick moan, Tommy leaned against his locker. "I'm such an idiot...."

* * *

"It was so great to be back," Kimberly as she, Adam, Billy, and Rocky sat at their old usual table in the Youth Center. "I didn't realize how much I missed all of my friends. I even missed Miss Appleby."

"We're glad to have you back," Billy said, giving Kimberly a very warm smile.

"I'm sorry, but I still can't believe you and Tommy broke up," Rocky sighed.

"Believe it," Kimberly told him with a determined look on her face. She leaned over to Billy, flashed him a pleading look, and gave him a quick kiss. "Billy and I are dating now."

"Dude, that's like me or Adam dating Aisha," Rocky said. "Too weird."

"We've known each other our whole lives," Kimberly said. "You aren't going to find two people closer than we are. It had to happen eventually. Right?"

"Right," Billy agreed.

"What does Tommy think of it?" Rocky asked cautiously.

"Personally, I couldn't care less," Kimberly affirmed.

"Hey, there's Tommy now," Adam said.

"Let's go, Billy," Kimberly said.


"Please?" Kimberly asked.

"All right," Billy said. "If Tommy saw us, tell him I had to tutor somebody."

"Okay," Rocky relented.

"Thanks," Kimberly said as she and Billy slipped out the back.

* * *

"Kimberly, I know you're mad at Tommy," Billy said, "but you can't do this forever."

"Just give me time, Billy," she requested. "Okay? I'm still jet-lagged."

"Okay," Billy agreed. "Tommy really did love you, Kim. He thought he was doing the right thing."

"No," Kimberly said firmly. "If he loved me, he would not have broken up with me."

Billy sighed. He leaned into Kimberly and pressed his lips to hers. _What the-?_ Kimberly thought as Billy kissed her. Unsure of what to do, she found herself kissing him back. It was then that the realization hit her. _Billy thinks we're really dating! What have I done?!_ When Billy broke away from her, Kimberly forced a happy smile, but quickly looked away. _I've got tell him, but I don't know how. I can't hurt Billy! What am I gonna do?!_

With another phony smile, she allowed him to take her hand as they walked through the park. _Why couldn't I have picked somebody like Bulk or Rocky? Somebody with thick skin. Geez, this is going to break his heart!_ She tried her very best to keep a happy face, while mentally she ran through the many possibilities of how to break up with Billy. Nothing she could think of was going to turn out good.

Later Monday Night....
"Kimberly?" Billy asked, knocking on her bedroom door. "You seemed distracted earlier."

"Huh?" she asked, raising up to look at him. "Oh. I've just been thinking about... stuff."

"Oh," Billy said. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," she said, sitting up on her bed. "Come on in."

"Kim, I was thinking...."

"What about?"

Lowering his voice, Billy said, "We probably shouldn't tell our parents that we're dating. They might think it's weird since we're living in the same house."

Kimberly started to tell Billy everything, but instead blurted, "I agree."

Billy smiled, so completely smitten with the thought that Kimberly Hart was actually his girlfriend, he didn't even consciously notice her odd behavior.

Wednesday Morning....
Kimberly quickly acclimated herself back into the society of Angel Grove High. She managed to avoid Tommy at every turn. She wasn't able to use Billy to make Tommy jealous, for fear of hurting Billy's feelings any worse than they were going to be when he found out the truth. Katherine and Tanya were the only two who knew of her predicament. "You're gonna have to tell eventually," Tanya said. "The longer you take, the more it's going to hurt Billy."

"I know," Kimberly said. "Aw geeze. I really don't want to hurt Billy. I just don't see him the way he wants me to see him."

"He has such a crush on you, Kimberly," Katherine said sadly. "Billy is on cloud nine. Tell him the truth now, before it's way too late. Besides, Billy is pretty smart. He'll figure it out sooner or later."

"Man, I have messed up," Kimberly chided herself. "I shouldn't have ever tried to hurt Tommy! I'm going to end up hurting a good guy instead."

"Tommy is a good guy, Kimberly," Katherine said.

Kimberly sighed and nodded in agreement. "I know. I was just mad. But lately, I've been feeling so sorry over myself because of Billy, I haven't had time to stay mad. Or hurt. I just feel... wooden."

"Do you want Tommy back?" Tanya asked. "Because all you have to do is say the word...."

"Maybe later," Kimberly sighed. "I've got to take care of Billy first."

"What do you mean?" Billy asked, suddenly appearing beside them.

Kimberly slammed her locker door shut in a panic and stared at him. "Uhm...," Kimberly stammered.

"Girl talk," Tanya covered for her. Kimberly smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Good, I hope," Billy said with a smile. Tommy suddenly walked up between Tanya and Katherine with Rocky and Adam in tow.

"Hey guys," Tommy said. Kimberly took one glance at Tommy, and then at Billy. Without a moment's hesitation, she reached up to Billy and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Tanya's face immediately dropped into a frown. She and Katherine exchanged a look, and then turned to Tommy. His face was immediately broken by a pained grimace, although he desperately tried to hide it with a weak smile.

When Billy broke away from Kimberly, it didn't take him more than a second to realize something was very off. He was beet red from his public display of affection. He would have expected Kimberly to know that a kiss, especially a kiss like that, in front of his friends would have absolutely mortified him. He took one look at Tommy, though, and realized just what had happened. "I don't believe you," he spat.

"Billy," Kimberly began, reaching out to touch his hand.

"You were serious Sunday night?" he asked. "I thought you were...." With an angry shake of his head, he ran off.

"Billy!" Kimberly cried after him. "You don't understand!"

"Sounds to me like he hit the nail pretty square on the head," Tanya said angrily. Her eyes glared angrily at Kimberly, but rather than give the girl a piece of her mind, she ran after her distraught friend. "Billy! Wait up!"

"What's going on?" Rocky asked.

Biting back tears, Kimberly pushed through the three guys and ran in the opposite direction. Tommy, Rocky, and Adam turned to look at Katherine. Kat started to say something, but instead put her hand up to say forget it, and walked away.

* * *

Tanya darted into the courtyard, out of breath. "Billy?" No answer. She looked around and finally saw him sitting at an out of the way bench. Shouldering her backpack, she strode over to him. "You should be on the track team."

"Tanya, I don't feel like talking right now."

"So you just want to sit here, feeling sorry for yourself, thinking bad thoughts about Kimberly and women in general, keep it all bottled up inside, and eventually lose your mind?"


"Well, that's not how I work," Tanya said. "Billy, I know you feel awful now, but Kimberly really didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know," Billy said, never once taking his eyes off of his feet.

Tanya slipped an arm around his shoulders and whispered, "She feels horrible. Worse than you do. Now I can't explain what just happened in the hallway. That was low. In fact, Kimberly Ann Hart has got a very high position on my Shit List right now. But it still remains, she has felt horrible since Monday night. She thought she knew you were just pretending to be her girlfriend to get back at Tommy."

"Shit List? I've never heard you cuss before."

"Until just this minute, I haven't heard you cuss before either," Tanya countered.

Billy sighed and said, "Tanya? Have you ever had a crush on somebody since kindergarten, and then start dating that person, have them kiss you in public, in front of people, and then have it turn out to be a big joke?"

"No," she said simply. "I haven't."

"Then you don't understand."

"But I do know what it's like to be abused," she said. "I know what it's like to have people not like you for no good reason."

"What on Earth could anybody have against a person like you?" Billy asked.

"That's what I love about you, Billy," Tanya said. "There are some very simple things you just don't get because they just don't make sense to you."

"I don't... follow..."

Tanya took Billy's hand in hers and held it before him. He just shrugged. "I'm black, Billy!" Tanya finally cried. "Some people hate me because I have darker skin than you do. The same thing happens to Adam because he's oriental. You can't even imagine some of the looks we've gotten in public when people realize a black girl is dating an oriental boy."

"And I guess it hurts like hell."

"More than you can imagine."

"But those people don't claim to be your friends. Those people don't pretend to like you...."

"Kimberly is your friend, Billy," Tanya said. "That's probably why she thought she could use you. You wouldn't stop loving her. I'm not even going to start on the fact that she was trying to hurt Tommy, I'm just saying that she used you because she knew that you two have a bond unlike any other people I've seen."

"I guess," Billy relented.

"I know it sounds like I don't like Kimberly...."

"You just said she's on your Shit List."

Tanya smiled and said, "And I don't, right now. But I'm not going to totally disregard her. I just don't know her very well. Talk to her sometime. Heck, you live in the same house. You'll have to talk to her eventually."

"I'll talk to her after school," Billy promised.

"Good," Tanya said. "Why don't you talk to Tommy, too?"

"Do you think Tommy and Kimberly will ever start dating again?"

"I don't know," Tanya murmured. "I do know of one person who really hopes they don't. Well, two people, actually."

"Who?" Billy asked.

"You'll see," Tanya said. She gave Billy a kiss on the cheek and ran off to class.

* * *

"Of course I'm not mad at you, Billy," Tommy said. "There's nothing you could do to me that would make me mad at you."


"Really," Tommy said. "Billy, you are my best friend. I've known you longer than any person in this school. Even if you were dating Kimberly, I wouldn't be mad."

"But you don't know why we were pretending," Billy sighed.

"I figured it out, Billy," Tommy said. "I personally don't think I deserved it, but I can understand why Kimberly is so mad. And I can understand why you helped her. I had a friendship like you have with Kimberly before I moved to Angel Grove, too. Her name was Mary Grace. I would have given my life for that girl. But, she never paid any attention to me. I was just a friend to her. If the opportunity had ever arisen to boost myself up in her eyes, I would have taken it."

"You don't think badly of me?"

"Never," Tommy promised. "You're a true friend, Billy. It's gonna take more than that to make me forget it."

Billy started to leave, but turned back to his long-haired friend. "Tommy? Are you going to try and get Kimberly back?"

Tommy thought about it for a moment, and finally answered, "No. If she wants me back, I'll go, but I'm not going to try. Oh, and Billy, I don't mind about that either."

Billy blushed red and nodded his thanks. He didn't know why he was still so enthralled with Kimberly, especially since he was pretty upset with her at the moment. But he wanted to make absolutely certain that if the situation arose, he wouldn't be hurting Tommy again.

* * *

"Billy!" Kimberly yelled from across the duck pond. "Stay right there!"

Billy sighed. He had hoped to meet Kimberly on his own terms, but she had found him. He made his way over to a very worn rock that people often used as a seat. _Don't act like a child, but say everything you want to say. Don't give in as soon as she flashes those big, brown... eyes... Stop it! Don't give in!_

Kimberly ran up to him, red-faced and out of breath. "I have run all over this city looking for you."

"I've been around...."

"Billy, I'm going to just say what I wanted to say," Kimberly began. She sat down on the rock and turned to face him. "Billy, you are my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt you. Ever. Ever! I thought you knew that I was just pretending. If I had known that... well, if I had known that you had a crush on me, I would never have even brought it up."

"Oh God," Billy moaned, burying his face in his hands.

"No," Kimberly said, "I think it's sweet."

"You do?"

"Yeah," she said. "Please don't be mad at me."

"I... you kissed me this morning like that in front of everybody, just to hurt Tommy!" Billy cried. "I've talked with Tommy. He didn't deserve that."

"I know," Kimberly sighed. "And I intend to talk to Tommy. Eventually."

"Are you all gonna make up?"

"I don't think so," Kimberly answered. "I don't feel like being with him, romantically, anymore. I doubt he'd have much to do with me now, anyhow. I really messed up."

"Don't say that, Kimberly."

"No, I did. What's that old saying? Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned?" Billy smiled weakly and nodded. "I was just so... mad at him, all at once, I didn't know what to do. Now, everybody is mad at me. Tanya thinks I'm the biggest jerk to grace Angel Grove, you don't think as much of me, and Tommy... I've just screwed everything up."

"I don't think less of you," Billy promised.

"Thank you," Kimberly whispered.

_Didn't I have something to say? Dang it! Oh well..._ "Kimberly, can we go out Friday night?"

"Hmm?" Kimberly asked, raising her eyebrows.

"N-never mind...."

"No," Kimberly whispered to him. "I'd love to. It sounds like fun. Are we talking about a date, though, or just two friends going out?"

"Uhm, two friends?"


"Okay," Billy sighed.

Friday morning....
"Billy," David Cranston said, gently shaking his son awake.

"Huh?" Billy sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. "What's going on?"

"There's been a family emergency," David said.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing too serious. Your mother's aunt slipped and broke her hip. Rebecca wants to go spend some time with her."

"In Chicago? Aunt Bernice?"

"Yeah. It's pretty spur of the moment. Will you and Kimberly be okay here by yourselves?"

