The Christening
by Kittie
Hank Cranston stood unnoticed in the entrance of the living room, watching Billy and "Cousin Chrissy" as they played an experimental version of Billy's new video game. She squealed with laughter, and he felt a chill go through him. Everything about her: her eyes, her nose, her mouth, her hair, even her voice; everything was exactly like Billy. Only different.
He glared at her a little and retreated back into the kitchen. He didn't like her at all.
* * *
Billy left Chrissy with the game and went into the kitchen for some sodas. He jumped a little as he bumped into Hank on his way in. "Dad! You startled me!"
Hank smiled a little. "Sorry, son. Having fun?"
Billy nodded. "She's amazing, Dad! She learns so fast."
"Just like you."
Billy heard the bitterness in his father's voice and stared at him, confused. "I guess," he managed, shrugging. He went into the refrigerator and took out two cans of Sprite. Hank came up behind him.
"Billy, I'm sorry. I just... I don't like this. I don't like her."
Billy sighed and turned to face him, anger flashing in his eyes. "Dad, I thought we discussed this before. Where else was she going to stay? Who wouldn't notice the--"
"Resemblance, yes, I know, but son, she's a monster."
"No, she's not. She used to be a monster... we changed all that."
"Yes, you and Zordon, and a rock, I know."
Billy pursed his lips. "Fine." He wheeled around and stalked back into the living room. "Chrissy?" She was gone.
* * *
She ran, crying, through the park. Several people jumped aside to avoid her, yelling at her to be careful, but she ignored them. Then she slammed into Bulk, and fell flat on her bottom.
"Hey, watch it, Billy!" he growled. Then he noticed. "Oh. Sorry, Chrissy. I thought you were... lemme help you up." He extended a beefy hand to pull her to her feet, but she cowered there on the ground, protecting her face with her arms. Bulk had a sudden flashback to freshman year. He saw himself towering over Billy, ready to strike again. He blushed and shook his head. Now was not the time to feel guilty about all that. He withdrew his hand.
From behind him, Skull decided to try a different technique. "Hey, Chrissy, what's wrong? You okay?"
She lay there, shaking with tears. "He hates me!" she wailed, burying her face in her hands.
Bulk pulled her to her feet gently. "Who?"
"Uncle Hank. He called me a monster!"
Bulk's eyes narrowed. "He did, did he? Skull, what say we pay old Mr. Cranston a visit?"
* * *
"Chrissy? Chrissy!" Billy ran through the park, ignoring the numerous citizens who jumped out of his way, shaking their fists. He and Chrissy still shared an inexplicable bond from the Power Rock, and he sensed that she was extremely frightened and upset. _She must have heard our argument._ He cursed himself for allowing that to happen. _I know she feels... horrible._ He knew all too well the feeling of "differentness," the strain of constantly trying to fit in where you knew, deep down, that you didn't belong. "Chrissy?" He turned his head to the side, looking for her, and slammed into a familiar form. _Awwww FISH!_
Bulk sighed as Billy slammed into him and fell to the ground. "That's uncanny," he heard Skull say from behind him.
"Sorry, Bulk," said Billy hurriedly. "I was looking for--" he looked up, right into her tear-streaked face. "Chrissy!" He stood and gathered her into his arms. "I am so sorry."
She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed.
Bulk watched angrily. "Is it true your dad called her a monster?"
"That is just not kosher," added Skull sadly.
"We'll straighten things out, Bulk," said Billy, slightly confused by their apparent... ability to care. "Thanks for helping her."
He turned and started to lead Chrissy back home, but she jerked away from him. "No!"
He stepped back, confused. "What?"
"I can't go back there. I won't stay where I'm not wanted."
"But, Chrissy--"
"No! I never should have... come here. I don't belong--"
"Yes, you do," said Billy forcefully. "You're... you're my cousin and I want you to be here. You were just starting to get used to all of this!"
She started to cry again. "Why are you so nice to me? After what I did?"
Bulk and Skull glanced at each other. "What?"
"I don't deserve your kindness. Or Hank's. He's right to hate me. Maybe I should just... just go."
Billy watched silently as she wandered away. "Awww, fish."
Bulk headed off after her. "Don't worry about a thing, Billy," he ordered. "Come on, Skull, we have work to do."
Billy considered for a moment, then decided to leave Chrissy to the two junior policemen. Perhaps they really had turned over a new leaf. In the meantime, he had some thinking to do.
* * *
Rocky jumped up from his chair, knocking it over, as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it! I got it! Okay!" He ran out of the room. Kat and Tanya shot each other amused looks. Perhaps Rocky shouldn't have drunk those two Jolt Colas this afternoon? Adam was too busy staring at Kat's computer screen, mesmerized by the screen saver, to notice. Adam did not take well to caffeine.
Rocky ran back into the room. "Hey, it's Bulk and Skull and Chrissy," he yelled excitedly.
"What?" Adam slurred, unable to tear his eyes away from the monitor. "Bulk'nChrissy?"
Chrissy stood there, sandwiched between Bulk and Skull, who were staring curiously at Rocky. Her face was streaked with tears, and it looked like she was shaking.
Tanya was on her feet in a second. "Chrissy, what happened?"
"We found her in the park," Skull explained. "She and Mr. C. had some kind of fight, I think. Billy seemed pretty upset about it."
"We thought we'd bring her here," explained Bulk. "We didn't know you had company." He eyed the slack-jawed Adam and shook his head.
"It's okay," said Kat, as Tanya led Chrissy to a seat on the couch. "Thanks for bringing her."
"It's our job, as junior policemen, to serve and protect." Bulk saluted grandly.
"Yeah, serve and protect, man!" Skull imitated the move and hit himself, hard, on the head. "Ow!"
"Come on, Skull." Bulk dragged his partner out of the house.
Kat and Tanya sat on either side of the weeping Chrissy, and Tanya put an arm around her. "What happened?"
Chrissy shook her head and just cried. Rocky flopped down in front of her. "C'mon, you can tell me, right?!"
She looked down at him with red eyes. "What's wrong with you?" she managed.
"Jolt," slurred Adam from across the room. "S'Jolt."
Kat giggled. "They've just had too much caffeine."
"What's caffeine?" Chrissy wiped her eyes, glad for the distraction.
"Dangerous," answered Tanya, pointing at Adam. "It puts him to sleep, and you can see what it does to Rocky." Rocky was up again, pacing back and forth across the room.
"Oh," said Chrissy. "Can I have some?"
Kat was about to answer in the negative when there was a soft knock on the door. "I'll get it! Me!" screamed Rocky. Chrissy stared at him wide-eyed as he bolted out of the room. "Billy!" they heard him shout.
Chrissy stiffened slightly.
"Have you seen--" Billy's voice broke off as he rushed into the living room. "Thank God," he muttered, moving toward her. "Are you okay?"
Chrissy looked down at her feet. "No. I'm a monster."
Tanya gasped. "What?"
Billy blushed. "My dad's having a bit of trouble... dealing with this. Look, Chrissy, he just needs time. He didn't mean it."
"Yes, he did. I heard."
Adam stood in front of her, glassy-eyed. "That wasn't very nice." She gaped at him. "Want the rest of my soda? I'm gonna go home now." He held out a bottle half full of a bubbly brown liquid.
"Caffeine?" she breathed, taking the bottle from him.
"Yeah. Gotta go now. See yuh." He shuffled out the door, oblivious to the amused stares of his friends.
Billy grabbed the Jolt from Chrissy. "Oh, no you don't, not now."
She stared at him. "You do care, don't you?"
He grabbed her in a hug. "You know I do