"We'll be fine," Billy murmured. "When will you be back?"

"I'll probably be back Sunday afternoon," David told him. "We need to go though. If you need anything...."

"We know where to reach you," Billy affirmed.

Friday afternoon....
"Billy, calm down," Rocky said. "You're making me nervous."

"I'm sorry," Billy said, setting his cup down with a clink. "I just... I can't believe that... Kimberly is going to the movies, with me...."

"You've never been to the movies with her?" Adam asked.

"Well sure, but not on a date."

"Are you sure this is a date?" Rocky asked nervously.

"Well, nooo... but still..."

"You all should come with us later to the horror movie marathon," Adam suggested. "It starts at 10:15 at the multiplex."

"We might just do that," Billy said.

"Can I ask a question that's bothering me?" Rocky asked.


"Don't you find it even a little weird that the person you are dating tonight is living with you, and your parents won't be home this weekend?"

Billy snorted his smoothie and stammered, "What?! What do you think is gonna happen Rocky?"

"Just making small talk," Rocky sighed.

* * *

"I can't believe I'm nervous!" Kimberly cried.

"I think this is more than just two friends going to the movies," Tanya said.

"Mmm hmm," Katherine agreed.

"Maybe," Kimberly mused.

"Uh huh," Tanya said with a grin. "I don't think Billy's the only one with a crush on an old friend."

Kimberly paused to ponder the possibility of Billy as more than a good friend. A lop-sided grin crossed her face before she could stop it. "Maybe," she said again.

* * *

Several hundred thousand miles from the Earth, King Mondo watched the lives of the Power Rangers unfold beneath him like a soap opera. "KLANK!" the metallic dictator shouted. "Get in here!"

"Aye, yer majesty," Klank said as he hustled into the main throne room.

"I want a serum to make the former Pink Ranger's emotions and hormones become super-sensitive," King Mondo demanded.

"How so, sire?"

"If she's mad, I want her furious. If she's laughing, I want her deliriously happy. Think you two can handle that?"

"I believe we have such a serum in our databanks," Orbus informed him. "When do you want this made, your highness?"

"How about... now?!" King Mondo bellowed.

"Right away," Klank said hurriedly. "Come along, Orbus." The two quickly ran away from the raging mad machine.

King Mondo chuckled to himself. If he knew Red Ranger like he thought he did, then what was going to happen tonight would destroy his heart tomorrow morning. And Kimberly could finish the rest, later.

* * *

Several Cogs tiptoed down the hallway past Kimberly's room. She leaned out into the hallway and looked around. "Nothing," she said to herself. She turned to go back into her bedroom and found a silver face right before her. Before she could scream, the Cog lashed out at her with a thin needle. It pierced her flesh, and the sedative in the needle immediately took effect.

"Ay, excellent work, Cogs," Klank said. He ran a scan over her body, and once satisfied that the serum was working, pulled a small golden device from his own pocket dimension. "My little Pink Ranger," Klank whispered, holding the golden rod before her face, "you won't remember a thing." A white light flashed onto her face, and the short incident with the Machine Empire was forgotten. She woke up and finished getting ready for her date with Billy.

10:04 p.m....
Billy and Kimberly walked toward their house in the brisk autumn air, both dressed very casually and laughing. "We have to do this again some time," Kimberly sighed.

"Yeah," Billy agreed. "I had a lot of fun."

"Uhm? Billy? It's been a really long time since I've been on a first date. Are we supposed to kiss or something?"


"That was as smoothly as I could bring it up," Kimberly said with a sheepish grin. She stopped walking, as did Billy, and the two regarded each other for a moment.

"Huh?" was all Billy could manage again.

"I want to kiss you, Billy. Besides, should we make our first date symbolic."

"Yeah," Billy said. "I guess we should. Do you want to... right now?"

"We can..."

"Okay. Uhm, do I kiss you, or do you kiss me, or...?"

"I think we kiss each other."

"Okay," Billy agreed. He bent close to Kimberly, and she met him halfway. She was suddenly savagely passionate, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He returned the kiss as best he could, although he was no match for Kimberly. A few moments later, they broke away, both out of breath and smiling. "That was pretty nice," Billy murmured.

"Yeah," Kimberly agreed. "It was. Have you ever wonde-... Never mind."

"Wondered what?"

"Nothing," Kimberly said. "Just forget it."

"I've wondered about it, too. Would you...."

"Like to?"

"I don't know. I think I probably would. Would...?"

"Uh huh," Kimberly nodded. "I think so. But is it too soon? Wouldn't this make us easy or something?" _Please say yes, please say yes. God help me, Billy, if you don't say yes I'm gonna have to rape you...._

"I don't think so," Billy said. "We've been best friends forever. It's sort of like we've been dating for twelve years."

"Well, that's not too soon."

"Not at all."

"If we do... want to...." _Don't act too eager. He'll suspect something..._


"Yeah, talk, then we'll need... supplies."


"Supplies," she repeated. Billy stared at her blankly for a few moments. "Unless you already have some."

"Oh! Supplies. No. I've never... talked before, so I've never bought any."

"Me neither," Kimberly said with a shy laugh, and then blushed a shade of red as deep as Billy's typical embarrassed color.



"Are you sure you want to... talk?"

"I honestly don't know. Part of me says yes, part of me says no." _YES YES YES! For the love of God, YES!_

"Me too."

The two regarded each other in silence for a few moments. "I know what we can do," Kimberly said. "You go get what we would need, so if we decide to talk..."

"We can. And if we don't want to, we don't have to."

"Right." _We're gonna talk, Billy. We are gonna talk for a looooong time..._

"There's a drug store near here," Billy said. "Do you want me to go...?"

Kimberly nodded her approval. "Give me the keys, and I'll go ahead and run home."

"Okay," Billy said, taking the keychain from his pocket and handing it to her. He bent down to her, gave her one last kiss, and then ran off.

* * *

Billy ran into the drug store and made his way to the personal supplies. His eyes widened at the display before him. "Large? Medium? Hmm, no wonder there's not a small. What man in his right mind would buy that?" He picked a green box and looked at it curiously. "What the hell are pleasure dots?" He glanced over the assortment before. _Let's see. Thin is good, super thin is better, I guess. Super sensitive? Where does that fit in the scale? I wish they made birth control pills for men. That would be so much simpler than this._ Closing his eyes, he reached out and grabbed a box. "Trojans? Three-pack, super sensitive, ribbed for her pleasure." He held the box thoughtfully for a moment, and then traded it for an identical twelve pack. _Better safe than sorry._

He hurried to the front of the store and set the box on the counter. Billy yanked his wallet out and waited impatiently for the clerk to come up front to ring up his embarrassing purchase. "I'll be there in a sec," an all-too familiar voice said. He heard footsteps approaching the counter, and the same voice said again, "We're normally not open this late, but I'm waiting for some friends to show up." Billy groaned uncomfortably as Rocky stepped up behind the register. "Hey Billy," Rocky said happily. "Is this all- oh...."

"Yeah," Billy said frantically, looking down at the ground. Rocky moaned uncomfortably as he attempted to scan the box. The bell rang, and another person came into the store.

"Hey Billy!" Adam called.

"Oh God," Billy groaned, wanting to just disappear.

"We're about to go to the Horror Movie Marathon. You and Kim gonna come?"

Rocky snorted in spite of himself. "Noooo," Billy droned.

"You have other plans?" Adam asked.

"Something like that...."

"Billy?" Adam asked cautiously. His eyes then fell on Billy's purchase. He, too, turned beet red and looked away.

"It won't scan," Rocky grumbled. He turned the box over and began to enter the UPS code by hand.

"Protection is good," Adam said.

"Yeah," Billy agreed woodenly.

"Yep," Rocky added. "Safe sex or no sex. One of these days I'd like to try the other one." Billy moaned again and stared at the wallet in his hands. "I'm sorry, Billy," Rocky said. "It's not scanning. Let me go run back there and check the price."

"Forget it," Billy said hurriedly. Taking a twenty dollar bill from his wallet, he slammed it down on the counter and grabbed the box from Rocky's hands.

"Thank you, come again," Rocky said.

Billy, as red as Tommy's wardrobe, ran for the door. Suddenly, a tall muscular body was before him, and Billy slammed into it. "Whoa, slow down," the body said. "You dropped this." Billy watched in horror as Tommy bent down to pick up the infamous box. Holding his breath, his eyes scanned Tommy's face for any weird quirk. Tommy glanced at the box and then handed it back to him. "Here," Tommy said, turning slightly red in the process.

"I have to go," Billy said hurriedly as he tore out of the building.

* * *

Billy's face was still red as he entered his bedroom. Kimberly sat on the edge of his turned-down bed. "Hi," she said.


"Did you get it?"

"Uh huh."

"Can I see it?"

Billy paused, and then said, "Why don't you tell me exactly what it was I was supposed to buy, because if we're thinking of different things, I really embarrassed myself."

"I was talking about condoms," Kimberly told him bluntly.

"Oh, good," Billy said. He handed her the box and quickly excused himself to the bathroom. _After all, if things go how I hope they do, I'm not gonna want to take a bathroom break...._ He turned his overhead lights off as he came back in the bedroom. Kimberly was reading the back of the box intently in the light from his night table lamp.

"How expensive were these?"

"Twenty dollars."

"What? You're kidding."

"Long story," Billy said, sitting down on the bed. "So?"

"So," Kimberly murmured. "You've never done this before?"

"No. You?"

"No. Nope. Not me. I'm still pure."

"So, I don't guess you know what to do."

"Not really," she said. "I mean, I know the basic mechanics, but I don't really know how we start. You know?"


"I guess we could kiss, and see what goes from there." Closing her eyes, she bent towards him and met him in a gentle kiss. The gentle kiss quickly elevated itself into a passionate kiss that put their previous kiss on the sidewalk to shame.

Billy pulled Kimberly closer and rolled onto his back. She traveled with him, and they lay on the bed, still fully clothed, but in each others arms. "Mmmm," Billy sighed as she pulled away. "That was nice."

"Yeah," Kimberly agreed. They stared at each other for a few moments before kissing again.

Saturday morning....
Billy woke up with a happy sigh. _Oh wow. That was the most amazing dream I've ever had._ However, as soon as he realized that he was not wearing his usual pajamas and there was a warm lump in bed pressed against him, he knew that it was anything but a dream. It had started out a bit awkwardly, and frantically, but the night had soon escalated into the most memorable time of his short seventeen and a half year life. They had broken two condoms due to Kimberly's fingernails and Billy's trembling fingers before anything was accomplished in their frantic attempts to get one on, but they had eventually figured the simple device out. The rest of the night, though, had been everything he had hoped his first time would be - sensual, beautiful, loving, and the most pleasure he had ever felt. Repeatedly. Kimberly was more energetic and into it than he would have expected, and he almost had a hard time believing that it was her first time.

"Mmm?" Kimberly sighed. "You awake?"


"I can't believe we did this," Kimberly said, turning over in bed to face him.

"You don't regret it, do you?"

"No," Kimberly breathed, pressing a hand to his chest. "Not at all. Do you?"

"Never," Billy said. "But...."

"What is it?"

"There's something I have to know," Billy said. "And whatever the answer is, I won't be mad, or hurt."

"Okay," Kimberly promised.

"There were an awful lot of I-love-you's bandied around last night, and I need to know," Billy said. "Do you love me, like real love, or was last night just a fluke between best friends? It's fine if it was, I just need to know."

Kimberly's answer was a slow, sensual kiss. "Is that an answer enough, or do I need to elaborate?"

"Well, a little elaboration would be nice," Billy said teasingly.

Kimberly eagerly obliged.

* * *

"As much as I'd love to stay here all weekend," Billy moaned, "if I don't get out of bed and get dressed, I'll never get anything done."

"Yeah," Kimberly agreed. "When do your parents come home?"

"Dad will be here tomorrow afternoon," Billy answered.

"Don't think I'm a slut or something, but we should make our time count," Kimberly said. "Tonight is going to be it for a while."

"Yeah," Billy agreed. "Are we going to tell our parents?"

"No," Kimberly said hurriedly.

"I meant that we're dating," Billy said with a lopsided grin.

"Oh," Kimberly mused. "I don't know. They might think it's weird, since we are living under the same roof. If you remember, our big selling point in letting me stay here was that we're like brother and sister."

"Eew," Billy complained. "Nasty mental image."

Kimberly elbowed his ribs and sighed. "We'll give it a little time. I doubt they would understand how we could start dating in just one week."

"You have only been here one week, haven't you?"

"Yeah. And what a week." Kimberly smiled warmly and nestled even tighter against his body. "Well, we can figure out all of the fine details later," Billy said, kissing the side of her neck.

"Yeah," Kimberly agreed dreamily. "Later. But first...."

* * *

Billy finally managed to get away from Kimberly around noon. She had finally overexerted herself and fallen asleep. He felt dirty just leaving her alone in his bed, but if he had stayed and slept with her, the way things were going, he would have never escaped.

"Have fun last night?" Rocky asked with a sly grin as Billy approached him and Adam in the Youth Center

The teen blushed and sat down with a thump. "Well, yeah." He blushed a darker shade of red.

"Oh yeah," Rocky said, taking his wallet out. "Here's your change."

Billy took the folded up bills and stuffed them into his pocket. "Thanks. Tommy... well, did he say anything about... it, last night?"

Rocky and Adam traded a glance. "He didn't really mention it," Adam stammered, "but I think it sort of bothered him."

"Man," Billy groaned, running his hands through his hair. "He and Kimberly still haven't talked yet. Where is he?"

"We haven't seen him since last night," Adam said. "We were late getting in. He might still be asleep."

"I'll probably catch up with him later," Billy sighed.

"Billy!" Kimberly cried, popping up beside him. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving. I was soooo worried."

"I'm sorry," Billy said. "I didn't want to wake you."

"Don't worry me like that again," Kimberly chided sternly. She took his chin in her hand and tilted his face to hers. She caught his lips in a passionate kiss. Still kissing him, she straddled his hips and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Rocky and Adam looked at each other wide-eyed. Kimberly slid a hand up beneath Billy's shirt and began to kiss a path down his neck.

"Uh, Kimberly," Billy stammered, pulling away from her. "We're in public."


"So, we're in public," Billy said, red-faced.

"All right, all right," she relented, climbing off of him and sitting in the chair next to him. "Later though." Adam blushed beet red and looked away.

"Kimberly, are you all right?" Rocky asked warily. "Of course I'm all right," Kimberly said. "Why? Do I not look okay? Oh my God, is something wrong?"


"It's just-," Kimberly began, and then started to cry, "I just got really worried when you asked me if I was all right, because if I wasn't all right, then that would mean something is wrong."

Billy, Rocky, and Adam looked at each other. "Come on, Kim," Billy said. "Why don't we go home? I think you could use some rest."

Kimberly nodded happily and immediately stopped crying. "Okay, Billy," she said. "We'll catch you guys later," Billy said.

"I think my mom was right," Rocky mused as the two teens left. "Pre-marital sex does cause insanity."

* * *

"Billy, last night was amazing," Kimberly gushed. "It was the best night of my life."

"Mine, too," Billy agreed.

"Oh my God," Kimberly said. "I had sex last night. Over and over." Billy raised his eyebrows questioningly at her. She suddenly burst into tears and sobbed, "I gave up my virginity. Oh my God! I'm not pure anymore!"

"Kimberly, what is wrong?" Billy asked. "You're really starting to scare me."

"Oh no Billy, I don't want to worry you," Kimberly said. She gave a bright smile and said, "I wouldn't want to worry you for anything. Why don't we go home, and... talk?" She giggled at herself, and then began laughing hysterically.

"Kimberly?" Billy asked cautiously. "What is wrong?"

"What do you mean, what's wrong?!" Kimberly yelled. "Can't a woman express herself without scaring everybody around her! Huh?!"

"I-I'm... sorry?" Billy tried, horribly confused.

"That's okay," Kimberly said. "I love you, ya know."

"I love you, too," Billy whispered. _I'm just worried that you've lost your mind..._ Kimberly looked up and down Billy's body and smiled. Leaning in close, she whispered, "Let's go back home...."

* * *

Tommy took his frustrations out on the punching bag angrily. _Kimberly never would lay a hand on me,_ he griped mentally. _Lo and behold, she comes home for a week and screws Billy!_ "I thought I was doing the right thing by breaking up," he grunted outloud.

"And what makes you think that?" Kimberly asked, leaning against the doorframe to Tommy's room.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy asked, reaching for a tanktop to put on.

"Don't bother," Kimberly growled. "I've seen you without your shirt before."

"Did my mom let you up here?"

"You're the only one home, Tommy," Kimberly said. "Why did you dump me?"

"I thought I was doing the right thing," Tommy countered. "Why should I have kept you tied down?"

"Because we were happy," Kimberly snarled. "I didn't care that you were on the other side of the country. We were happy. Do you know how I felt when you broke up?"

"Do you know what I felt like?" Tommy asked. "Do you really think I was dumping you so I could find another girl? No. I broke up because I didn't think it was fair to keep you tied down when only God knew when we'd see each other again."

Kimberly's eyes flickered angrily, and her fingers curled around the switchblade in her front pocket.

"Kimberly?" Tommy asked warily.

She yanked the knife from her pocket and flipped it open. Screaming wildly, she lunged at him with the knife high above her. He grabbed her wrists and wrenched the knife from her grip. She lashed out at him with a side kick, catching him in the groin and falling him to his knees. She recovered the switchblade in one quick movement and towered above him. Kimberly pressed the cold blade against the side of his neck and muttered, "Rot in hell, you son of a bitch."

Tommy lurched forward, using the element of surprise to his advantage. She fell onto her back, and the knife once again left her hands. He crawled over her and attempted to get away. She drew her knees up and launched them into Tommy's unprotected stomach. He gave a dry heave and rolled away. Kimberly scrambled for the switch blade. Her fingers closed around the black handle and she lashed back at Tommy. The silver tip caught his chest, and though the wound wasn't deep, it was long. Blood began to flow down his chest and abdomen, but Kimberly wasn't finished.

"NO!" Billy yelled, teleporting in just in time. He wrapped his arms around Kimberly and pulled her away.

"LET ME GO!" she shrieked. "I'VE ALMOST GOT HIM!"

"STOP IT!" he cried at her. He took the knife from her hands and turned her to face him. "He's not worth it." He kissed Kimberly deeply and tossed Tommy a wadded up note, unbeknownst to Kimberly. "Come on. Let's go back home."

"Really?" she asked, suddenly smiling.

"Yeah," Billy said. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his communicator. They both melted into a stream of white light. Tommy gingerly touched the wound on his chest. It wasn't too deep, and it was too fresh to hurt much. He quickly unfolded Billy's note, hoping it would explain something.

Teleport to Power Chamber. Have Alpha set up stasis field around my bed. I'll keep Kimberly occupied as long as possible. Scan for spell. -Billy

* * *

"What the hell is going on?!" Tommy bellowed angrily as he teleported into the Power Chamber. "Kimberly just tried to kill me, Billy insulted me, and I'm bleeding."

"Tommy?" Alpha asked. "What do you mean?"

"Kimberly just came in my bedroom and tried to kill me," Tommy said plainly. "And Billy gave me a note that said to scan for a spell."

"On Kimberly?" Alpha asked.

"Alpha, please scan Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy for a spell," Zordon said.

Tommy started to protest, but the look on his mentor's face made him keep his mouth shut. He waited impatiently as a red line of light traced up and down his body. A few moments later, the results came back as he expected. Negative. "Now to scan Billy," Alpha said happily. He punched in a few controls, and waited for the results.

* * *

"I don't want you to kill Tommy," Billy moaned. _Stop doing that! You're driving me wild!_

Kimberly's lips brushed lightly against the base of his neck. "But he hurt me," Kimberly said, kissing a line up his neck and across his jawline. "He made me mad."

"If you kill Tommy, then you'll be arrested and go to prison and I'll never see you again," Billy said as though he were speaking to a child. "I don't want that to happen."

"I hadn't thought about it that way," Kimberly said. She stopped kissing him long enough to pull his shirt up over his head.

_Hurry up and do something, Alpha!_ Billy mentally screamed. His efforts to merely detain Kimberly long enough to run a scan on her were proving futile, and if she didn't stop what she was doing to him soon, Billy feared he would publicly embarrass himself on the viewing globe. He suddenly felt the familiar tickle of a scan. He looked up, and wondered if he was directly in the viewing globe's sights. "Hurry," he mouthed, just in case. Kimberly started to take her shirt off, but Billy quickly stopped. "No," Billy said.


Billy's mind worked frantically for an excuse. "Let's get under the covers."

Kimberly smiled her approval.

* * *

"Alpha, you had better do something, quick," Tommy said. He winced at the sight of Billy and Kimberly on the viewing globe. He didn't like the fact that his best friend and ex were sleeping together. He certainly didn't intend to watch it.

"Billy is clean," Alpha said. "Scanning Kimberly."

* * *

Kimberly wiggled out of her clothing beneath the covers and tossed them to the floor. Billy grinned nervously. His body and mind were telling him two very different things. _ALPHA!_

Suddenly, Kimberly winced. "Billy?" Kimberly asked, looking up. Billy quickly jerked the covers up over her bare back. "Why was I just scanned?"

"Hmm?" Billy asked, feigning ignorance.

"I just felt a scan," Kimberly said firmly. "Billy Cranston, what did you have Alpha do?"

"I'm worried that you're under a spell," Billy said cautiously. _Dear God, don't let her get mad at me, too..._

"But I'm not evil," Kimberly said sadly. Tears began to slide down her cheeks.

"Honey, it's not your fault if you are," Billy said, wiping away her tears with his thumb.

"But what if I'm not?" Kimberly asked. "What if I'm not under a spell? What'll happen to me then?"

Suddenly, a stasis field was set up around the entire bed. "You must be under a spell," Billy whispered. He reached out his hand to brush the stasis field. A white flash of light spread out on the field where his fingertips touched it. "See? A stasis field."

"We can't get out, can we?" Kimberly asked. Billy shook his head. "That means we can't get my clothes, right?"

Billy looked over the edge of the bed. Kimberly's shirt and bra lay just outside the stasis field. "Nope." Kimberly blushed beet red and covered her face with her hands. She began to breathe heavily, and was just short of tears.

"No, Kimberly," Billy said. "It'll be okay. We'll just stay under the covers until Alpha... does something."

"Right," Kimberly groaned. Suddenly, white light flashed all around them, and they were immediately teleported to the Power Chamber. "Oh, God...."

"Just stay under the covers," Billy whispered to her. Louder, he asked, "What's the verdict Alpha?"

"It appears that Klank has injected some type of serum into her blood stream," Alpha told them. "Although I don't have this particular serum in our databanks, it appears that it has made her hormones and emotions hypersensitive."

Billy looked at the trembling teen beside him in the bed. She was terrified. So far, he had seen an extreme display of many different emotions - fear, joy, humor, hatred, anger, shyness, and... "Sexuality," he murmured. Groaning, he buried his face in his hands. "She's gonna hate me when she's back to normal and knows what we did."

"Billy?" Alpha asked.

"Nothing Alpha," Billy groaned. "Would you synthesize Kimberly and me some shirts?"

"Fix me one, too, Alpha," Tommy sighed.

* * *

Five minutes later, Kimberly and Billy sat in the middle of the bed, still surrounded with a stasis field. They each wore a slightly oversized flannel shirt, one in pink and one in blue. Billy realized that it was the first time in a very long while that he had worn blue, and he also realized that he missed his color more than he would have thought. Tommy was currently having his chest wound tended to by Alpha while the computer looked for an antidote to Kimberly's serum. "It's not deep, Tommy," Alpha told him, "so it should heal just fine." Alpha handed him a red flannel shirt, which he promptly put on.

"Billy, I'm scared," Kimberly whimpered, pressing herself against his chest.

"Trepidation," Billy whispered to himself.


"Nothing, Kim."

Tommy walked over to the contained bed. "Are you okay, Tommy?" Billy asked.

"Getting there," Tommy said feebly. "Kim? Are you-"

"Don't you dare talk to me you son of a bitch!" she screamed suddenly.

"She's still a little bit angry," Billy said sympathetically.

"Oh wow," Kimberly said. "I actually feel sorry now. I'm sorry Tommy."

"It's o-"

"But I'll still gut you like a fish if you step close enough," she threatened, quite seriously.

"Uh oh," Alpha said slowly.

"Alpha?" Billy asked.

"There isn't an antidote!" Alpha cried. "The serum has already worked itself into her cerebral cortex!"

"What does that mean?" Kimberly asked, suddenly confused.

"It's a part of you now, Kimberly! There isn't a cure, because it's worked itself into your brain!" Kimberly looked at Alpha, and then burst into tears. Wailing uncontrollably, she buried her face in Billy's chest.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her against him. "We'll find a way to stop this, Kimberly," Billy whispered. "Somehow...."

* * *

Kimberly slept on the bed, still contained in a stasis field. She was physically, mentally, and emotionally drained since every emotion she felt was greatly magnified. Billy and Alpha were trying their best to find a cure for Kimberly's problem, although they were having little luck. Suddenly, alarms began to screech, loudly and painfully. Kimberly jumped up in bed and shrieked at the top of her lungs with her hands clamped over her ears. "It's okay, Kimberly," Billy said, running up to the bed. He leaned against the stasis field and pressed his palm against it as though it were a pane of glass. Kimberly mirrored the move on the other side.

"It startled me," she whimpered. Her eyes quickly ran up and down the length of Billy's body, and she immediately had a savage look in her eyes. "You know," she whispered, twirling a strand of hair around her little finger, "we never did do what we said we were gonna do this afternoon...."

Suddenly, the Power Chamber began to shake, prompting Kimberly to start screaming again. "What's going on?!"

"Billy!" Alpha cried. "A ship of some sort is landing near the Zord Holding Bay."

"Alpha, contact the Rangers," Zordon instructed.

"It's... a pyramid," Billy said in awe. "And..." His eyes immediately widened. "No way... I'll be right back." Billy teleported away in a flash of white.

* * *

As soon as the Rangers reached the Power Chamber, they immediately went into battle. King Mondo promptly sent down WolfBane, his newest creation. "Alpha, what's taking so long?" Kimberly whined. "Where is Billy?"

"I don't know, Kimberly," Alpha answered. "Aye-yi-yi, he went to intercept the pyramid that landed here, but I'm not getting any of his life readings, yet he isn't measured as dead. I don't understand it!"

* * *

"You guys!" Tanya cried. "Look!"

"What on Earth-?" Adam asked in disbelief.

A shimmering golden figure, seemingly composed to light, walked toward WolfBane. Immediately, the golden figure broke apart and coalesced into three forms. The center form became solid, revealing a Black Zeo Ranger with a golden shield. Another fragment changed into a female Ranger, wearing white with a silver shield, while the final, also female, became a Ranger wearing bronze armor with a black shield. All three had a triple bar as the visor.

"Three extra Rangers?" WolfBane asked. Throwing his metallic wolf-head back, he began to laugh wildly. "I can defeat eight Rangers as easily as I can defeat five!"

The three mysterious Rangers said nothing, but outstretched their right hands. A black and gold staff appeared in each hand, carrying the triple bar symbol at the top. "It's time for a gold rush!" the Black Ranger shouted. All three pointed their staffs at WolfBane. Before the wolf machine could attack, hundreds of tiny balls of golden fire burst from the staffs and surrounded him. In seconds, he exploded in a fireball.

The five Zeo Rangers ran up to the three new Rangers. "Who are you?" Rocky asked.

The three Rangers traded a glance, and Black Ranger answered, "A friend." They turned to walk away. Golden light began to glow around all three, and they merged into a golden being of light. The light immediately disappeared, revealing the lone male Black Ranger. A golden streak of light swooped out of the sky and ran across his body, and he immediately disappeared.

"Let's get back to the Power Chamber and see if Zordon has any answers for us," Tommy said.

* * *

The five Zeo Rangers teleported into the Power Chamber just as Billy ran in from a side entrance. "Alpha? Were you monitoring the fight?" Katherine asked eagerly.

"Zordon, the ship appears to be sentient," Billy said. "It let me in, although I didn't find any trace of a Zeo Crystal or its energy."

"Three new Zeo Rangers appeared in battle," Tommy said.

"What ship?" Tanya asked.

"Could somebody come back to Earth and pick me up because I am like totally lost?" Kimberly asked. She began giggling hysterically as soon as she said it. "Remember that, Alpha? That was the very first thing I said to you!" Alpha chuckled nervously and looked at Billy. The former Blue Ranger shrugged.

"They all had the same visor," Adam observed. "And the same basic armor, just different colorations of it."

"The three Rangers put themselves into... one Ranger," Tommy said, scratching his head. "It was weird."

"You said there was a ship," Tanya said.

"A golden pyramid landed just a little ways from here," Billy said. "And it was putting off an energy reading like that of the Zeo Crystals. I went to check it out, but didn't find anything."

"One crystal or three?" Rocky asked.

"Just one," Billy said, "but when I got there, not even that. I don't understand it."

"That might be why I didn't register your life readings. You entered the ship, which is currently putting off the Zeo energy signature again," Alpha informed Billy.

"I'll go check it out," Billy volunteered. "Maybe this time I'll have some luck."

"I'll miss you," Kimberly called as Billy teleported away. A few moments later, golden light filled the Power Chamber. The Black and Gold Ranger stood before them.

"Who are you?" Zordon asked. "Identify yourself."

"I am Gold Ranger," the black armored Ranger with the gold shield said. "I am an ally. That is all I can tell you to protect myself." He walked up to Kimberly in the stasis field. "I understand that you are having problems? Is that correct?"

"Yeah," Kimberly said, dejectedly. "Something in my head, or something. I don't understand Billy when he technobabbles, but that's the basis gist of it."

"I can help," Gold Ranger said. He summoned his black and gold power staff and held it out before Kimberly.

"Hey," Tommy said, stepping toward them. "Zordon? Do we just trust this guy?"

"Mind your own business, you bastard!" Kimberly screamed at him, causing several of the Rangers to flinch. Rather than waiting for Zordon to answer, Gold Ranger continued what he was doing. Golden light began to glow around the triple bar emblem of the staff. The gold light extended and wrapped itself around Kimberly. The gold light flowed through Kimberly's mind and body. Her body relaxed completely, and she collapsed in a heap on the bed. Her mind, though, was alive with energy. She quite literally felt golden beads of the magical energy from Gold Ranger's staff infuse themselves into her brain, seeking out the abnormality, and upon finding it, removing it. The golden light immediately subsided, and Kimberly sat up. "I think - I'm okay. Tommy, say something to me."

"Kimberly?" Tommy asked warily. He cautiously took a step closer to the bed. "Are you okay?"

Kimberly waited a few moments and then shrieked happily. "I don't want to kill you!" The stasis field around Billy's bed flickered away. "I'm back to normal!" Tommy took a step forward to hug her, but she put a hand up. "I'm still pissed," she muttered angrily, "just not homicidally." Turning to Gold Ranger, she said, "Thank you."

"You are very welcome," Gold Ranger said. A golden streak of light washed over his body, and he disappeared.

Billy suddenly appeared in the Power Chamber. "Alpha, I don't get it," Billy said. "Every time I go to the ship, the Zeo energy signature completely disappears!"

"I'm back to normal, Billy!" Kimberly cried happily. She ran up to her boyfriend and grabbed him in a bear hug. The events of the previous night suddenly descended upon her, and she stepped away, blushing. "Oh my God," Kimberly said slowly. "Billy, I'm sorry."

"Come on," Billy whispered. "We need to talk. Alpha?" The robot said nothing, but hit the controls that made the two teleport away.

* * *

Billy and Kimberly landed in his bedroom. Before either had a chance to say anything, his bed appeared in its spot. "We really need to talk," Billy said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Kimberly nodded in agreement and sat down gingerly beside him. "I-," Kimberly started, but didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry."

"The reason why you wanted to sleep with me is because you felt a mild sexual attraction. Right?"

Kimberly shifted uncomfortably. "I guess, although last night, it was anything but mild." At this admission, both teens blushed red.

"And I slept with you because it's something I've wanted to do since I was fourteen," Billy sighed, turning an even darker shade of red in the process.

"Really?" Kimberly asked. "That's-, well, it's not really sweet, but it's flattering."

"You aren't mad?" Billy asked. "I mean - I feel like I..."

"Billy, it wasn't either one of our faults," Kimberly sighed. "I was overly... active due to that serum, and you merely took the opportunity. I'm just glad it was you and not somebody I'm just attracted to."

"I don't guess you love me then, do you..." Billy said sadly.

"Of course I love you," Kimberly said, "just -"

"Not like you did last night, or this morning."

"I don't know, Billy," Kimberly sighed. "I honest to goodness do not know. Why don't we start dating, and see what happens."

"I can live with that," Billy said with a smile. "But-"

"I can't get it out of my head, either," Kimberly admitted shyly. "At least if it had been a real spell, my memory would be fuzzy." She realized somewhat awkwardly that she still felt a very powerful desire for Billy, and she feared it was directly related to her extremely intense and detailed memories.

"Things are going to be awkward around here for a while, huh?" Billy asked slowly.

"Yeah. I think so."

"Why don't you go talk to Tommy tonight," Billy suggested.

"Yeah," Kimberly agreed. "I guess I should get that over with. Thanks for being so cool about this, Billy." She bent over to him and gave him a very gentle kiss.

Billy resisted the urge to kiss her like he had last night. Last night, he had been bold and aggressive. Now, he felt like the loveless self-conscious geek he had been for the first seventeen and a half years of his life. With a sigh, he watched her walk out of his room to go talk with the man that still loved her. _At least we had last night...._

* * *

"Billy?" Katherine asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess," Billy sighed.

"You miss her already, don't you?"

"Kimberly and Tommy are gonna get back together, and I'm going to be totally forgotten," Billy groaned. "Again."

"Again?" Katherine asked.

"Long story," Billy sighed.

"Okay," Katherine said, returning her attention to the math book before her.

"Aren't you gonna ask?" Billy asked.

Katherine smiled and closed her math book. "You can tutor me tomorrow night, Billy," Katherine said. "Tell me everything."

"Have you heard about the time Kimberly and I switched places?" Katherine shook her head no, so Billy continued. "Back when we became Rangers, I had a machine that was supposed to let people read each other's minds. Well, something happened to it, and when Kimberly and I tested it out, our minds were switched. My mind was in her body, and her mind was in my body. "I spent about twenty-four hours in her body, while she was in mine. I was fifteen, and I was in a woman's body, so you can imagine...."

"Yeah, I can figure out the small details," Kat told him.

"Well, we finally got switched back. That's when I realized that I was in love with Kimberly. Things were a little bit awkward between us for a while, because of, well, everything that had happened. But, we were getting back to normal again, and I was going to declare my love for her, so to speak. But then, Tommy showed up, and he expressed a very real interest in her, and, well...."

"You dropped out of the picture."


Kat looked about her, despite the fact that she and Billy were completely alone in his living room. Once satisfied that there was no one to hear her, she said, "If I tell you this, you have to promise to keep it completely confidential."

"Of course," Billy promised.

"Well, when I was under Rita's control, she knew that I had a very strong physical attraction to Tommy," Katherine admitted. A red blush came to her cheeks at the admission she was about to make. "Rita knew this, and she took advantage of it. She created a magical mirror that allowed me to always see where Tommy was at, what he was doing...."


"No matter what he was doing. Showering, other stuff... And if he happened to be in the Youth Center's showers...." Billy immediately tensed up at that admission. If Tommy had bathed in the Youth Center's showers at the same time he was, and if they had been standing anywhere near each other... "So, you've seen-?"

"All four of you," Katherine admitted, turning beet red. "That's why it took me so long to make eye contact with anyone but Aisha. I had violated your privacy. Especially Tommy's." Billy didn't know what to say, but Katherine continued. "Let's go for a walk. There's something I need to show you."

* * *

Billy knew exactly what Katherine was going to show her as she led him up to her bedroom. "You kept it?" Billy asked in disbelief.

Katherine didn't say anything as she led Billy to her pink bedroom. She opened her closet and pulled a large black trunk out. "Little help?" she asked.

"Oh, sorry," Billy said as she struggled with the awkward trunk. He helped her get it on the bed.

She walked over to her bookcase, got out a nondescript book, opened it, and removed a silver key. "Close the door," Katherine whispered. Billy did as he was told. When he turned back, she had the trunk open. As far as he could see, all that was in the trunk was old clothes. However, she parted the clothing and pulled out a black parcel. "The mirror," she whispered. Turning it over, she motioned to the yellowed tape holding the black paper over the mirror. "I haven't looked at this since the spell was broken," Katherine promised. She slowly peeled the black paper back, revealing a chintzy gilded mirror. "And I had to keep it, because it can't be destroyed."

"Why are you doing this?" Billy asked.

"I don't know," Katherine admitted. "I just feel like you have a right to know what Tommy and Kimberly are saying, since you are more than likely a part of their conversation."

Billy looked at the mirror, seeing his own reflection. The view quickly changed, however, to a view of Tommy's bedroom. It were as though he was standing right beside the bed. Although they were both fully clothed, she was lying atop his body, kissing him passionately. "Oh God," Billy croaked, suddenly feeling very nauseous.

"Billy," Kat said, turning the mirror over, "I'm so sorry."

"I knew, it was over," Billy said in a voice that cut straight to Katherine's heart, "but, I wasn't expecting this."

Katherine took Billy's hand in her's. "I don't know what to say to make this better," Katherine said sympathetically. In actuality, the scene in the mirror hurt her as deeply as it had Billy. She had honest to goodness thought that she stood a real chance with Tommy. But now- She realized her thoughts had been very far off when she felt a pair of lips caress her own. With a soft whimper, she kissed the lips back, not even fully aware of who they belonged to or why it was happening in the first place. Billy suddenly pulled away. "I'm sorry," he said hurriedly. "I shouldn't-"

"It's okay," she whispered to him. Before either could say another word, she kissed him again. Billy slipped an arm around her back and pulled her closer to him. She made no move to resist him, for she needed a way to forget as much as he did.

* * *

"Tommy?" Kimberly asked, knocking on the door frame to his room.

"Kim?" he asked, looking up from his desk. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Tommy stammered nervously. "Please."

Kimberly smiled and walked into his room. "Uhm, I'm sorry for the whole murder thing earlier today," she said shyly.

"It's forgotten," Tommy laughed. He quickly reached over to the corner of his desk and turned down a silver framed photograph. Kimberly, however, saw what it was before he did.

"Spring Ball," she whispered. "We had fun that night, didn't we?"

"Yeah," Tommy sighed. "We did." He walked over to his bed and sat down on the very edge.

Kimberly felt awkward being the only one standing up, so she sat down next to him. "I know we need to talk, but I can't think of a single thing to say," Kimberly sighed.

"Why don't I start with an apology?" Tommy suggested. "I'm sorry."

Kimberly smiled at him sincerely. One look into his chocolate brown eyes, and she temporarily forgot that they had ever broken up. However, the events of the previous night suddenly came barreling down on her once more, and she was snapped back to reality. "Thank you," Kimberly whispered.

"If it's none of my business, just say so, but - are you and Billy dating?"

"Sort of are, sort of not," Kimberly said. "Things are a little bit awkward between us now."

"Because you made love last night?"

"Yeah," Kimberly nodded. "I feel like I raped Billy or something."

"I can almost assure you that Billy won't feel the same way," Tommy said. "He probably feels like he violated you."

"I hope he doesn't," Kimberly said. "I don't want to hurt Billy anymore than I already have."

"You are so beautiful," Tommy whispered. He slid a hand up her arm and caressed her chestnut mane of hair. Kimberly felt herself melt under his touch. _No! It's not supposed to be like this!_ Kimberly screamed to herself. _You're mad at Tommy!_ Suddenly, he leaned in close and kissed her.

_Forgive me, Billy,_ Tommy whispered to himself. Much to his delight, Kimberly kissed him back. Tommy pulled Kimberly into a close hug and rolled onto his back. Kissing him deeply, Kimberly's hands began to explore Tommy's body. His chest, his arms, his sides, and in doing so, found herself comparing him to Billy.

"This isn't right," Kimberly said suddenly, rolling off of Tommy.

"I'm sorry," Tommy said with a deeply embarrassed tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry, too," Kimberly said. "I've been very sorry for the past few days. I've hurt everybody."

"None of this is your fault," Tommy said firmly. "None of it."

"It's not your fault, either," Kimberly whispered in a barely audible voice. "I just can't -"

"I understand that you don't love me anymore," Tommy said. "I wish it weren't the case, but I respect your decision. Can we be friends?"

"I'd like that," Kimberly said truthfully.

* * *

"Blast those infernal teenagers!" King Mondo boomed. "Klank! Orbus! Get in here!"

"What are you planning, my darling?" Queen Machina asked, unfurling her fan.

"Red Ranger still has strong feelings for Kimberly!" King Mondo declared. "He must!"

"But Dad, you've already made Kimberly and that brainy guy get it on," Prince Sprocket protested. "What more can you do?!"

Queen Machina promptly smacked her son on the head with the fan. "Don't use language like that."

"He's right," Mondo said angrily. "Forget Red Ranger! He's not worth it! I'll contact the Varox, but first, we need something to lure the Gold Rangers up here. KLANK! ORBUS!"

"Cool!" Sprocket cried happily.

"You beckoned, yer majesty?" Klank asked as he hustled into the main room.

"Klank, prepare a platoon of our strongest Cogs to kidnap Kimberly. But first, send our best machine to distract the Rangers."

* * *

Billy moaned as Katherine's fingers danced across his bare chest. He moved closer to her and slipped her a deep kiss, which she eagerly returned. He looked in her eyes for approval, and once he found it, pulled her pink sweatshirt off over her head. His hands glossed over her breasts, still contained within her surprisingly lacy bra. "Gorgeous," Billy whispered.

His hands smoothed across her sides and onto her back. He planted a tiny kiss at the base of her neck, and quickly moved southward. His mouth caressed her chest and shoulders while his hands explored the rest of her body. "Are your parents home?" Billy asked suddenly, fearful that they might be caught. "Or Tanya?"

"Tanya's out with Adam," Kat sighed, "and Mum and Dad won't be in for hours."

"Okay," Billy moaned. "Do you want to-?"

"You know I really care about you Billy, right?" Katherine asked.

"Of course. I care about you too, Kat."

"And I trust you," she said. "When we were both Rangers, I trusted you with my life. Why not my body? Right?"


"We're just doing this to make us forget though, aren't we?"

"I guess we are," Billy sighed, pausing.

"I love you, Billy, just not love... love. You know?"

"I know."



"We're both hurting, Billy," Kat said. "And who knows? Maybe, if we do make love, we'll find something."

"So you still want to?"

"Yes. If you do? But, I should tell you, I've never... Well, let me say that where we are right now is as far as I've gone."

Billy looked at her with a loving expression and kissed her gently. "Last night was the first time I had done anything more than a kiss," Billy told her. "I don't know how... good... I am... but I'll be gentle."

Katherine laughed heartily at his wit. "So we're gonna do this?"

"I suppose so," Billy smiled. He found he was having a much harder time for the simple fact that last night, Kimberly had been the aggressor. She had made all of the initiations, and Billy had merely gone along. Tonight, he was the experienced one, and he suspected that all initiations were going to have to be made by him. _You do this and you destroy any hope of ever having Kimberly._

_You do this and you destroy any hope of ever having Tommy._

_But it doesn't matter, because Kimberly's in Tommy's bed now._

_But it doesn't matter, because you've never had a snowball's chance in August of having Tommy._

_Maybe Kat's the one._

_Maybe Billy's the one._

"Billy, I don't mind saying I'm a little scared...."

"Don't be," Billy whispered, kissing the side of her neck. "If it gets going too fast, or you're uncomfortable, just tell me to stop, and I will."

"Thank you," Katherine said.

Billy ran his hands down Katherine's arms, causing goosebumps to rise across her flesh. His fingertips danced along her shoulder blades and then smoothed down her back until he reached her bra. A deep moan slipped past his lips at the contact with her nearly bare back. Katherine moaned in concert with Billy. "Oh, Tommy," she sighed deeply. Billy's hands froze, and Katherine immediately tensed up as she realize her faux pas. "Oh God, Billy. I'm so sorry," Katherine said hurriedly, a look of pure horror in her eyes.

Billy groaned and sat up. "Don't be," he sighed. "We're doing this for the wrong reasons. I probably would have called you Kimberly before long."

Katherine sighed and sat up beside him. "Yeah, I know. This wouldn't be fair to either one of us."

"I'm sorry, Kat," Billy said softly.

They both immediately realized their dress. Katherine and Billy both blushed beet red, and she folded her arms across her chest. Billy quickly handed her her sweatshirt and turned his face away. He slipped his own blue flannel shirt on and quickly buttoned it up. "Is this going to make things weird between us?" Katherine asked.

"I hope not," Billy said. "You're a very good friend, Kat. I don't want to lose you like that."

"Good," Kat agreed. "Me neither." She pulled Billy into a tight hug.

"Have you really seen me naked in that mirror?" Billy asked.

"Yeah," Katherine admitted. "You just happened to be standing next to Tommy in the shower room, and, well... I'm sorry if that's worth anything." Billy chuckled and smiled sincerely. "It's still not very late," Katherine said. "Why don't we go to the Juice Bar?"

"Sure," Billy agreed. Before either could say another word, both of their communicators beeped.

* * *

Kimberly opened the door to the Cranston household and called, "Billy? Are you here?" When no answer came, she pulled the door to and stood on the porch. "Maybe everybody is at the Youth Center." Suddenly, a purple circle of light opened up in the front yard. Several silver and golden Cogs dropped out of the circle. "Oh my God," Kimberly muttered. These new fighters were definitely more than what she was used to. Unlike the Putties which had a comical appeal to them, or Tenga Warriors with an almost graceful fighting ability, these creatures were just pure evil machines. The Cogs looked at each other as though conferring, and then one, apparently the leader, cried, "Get the girl!"

"Not this girl!" Kimberly announced. Cogs immediately swarmed the steps leading to the porch. She ran to the side of the porch and leapt off of the railing, deftly missing the bushes. Several Cogs launched themselves at her, but Kimberly was quick to act with a powerful side kick to the nearest Cog's chest. Pain shot up her leg at contact with the heavily armored machine, but she did cause it to lose balance. It toppled over backwards, knocking two others Cogs to the ground. Gold light flashed past her eyes, and she glanced up to see a bronze female Ranger standing above her. "Bronze Ranger," Kimberly whispered.

"Do not be afraid," Bronze Ranger said in a voice with an interesting warble to it. "We are here to help."

Kimberly looked past Bronze Ranger at Gold and Silver Rangers fighting the Cogs. In a matter of mere moments, the two Rangers had completely dismantled the powerful army. The three Rangers with the same basic style of armor traded a glance, and immediately merged into one male Gold Ranger. "Who are you?" Kimberly asked.

"A friend," he answered before disappearing in a gold flash. The five familiar Zeo Rangers suddenly teleported all around her.

"Cogs were just here," Kimberly told them. "That guy, or guys, just saved me."

"What would the Cogs want with Kimberly?" Tanya asked.

"Guys, bring Kim back to the Power Chamber," Billy said over their communications system. "King Mondo obviously wants her for some reason. I don't think she's safe by herself."

* * *

"What would they want with me?" Kimberly asked, staring at the case holding her former Pink armor. "That's the million dollar question," Billy sighed. "King Mondo obviously has something big planned, and somehow, you are a key."

* * *

The Rangers easily defeated Mondo's latest, and the three extra Rangers disappeared just as mysteriously as they showed up. Kimberly stayed at the Power Chamber for a while after the fight, until Billy finally decided that it was safe for them to return home. "I really don't like this, Billy," Kimberly groaned as they sat in his living room, watching SNICK on Nickelodeon for lack of anything else to do. "Why would Mondo want me?"

"Lord Zedd tried to get you once," Billy said.

"I had powers then," Kimberly countered. "I'm just an ordinary, average teenager now. This is scary."

"Well, we've got Rangers this close," Billy told her, motioning to the white communicator on his wrist. Kimberly looked at the identical one of her wrist, and found some solace in that fact. Kimberly sighed and leaned back in the couch, trying to lose herself in the comedy of All That. No matter how hard she tried, though, she couldn't keep her mind from working overtime. At the forefront of her mind was the fear that Mondo wanted her, but what kept appearing the most often was the events of the night before. She could still feel everything the two of them had done, and she remembered being very much in love with Billy the whole time. _Why can't I still?! This is so unfair..._


"Huh?" she asked, snapping out of her self-induced stupor. "I asked you a question."

"I'm sorry, Billy," she said. "I was elsewhere."

"S'okay. I just wanted to know if you'd like to do something tomorrow. You know, walk in the park or something."

"Sounds like fun," Kimberly smiled.

"There's one thing I have to know, though," Billy said.

"Anything," Kimberly promised.

"Don't ask how I found out, and I promise I didn't see more than this, but I know that you and Tommy shared a pretty passionate kiss tonight."


"Don't ask," Billy repeated with a forced grin. "I just want to know if I'm... wasting my time."

Kimberly got out off of the couch and walked over to Billy's chair. Leaning in close to him, she made firm eye contact and said, "Yes, we did kiss, but no, nothing is going to happen between me and Tommy. Nothing, Billy, I promise. Tommy and I are friends now, but that's it."

"Do I stand a chance?"

"I think you stand a very good chance," Kimberly told him.

The two stood still for a moment, staring deep into each other's eyes, when they suddenly rushed toward each other for a passionate kiss. Billy pulled Kimberly into his lap and kissed her as deeply as he could. Kimberly realized almost ashamedly that she was hoping something would happen. She wanted to make love to Billy again, and this time she wanted it to happen without the serum. She wanted to know if it would be different if she actually were in full control of her sense. Her only dilemma, albeit a major one, was the fact that she wasn't as deeply in love with Billy as he was with her. Kimberly decided that if it happened, she was going to let it happen, but Billy was going to make all of the advances. She would just go along with it, and would make her emotional standing through the entire ordeal very apparent.

Billy had never been a big fan of romance novels, but he had heard the phrase "burning with desire." He had never been quite sure what that meant until that very moment. He wanted Kimberly. He wanted to experience every facet of her - the way she smelled, the way she felt, and countless other experiences. He just wished that Kimberly felt the same way about him.

"How far is this gonna go?" Kimberly asked as nonchalantly as she could.

Billy's face burned bright red. "I'm sorry."

"No," Kimberly said, "don't be sorry. I just want to know."

"I don't know," Billy sighed. "I'm not very good at this kind of thing. I'm used to you being the aggressor."

Kimberly smiled and pressed her forehead against his. "We're both new at this," Kimberly whispered to him. "And last night I wasn't really me."

"Do you remember it?"

"Every detail, but I can't get rid of the feeling that it wasn't me, you know?"

"Would you like to try it again, this time with it really being you?" Billy asked sheepishly, hoping beyond all hope not necessarily for a positive answer but that he had not mortified himself. Kimberly pressed a hand against his chest. His heart was pounding so hard she could nearly hear it, let alone feel it.

Her mouth worked itself into a crooked smile, and she breathed, barely audible, "Okay."

"Really? You don't mind that I love you and you don't love me back?"

"Billy, it's not that I don't love you back. It's just that I don't love you as much as you love me. Yet. That could change at any time...."

"You really want to?"

"I would like to know what it'll be like without some outside force affecting me," she whispered. "Now?"




Billy felt an excited tremor pass through his body. He was more excited right then than he had been at any point of the previous twenty-four hours. "Bedroom?"

Kimberly nodded her agreement.

* * *

Kimberly sighed deeply and pressed herself tighter against Billy's body. She relished in the feel of Billy's surprisingly strong arms wrapped around her body. She loved the full-body contact, and she was ecstatic over the feeling of pure bliss that filled her mind. It had been what she expected and more. It captured nearly every single emotion she had felt the night before without them being so overwhelming she nearly lost emotional control. Physically, it had been ever better, namely because they were both a bit more experienced. "Billy, it's turned into Melrose Place around here," she muttered.

"I don't mind," Billy murmured, burying his face in her hair and inhaling deeply. "You smell good."

"Apple shampoo," Kimberly whispered. _I feel like I could stay here forever..._

"I wish I could be here with you forever," Billy sighed, before realizing that he had admitted more to Kimberly than he would have liked to. "I'm s-..."

"No, stop it," Kimberly said sternly. "I like this, too. I was in love with Tommy, but this feels differently than that."

"There's something-?"

"I sure think so. I sure hope so. I think... I think I love you, Billy."

"No serum, nothing but you?"

"Nothing but me," she said.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that," Billy sighed. "I love you, Kimberly Ann Hart." Kimberly smiled warmly and snuggled even deeper against Billy's body.

Sunday Morning....
Kimberly yawned and swung her legs off of the edge of the bed. Who knew when Billy's father was going to come home, and she didn't want any parents to know the depth of their relationship just yet. _I'll tell 'em we've had sex after we've been married for ten years._ Just as her feet touched the floor, she realized what she had just thought. _Married? Do I intend to marry Billy? I mean, I know most people marry the person they love, but... wow....._ She looked over her shoulder at Billy's sleeping form. A smile crossed her face at the deluge of memories she experience just from the sight of him. _Mrs. Kimberly Ann Cranston? Not bad, I don't guess. Mr. Billy Hart. I like that better._ Smiling to herself, she quickly slipped on her oversized flannel shirt which fit her like a dress.

Just as she left his room, purple light flashed all around her. Numerous cogs dropped out of the dimensional rip. "Billy!" Kimberly screamed before attempting to defend herself.

With a slight cry of alarm, Billy sat up in bed. The familiar sound of Cog joints creaking came from his hallway. "Kimberly!" He darted out of bed, scooped up his boxers and jumped into them in one fluid motion, and darted out into the hall. Before he had a chance to make any advance toward Kimberly at all, a silver Cog pinned him against the wall. Purple light flashed all about them, and they were pulled to the Machine SkyBase.

* * *

Tommy awoke with a smile. He felt good. He hadn't felt that good since Kimberly left for the Pan Global games. The talk he and Kimberly had shared the night before was just the closure he had needed. Strangely enough, Kimberly's murder attempt hadn't done it, but their talk had. He crawled out of bed and walked over to the dresser. The first picture his eyes fell on was one of the Zeo team, plus Billy. His eyes immediately traveled to Katherine, and a smile cross his face. _Maybe...,_ he mused. Beep beep beepbeep beep beep.

Checking first to make sure that no parents or siblings were within earshot, he brought the communicator up to his lips and said, "I read you, Zordon."

"Rangers, please report to the Power Chamber immediately," Zordon boomed.

* * *

A few moments later, the sleep-disrupted Rangers were gathered in the Power Chamber. "What's the problem, Zordon?" Rocky asked, running a hand through his sleep disheveled hair.

"King Mondo is already at it, Rangers," Zordon told them. "He has kidnapped Kimberly and Billy."

"What?" Adam asked in awe before the other Rangers pummeled their mentor with questions about their friends.

"We do not know what the Machine Empire has planned," Zordon boomed. "Alpha, attempt to find a way to break through their alarm systems and teleport our friends out. Rangers, be alert. Mondo will no doubt send a monster to attack us at our lowest."

As if on cue, the alarms immediately began to sound. "Aye-yi-yi!" Alpha cried. "The Machine Empire has sent down StereoBot. He attacks with sound!"

"Let's go, guys," Tommy said. "It's Morphin Time!"

* * *

Two streams of golden colored light flowed into the Power Chamber. The two streams of light materialized into the Bronze and Silver Rangers. "We have received news that two of your allies are in danger," Bronze Ranger warbled.

"They have been kidnapped by the Machine King," Zordon told the mysterious Rangers.

"Can we help?" Silver Ranger asked.

"Where is Gold Ranger?" Alpha queried.

The two mystery Rangers looked at each other for a moment before Bronze Ranger answered, "He is being detained elsewhere."

"The Zeo Rangers are fighting the Machine Empire's latest, StereoBot," Zordon told them.

"Can you tell us precisely where your friends are being kept on the Machine SkyBase?" Silver Ranger asked.

"If you give me a moment, I should be able to pinpoint their location within fifty yards," Alpha told them.

"Do it," Bronze Ranger said. "We will rescue your friends ourselves."

* * *

"Mondo!" Billy shouted angrily. "What do you want with us?!"

"Don't get your boxers in a knot," Mondo taunted. "You are serving your purpose quite well, thank you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kimberly asked, attempting to pull her flannel shirt further down her thighs.

King Mondo just laughed in reply.

* * *

Golden lights darted from the Earth to the Machine Sky Base in a matter of mere milliseconds. The lights coalesced into two female Rangers with identical armor, differing only by their extreme colorations. "Where did Alpha tell us the two teens are being held?" Silver Ranger asked her counter-part Ranger.

"This direction," Bronze Ranger said in her distinct warble. They crept through darkened passageways, guided only by Bronze Ranger's uncanny sense of direction. "There they are," Bronze Ranger whispered excitedly to Silver Ranger as the crept around a corner.

"Will you cover my back as I attempt to break them out?" Silver Ranger inquired. Sticking her hand out, the golden Power Staff appeared in golden light.

"Certainly," Bronze Ranger promised, summoning an identical Golden Power Staff. Silver Ranger immediately hurried over to the bars.

"Billy!" Kimberly cried happily, pointing to their savior. Silver Ranger immediately put a finger to the lips on her helmet, shushing the Rangers. She touched the bars with her Golden Power Staff. Immediately, the bars disappeared, but as they did, a screeching alarm sounded.

"No!" Bronze Ranger cried, running up to Silver Ranger. "We have been found out!"

"Shall I take these two back to Zordon's care?" Silver Ranger asked hurriedly.

"Do so," Bronze Ranger told her firmly. "I will be close behind."

Suddenly, several black aliens shimmered into being all around them. "Varox?!" Silver Ranger screamed in an inquisitive tone.

"Hurry!" Bronze Ranger bellowed. "Get Gold Ranger and have him fly by in Pyramidas! I'll hold them off as long as I can!"

"There they are," King Mondo said as a holographic image of him appeared near the Varox. "Destroy the Rangers, take their powers, I don't care. But I've lured them here, and I will be expecting my due payment."

Silver Ranger wrapped her arms around the scantily clad Earth teens. "Can you mentally guide us to the Power Chamber?" Silver Ranger asked Billy. He indicated he could with a frenzied nod, and golden light swooped past all of them, leaving nothing in their wake.

"I thought we had killed you off, Varox scum," Bronze Ranger snarled, circling the heavily armored creatures.

"Ah, but it appears that you didn't," the head Varox taunted. "ATTACK HER!" Immediately, the other Varox rushed Bronze Ranger, and she promptly began to defend herself as best she could. Head Varox, meanwhile, turned to the holographic image of the blue and silver Machine King. "Mondo, we will take care of the Zeo Rangers after we've dealt with the Gold Ranger. Is Red Ranger fallen as you promised?"

"Ah, the blasted fool is more resilient than I gave him credit for!" Mondo bellowed.

"'Tis no matter," Head Varox assured him. "If he is resilient, then his death shall be all the more sweet."

"Do as you like," King Mondo said, "I just do not want any Rangers standing between me and the Earth! It is ripe for the plucking!"

* * *

Silver Ranger, along with her two traveling companions, landed in the Power Chamber just a few seconds later. "Kimberly, you and Alpha stay here and start scanning for the Varox in the memory banks," Billy instructed. "I think our friends are in danger. I'm going to run home and get something I need. I'll be back as quickly as I can."

"Teleport me some pants, would you?" Kimberly asked as Billy disappeared in a white teleport streak. A few moments later, a pair of neatly folded blue-jeans landed before Kimberly, who quickly pulled them on.

"Aye-yi-yi!" Alpha cried. "The Gold Ranger has just appeared on our scanners."

"Pyramidas is also leaving Earth," Kimberly said, as a connection clicked in her mind. _No... He couldn't be..._

* * *

Bronze Ranger grunted as a heavily muscled Varox leg connected with her midsection. She was quickly becoming tired, but she had to keep fighting. The other two Rangers depended on her. It was a well-known fact that the Varox Bounty Hunters desperately wanted the Golden Powers, and if she were to die in battle, they would have little standing in their way. Suddenly, Gold and Silver Rangers contacted her telepathically. "I'm on my way," she cried. Just as a Varox attempted to high-kick her through a wall, she disappeared in a stream of golden light.

"They are in Pyramidas!" a Varox cried, pointing to the sky above them.

"Varox!" Head Varox cried. "To your ships! We must destroy the Golden Rangers!"

* * *

Bronze Ranger materialized in the main cockpit of Pyramidas. "What is our plan?" she hurriedly asked Gold Ranger, seated behind the main controls.

"Take your cockpit," he said. "Pyramidas may have to engage the Tri-Fighters."

"Understood," Bronze Ranger said. She immediately left the cockpit and ran down a long corridor. She quickly descended a ladder and seated herself in the Bronze Tri-Fighter's cockpit. From her advantage, she could see the Varox approaching the massive Pyramid. Gold Ranger could handle Pyramidas effectively, but the Varox Bounty Hunters were well-known for the dirty fighting tactics. Pyramidas flew across the entire galaxy at break-neck speeds, effectively dodging the Varox. Several good shots were made, both by the Varox and Gold Ranger. Suddenly, Bronze and Silver Rangers were instructed to disengage. Pyramidas was quickly becoming bogged down with Varox that tried their best to cling to the mighty ship. The Bronze Tri-Fighter was ejected into space. Not more than a fifth the size of Pyramidas, and shaped like the triple bar emblem that all three Rangers carried on their helmets, it was still capable of taking down entire warships. The two Tri-Fighters immediately began to circle Pyramidas, shooting powerful blasts at the Varox Claw Ships. Suddenly, Bronze Ranger was rushed. She couldn't believe what was happening. The Varox had all redirected their attention at her Tri-Fighter. They could just as easily have chosen Silver Ranger, but they didn't. They chose her, and due to the fact that her Tri-Fighter was essentially the same size as the Claw Ships, Silver Tri-Fighter and Pyramidas were unable to help her.

Intense fear radiated through Gold Ranger's mind. He knew what was going to happen, and he knew what he had to do. It meant essentially sacrificing his own life, but he had no other real alternative. The Varox could not gain access to the Golden Powers. He sent his decision to Silver Ranger, who reluctantly agreed. Pyramidas turned all main weapon cannons to Bronze Tri-Fighter. Through her tears, Bronze Ranger realized what Gold Ranger was about to do. She told him that she understood, and braced herself for her untimely death. All main weapons blasted, simultaneously. The thirteen Varox Claw Ships exploded, while the Bronze Tri-Fighter broke into three crippled fragments, killing the last of the Varox and Bronze Ranger. Pain unlike any he had not felt in some time flared through Gold Ranger's body. Silver Ranger immediately took over. She called the three Rangers back together in one form. Immediately, she found herself in Gold Ranger's male body behind the main cockpit of Pyramidas. Bronze Ranger's dead body was merged with hers, but no thoughts came from her. Gold Ranger's thoughts were barely audible to her, for he was dying now as well. Crying silently, the single Gold Ranger summoned the Silver Tri-Fighter and the remains of the Bronze Tri-Fighter to merge with Pyramidas. With a grimace set on her/his/their face, she turned Pyramidas for Earth at hyper-light speed.

* * *

The Zeo Rangers teleported into the Power Chamber, congratulating themselves on yet another victory. "Zordon," Kimberly announced over their jubilations, "I can't track the Gold Rangers anymore. They've left our scanners. I'm getting a reading from Silver Ranger, but that's it!"

"Where's Billy?" Tanya asked, looking about the room.

"He had something he had to take care of," Alpha told them. White light immediately flashed in the room, and Billy appeared with a small machine in his hands.

"Where did you go?" Kimberly asked, cocking her head at Billy.

"What do you mean?" Billy asked her. "I just went home to get his machine. I'm afraid that King Mondo might have planted a chip in you, and I'd like to scan for it. The Power Chamber's scanners aren't as good at microscans as this device is. Did you find out anything on the Varox?"

"Would you be willing to believe that the Varox are bounty hunters?" a distinctive female voice said from a back corner of the Power Chamber. Everyone present turned to look at the voice's source. The male Gold Ranger stood there. His body began to glow with golden light, and immediately, he separated into three forms. Gold Ranger dropped to his knees; Bronze Ranger fell to the ground as though she were a rag doll. Only Silver Ranger looked well.

"So much for that theory," Kimberly muttered to herself, looking from Billy to the weakened Gold Ranger.

Silver Ranger looked at the group of Earth teens before her, and then up at Zordon. Clearing her throat, she said, "Please... bear with me? I'm sorry, but I am from a culture which dictates that any and all dialogue with an alien culture is to be in the form of questions." She raised her hands to her head and broke the seal on her white helmet. Long dark hair tumbled out of her helmet and onto the silver chestplate. She had a white veil across her mouth, which she promptly lowered, revealing a beautiful face. "My name... is Lady Dimitria, of the planet Inquiris."

"Dimitria, is something wrong with your fellow Rangers?" Zordon asked, looking at the scene unfolding before him with caring eyes.

"I fear... that my time is at an end," Gold Ranger choked out. Dimitria rushed over to him and help Gold Ranger stand. Leaning against her, he removed his helmet and tossed it to the ground. Beneath his helmet, he was an attractive darkly tanned man with short brown hair and unique tattoos on his face. "Please," he muttered to Dimitria, "tell them."

"This is Lord Trey of Triforia," Dimitria explained. "Triforians are always born with three distinct personalities, heart, wisdom, and courage, each of which is usually contained within one body. However, in times of great stress, the three personalities separate into three bodies. This is Trey of Courage. He was originally two other personalities, Trey of Heart and Trey of Wisdom, as well. They were also the Gold Ranger. In a battle with the Varox Bounty Hunters many months ago, Heart and Wisdom were killed. Trey of Courage would have died, but since he was the central aspect of Gold Ranger, he had another option. He chose myself to take on one aspect of the Golden Powers, and Cestria, High Priestess of Aquitar, to be the Bronze Ranger."

With that, Trey removed Bronze Ranger's helmet, revealing an Aquitian female. Her skin was pale, and she was obviously dead. "I... cannot survive another power transfer," Trey said, "yet a power transfer is the only option. If these two aspects of the Gold Powers are not passed on to another, then the Gold Ranger will be lost to the ages."

"For now, we need two worthy candidates," Dimitria explained. "Later, a third will be selected for Silver Ranger, but Trey and Cestria must have their powers transferred immediately."

"We have two perfect candidates," Tommy said with a smile.

"Billy and Kimberly," Zordon said firmly, "are you willing to accept these Ranger powers and the responsibilities they entail?" Billy and Kimberly looked at each other for a moment, before agreeing.

"Please, step forward," Trey groaned. He welcomed death, and looked forward to being reunited with Heart and Wisdom. Billy and Kimberly walked up to the three Triforian Rangers. Trey stood up as best he could and extended his hand, summoning two Gold Power staffs, one of which had belonged to Bronze Ranger, in the process. Dimitria nodded to the teens, and they both placed their hand on a Power Staff. Immediately, gold light exploded before them. The gold light physically slammed into Billy and Kimberly, knocking both them, as well as Trey, backwards.

"Trey!?" Dimitria cried, hurrying over to the fallen Ranger. The power refusal had been too much for his body, and he was dead.

"What happened?" Kimberly cried.

"No!" Dimitria cried. "I forgot that I wasn't on Inquiris! I can't believe I did that!"

"Dimitria, what happened?" Zordon asked her.

"The Golden Powers have always been held by priests and priestesses," Dimitria explained. "One with carnal knowledge cannot hold the Golden Powers."

"Oh God," Kimberly groaned, burying her face in her hands.

"The powers are not yet lost," Dimitria said, "and though my life is not in danger at this particular moment, we must now find three suitable teens. I am the last surviving Gold Ranger, and since I must carry on the Power Transfer, the Silver Aspect must be transferred as well."

"Jason is back in town," Adam suggested, looking to Zordon for advice.

"Jase isn't a virgin," Tommy mumbled, hating to divulge one of his friend's most trusted secrets, "but I am."

"Tommy, you're-," Billy protested...

"... a genius. Of course! You don't have to be a virgin to take the Zeo Power!" Katherine flicked her wrists, summoning her Zeonizers. "Kim? Wanna wear pink again?"

Kimberly smiled her thanks and carefully accepted the Zeonizers. "Alpha, teleport Jason here at once," Zordon instructed.

"Everybody always said you looked better in blue than I did," Rocky muttered, handing Billy his Zeonizers.

White light suddenly flashed in the Command Center, revealing a Jason Scott in sweatpants and t-shirt, washing his hands in a sink that was no longer there. "Wha-?" Jason mumbled, looking about himself.

"Welcome to the Power Chamber," Tommy said, stepping up to his friend. "Don't have time for a long explanation now, so here. Take these, use 'em in good health."

Jason woodenly took the red Zeonizers that Tommy shoved into his hands. Tommy, Rocky, and Katherine quickly hurried over to Dimitria, who summoned three Power Staffs in her hands. She quickly looked into their minds, and once satisfied that they were, in fact, virgins, transferred the power. Golden light flowed around all of their bodies, and they were immediately clad in the armor. Rocky wore Gold, Tommy wore Silver, and Katherine carried the Bronze.

"What the hell is going on?" Jason asked forcefully.

"You're a Power Ranger again," Tommy said, removing his white helmet.

"You looked best in white," Adam told him.

"I'm a Ranger?" Jason asked, staring at the small devices in his hands.

"The Red Ranger, to be exact," Billy told him. "Kim and me, too."

"The power is to be returned to Triforia in one generation," Dimitria told them. "And as long as you hold the armor, you must keep your purity."

"Hold on a sec," Rocky said, "I just had a bad thought. Do we have to be virgins forever?"

"The Gold Powers can be transferred just as any other power can," Dimitria explained with a wry smile. "I hate to leave so abruptly, but I must take the bodies of my comrades to their home planets. Do not worry. The power will tell you what to do." White light flashed all about her, and Trey and Cestria disappeared with her.

"This is almost too much to absorb at once," Jason laughed. "I'm gonna wake up in a few minutes."

Alarms suddenly went off all about the Power Chamber. "Rangers," Alpha told them, "the Machine Empire has sent Silo to attack Angel Grove."

"Back to Action!" Tommy cried. The three newest Rangers, along with Tanya and Adam, teleported away.

"Man, not even a chance to absorb all of this," Jason said. "You guys remember how to do this?"

"Only one way to find out," Kimberly smiled. "It's Morphin Time! Zeo Ranger I, Pink!"

"Zeo Ranger III, Blue!"

"Zeo Ranger V, Red!"

* * *

Billy's mind was awhirl as he touched down in downtown Angel Grove. The power that coursed through his veins was almost like a drug. It was a drug that he had finally gotten himself off of, but he still welcomed it back. A sideways glance at Kimberly and Jason told him they felt the same way.

"Let's do it!" Jason bellowed, using his ever-popular leader voice. Cogs suddenly swarmed from everywhere, and the fight was on. Tommy, Katherine, and Rocky went after Silo. The three felt a very distinct mental link, and because of this, their fighting ability was that combined of Tommy, Rocky, and Katherine. While Katherine did not contribute much to the link, Tommy and Rocky's skills were still just as much her's as they were their's. The five Zeo Rangers fought the Cogs valiantly. Blue, Pink, and Red Rangers were so thrilled at being back in battle that they tore through the powerful fighters as though they were nothing more than mere putties. In a matter of mere minutes, the Cogs had been completely dismantled.

"Let's help these guys take Silo down!" Tanya cried.

"Why haven't Klank and Orbus shown up?" Billy asked.

"He's right," Adam said thoughtfully. "They've nearly got Silo beaten by themselves. This is when we hop in our Zords."

"I say don't look a gift horse in the mouth," Kimberly said.

"She's right," Jason agreed. "Let's finish this beast!"

* * *

Mondo stepped before Machina and Sprocket. The three machines were drastically altered from their previous forms. Klank and Orbus had transferred the three robot personalities into three new forms. Each was tall, stocky, and covered with numerous spikes. "This shall be our final battle," Mondo said.

"Let's get 'em, Pops!" Sprocket cried happily.

"Shall we go darling?" Machina asked, confident in their new fighting abilities.

"We shall."

* * *

"You guys!" Adam cried, pointing behind the Gold Rangers.

"What on Earth-?" Katherine asked, recoiling in horror.

"Hey Dad! The Power Geeks don't recognize us!" Robo-Sprocket cried.

"Prince Sprocket?" Rocky asked.

"The entire Machine Family, as a matter of fact," Robo-Machina taunted.

"ATTACK!" Robo-Mondo demanded.

The Rangers quickly summoned their Power Weapons as the Royal Family attacked them. Kimberly and Tanya took on Robo-Machina, the three Gold Rangers devoted their attentions to Robo-Mondo, while Jason, Billy, and Adam were attacked by Robo-Sprocket. Despite the Ranger's best efforts, the new Robo-Family were stronger than any past creation. Kimberly thought, for a brief moment, that they were about to defeat Robo-Machina when she fired a heavy spike at her. The blade penetrated Kimberly's armor, dropping her to her knees. Her hands frantically scrambled at the spike, pulling it out of her body with a cry of pain. The armor quickly healed itself over, as did the slight skin wound on her abdomen. Robo-Sprocket tossed his three Rangers about as though they were nothing more than toys for him. "These things are tougher than anything we've fought!" Adam cried.

"Let's bring 'em together!" Kimberly cried.

"Right!" the others agreed. In a matter of moments, the five Zeo Rangers had formed the Zeo Cannon. With a loud cry, the weapon fired at Robo-Machina and Robo-Sprocket. The intense penta-colored beam of light struck the two machines, but was immediately reflected back by their new and improved armor. The energy hit the Zeo Rangers, dismantling the Zeo Cannon and sending them everywhere.

"You guys!" Rocky shouted to Tommy and Katherine. "Wanna try it?"

"I think it's the only way," Katherine said cautiously. The three Rangers held their Power Staffs out before them, and with a powerful gold flash of light, merged into one form, the Gold Ranger. The trifold being, consisting of Rocky, Tommy, and Katherine, moved faster than any human should have been capable. They were a black and gold blur, giving one of the Robo-Machines a kick, punch, or some other brief attack, and promptly moving onto the next. The five Zeo Rangers quickly backed away from the battle, not wanting to get in their friends' way. They were much more effective against the enemy as one Ranger, with no other Rangers to get in their way.

"You guys!" a very unique voice called from over the Communications System. "We're gonna get Sprocket out of commission first, you take him out." It was then that they realized the voice was the combination of Rocky, Tommy, and Katherine's voices, spoken in perfect unison.

"You got it," Tanya promised.

The Gold Ranger stopped before Robo-Sprocket, pummeled him several times with the Golden Power Staff, and then high-kicked him to the Zeo Rangers. Summoning their Power Weapons, the five Zeo Rangers rushed him, reducing Robo-Sprocket to a pile of mechanical parts and bad memories. Robo-Machina fell soon after at the hands of Gold Ranger, leaving only Robo-Mondo.

Klank and Orbus appeared at the battle site a few seconds later, as he had been instructed to do. "Klank!" King Mondo cried angrily. "Orbus! Make me grow so I can defeat these creeps!"

Klank looked at Orbus on his shoulder, then at Mondo, and finally at the waiting Rangers. "Uhm, think Alpha could use an assistant?" Orbus asked.

"Cannae hert t' ask!" Klank cried, running away from the last-standing King Mondo.

"Klank! You deserter!" Robo-Mondo called after him. Klank disappeared in a streak of white, a teleportation signal that looked suspiciously like that used by the Power Chamber.

"Looks like the Machine Empire is about to fall, Mondo," Gold Ranger taunted. "It's time for a Gold Rush!" Extending his/her/their Staff, numerous balls of golden fire burst from the tip. They immediately surrounded Mondo and exploded, destroying the last of the Machine Empire.

* * *

"It's not that we don't trust you," Alpha explained, "it's just that - well, actually, I suppose it is that we don't trust you."

"We understand completely," Orbus promised from within their stasis field. Colored light flashed in the Power Chamber, and the six Rangers teleported in. Gold Ranger immediately separated into three forms.

"We won?" Tanya asked in disbelief.

"Since Klank and I have left, the Machine Empire is forever gone," Orbus told them.

"'Tis no un lef' to rebuild th' Throne," Klank told them.

"Are you guys all right?" Adam asked Rocky, Tommy, and Katherine.

The three Gold Rangers removed their helmets and looked at each other awkwardly. During their merging, they had known everything there was to know about each other. Any thought, feeling, emotion, or secret was open amongst the three of them. For a moment, the three made no move. Then, Rocky smiled as Tommy and Katherine rushed at each other, sharing a very passionate kiss. "What happened?" Jason asked.

"I think they finally realized how much they like each other," Rocky said with a smile. The Gold Rangers weren't aware of how closely linked they were until after the de-merged. However, now that they were once again three distinct forms, the deep unknown love that Tommy and Katherine felt for each other was known to all three.

"We really won you guys," Jason said. "Just like that. We've won?"

* * *

"I can't believe we've actually won," Adam whispered across the table.

"Just like that," Tanya said. "It can't be over that quick."

"We've defeated the Machine Empire," Billy whispered, careful not to be heard. "Lord Zedd and Rita will probably be moving back in. But, I think the Zeo Rangers can safely handle the likes of those two."

"Where are Tommy and Kat?" Kimberly asked.

"They're on a date," Rocky told them.

"I can't believe things have turned out this well," Billy said, slipping an arm around Kimberly's shoulders. "Even if Zedd and Rita are on their way back."

"I'm still expecting to wake up," Jason laughed.

"It's such a beautiful day," Kimberly said. "C'mon, Billy. Let's go for a walk."

"I suppose we need to talk, anyhow," Billy said as the two teens excused themselves.

* * *

"Physically, I'm certainly ready," Billy smiled, "but no, I guess in every other aspect I'm not. I'm not ready for a sexual relationship, either."

"Soon enough," Kimberly said. "I mean, we're still in high school. Plus, we've got Ranger responsibilities again. If any bad guys show up."

Billy guided Kimberly to a three-foot high brick wall that ran beneath a long row of shade trees. "I'm not going to lie and say I'm sorry that the past few days haven't happened, but...."

"I know," Kimberly said with a smile. "Me neither. I just think we need to cool off a little bit is all."

"Things have been kind of intense for the past few nights," Billy smiled, more at the memories than his attempted wit.

"Mighty Morphin Melrose Rangers," Kimberly smiled.

"It's starting to get dark," Billy said. "Why don't we go home?"

"Have you even heard a single world I've said?" Kimberly chided.

"My dad is probably home by now, anyhow," Billy said.

"Well let's go," Kimberly said, slipping her arm inside his.

* * *

"Dad?" Billy asked, walking into his darkened house.

"Billy, there's a message on the answering machine," Kimberly said, hitting the button.

"Billy? Must've missed you. I'm going to be a little later getting in than I thought. I won't be able to leave Chicago until sometime tomorrow, so you'll be on your own again tonight. We're at your aunt's if you need to get ahold of us."

"So we're alone again?" Kimberly asked, lifting her eyebrows slightly.

"Sounds like," Billy said, not able to keep the smile off of his face.

"No," Kimberly said firmly. "Not tonight. Just because we have the house to ourselves doesn't mean anything will happen."

"All right all right," Billy relented. "Can I at least have a kiss?"

"Provided we aren't in the same bed and all of our clothes are on," Kimberly said, walking up to Billy and wrapping her arms around him. The two shared a brief, albeit passionate, kiss.

* * *

"That was honest-to-goodness the last time," Kimberly said, sighing as she relaxed herself against Billy's body.

"We've got one condom left," Billy said, his gaze falling on the near-empty box on his night table.

"What?" Kimberly asked. "You bought twelve."

"Well, we broke two, then we used three Friday night, three Saturday morning, two last night, and... just now. That's eleven; there's one left."

"I'm still not ready for a sexual relationship."

"Me neither," Billy sighed. "We'll use up the last condom, and then we'll be through. For a while."

"You're as bad as... Rocky."

"Was that supposed to be an insult?" Billy asked.

"Nope, it's just a fact," Kimberly said. Smiling, she closed her eyes and completely relaxed her body, sinking into the pillow and losing herself in the contrasting textures of the blankets above her and Billy's body next to her. Billy closed his eyes as well and sent up a "Thank You" to his guardian angel.

Later Sunday Night....
"Whatcha writing?" Kimberly asked, looking over Billy's shoulder.

"Oh, just .. a journal entry," Billy said, quickly closing the word processing program.

"What about?"

"Everything that's happened around here," Billy explained. "Mainly getting our powers back, and stuff."

"This has been the most action-packed weekend of my life," Kimberly told him.

"Tell me about it," Billy agreed. "I love you, you know."

"For lack of a better way to say it," Kimberly began, "we have one condom left. And we aren't planning on having a sexual relationship. But, it would be nice to make love one last time."

"Mmm," Billy moaned, kissing the side of her neck. "Wanna go talk?"

* * *

"This place will do nicely," Divatox said, striding through the deserted Lunar Palace as though she owned the place. "Yes, this will do much better than that blasted submarine."

"Oh Zeddie," Rita said, materializing in the Palace a split second later. "We are so lucky that the Machine Empire is gone." She then saw Divatox and her crew standing before her. "Hey! What are you doing here?!"

"I'm moving in!" Divatox announced.

"Like hell you are!" Rita screeched, launching herself at the Space Pirate. The two female aliens hit the ground, promptly clawing and gouging at each other. Curses were flying from both frantically, and Divatox reached out to pull on Rita's hair cones.

Lord Zedd watched the scene for a few moments, before looking up at a being in heavy blue armor. "Hey," Zedd said.

"Name's Rygog," the blue armored being said. "Zedd?"

"One and only," Zedd remarked, extending his hand. Rygog took it and gave it a firm shake. "Should we break them up?"

"Not unless you want to lose an eye," Rygog commented.

Off to the side, Baboo and Squatt watched the fight intently. "This is what I call a cat-fight," Squatt remarked.

"Hey, who you calling a cat?" Baboo asked.

"Well not you," Squatt smarted back.

"Are you getting smart with me, stupid?"

"Don't call me names, you son of a bitch!" The two henchmen, normally best friends, immediately began fighting, rolling around on the floor, punching at each other.

"Like a couple of kids, aren't they?" Porto remarked to Finster.

"Disgraceful," Finster agreed. "You would think that Divatox would respect Rita's palace."

"What do you mean by that?" Porto asked. "When we showed up, this place was vacant. Finders keepers, losers weepers."

"Sez who?"

"Sez me."

"You want a piece of me?" Finster taunted.

"I'll mess you up!" Porto retorted before the two aliens began fighting as well.

"Elgar!" Divatox cried as she slammed Rita Repulsa into a wall. "Help me!"

"You got it, Auntie Di," Elgar said happily, striding toward the pair.

"RITO!" Rita screeched.

"You got it, Sis," Rito shouted, launching himself at Elgar.

"You know, Zedd," Rygog remarked, stepping aside as Baboo and Squatt went rolling past them, "we both want the Earth. Right? If we were to combine forces, we could defeat those Power Rangers no problem."

"Hmm," Zedd mused. "I think you're right. Truce?"

"Truce," Rygog growled, shaking Zedd's hand.

"Who do I get to fight?" Goldar asked, running into the palace with Scorpina in tow.

"There's no one left," Rygog said. "We've just merged dynasties."

"Way to go, stupid," Scorpina remarked, slapping him on the chest. "It took you too long to get us here."

"Back off woman," Goldar growled.

"Talk to the hand because the face ain't listenin'," Scorpina said, putting her hand up before Goldar's snout before walking away.

"Divatox!" Rygog shouted.

"Rita!" Zedd bellowed. "Stop that!"

The two women immediately froze. Rita straddled Divatox's back with two handfuls of purple hair, paused in the process of beating Divatox's head against the ground. "Wha for?" Rita grunted.

"We've merged empires," Zedd answered. "We're going to join forces to defeat the Rangers."

"Well I'm game if you are," Divatox said.

"Deal," Rita said, letting go of her hair and getting off of her body.

"Hey! Hey!" Divatox shouted. "You two cut it out! You two too!" She walked over to Elgar and kicked him in the ribs. "Get up! Both of you!"

"Finster!" Rita screeched. "Stop fighting the marshmallow!"

"What about those two?" Zedd asked, motioning to Baboo and Squatt just as Squatt bodyslammed Baboo.

"They can fight," Rita remarked. "Name's Rita by the way."

"Divatox," she answered, shaking Rita's hand.

"How many Rangers do they have now?" Rita asked. "Five?"

"Eight," Zedd reported.

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Rita screeched as she walked away. "I've got SUCH A HEADACHE!"

The Rangers knew the evil to come. As long as there was evil somewhere in the universe, they would be drawn to both the Zeo Crystal, as well as Zordon's legacy. Strangely enough, the Rangers didn't care. They were a team of eight now, with powers greater than any they had ever commanded before. Once Alpha had determined that Klank and Orbus were not a threat, they were released from their stasis field. It took them a few days to learn the Power Chamber's intricacies, but after receiving a slight CPU modification from Alpha, they were incorporated into the system. It took the Rangers a little while to learn to trust the two former enemies, but they eventually got used to having two extra robots around.

Tommy and Katherine were forced to remain virgins, due to the Golden Powers, although their relationship was as serious as any other. Despite the fact that the two of them, along with Rocky, had absolutely no secrets, the three were great friends. In fact, they had almost formed their own clique, without discriminating against any of the other Rangers.

Billy and Kimberly's relationship immediately backed off a level or two, but that was the way they both wanted it. They were definitely very much in love, but they weren't quite as physical as they had been their first weekend. And they were both okay with that fact. Billy wouldn't have traded that weekend for anything in the world, but he knew it wouldn't be feasible to stay that way, at least while they were still technically kids, not to mention Rangers.

Jason was pleased just to have returned to Angel Grove. Becoming the Red Ranger again was just short of a dream come true. It was weird not to be on the same team as Zack and Trini, but they were still off saving the world in their own, different way.

* * *

"You know, Billy," Kimberly said, leaning against him, "things have a way of turning out right. Man, it's cold up here."

Billy wrapped his arms around her, careful not to upset their precarious position on his roof. "It is late October," Billy said, "but it's such a clear night, I had to get the telescope out."

"I can't believe you can actually see the lunar palace with it," Kimberly said. "Hard to believe that something as beautiful as the palace could house something so evil, isn't it?"

"Certainly is," Billy said.

Beep beep beepbeep beep beep. "We read you, Zordon," Kimberly said into her communicator.

"Rangehs, playse report t' th' Pow'r Chamb'r immidiat'lee," Klank said.

"We're on our way," Kimberly said. From their vantage point, they saw several colored streams of light dart up into the night sky from each of the Ranger's houses. Three gold, one green, one yellow, and one red. Billy and Kimberly smiled at each other before adding blue and pink to the colorful rainbow.
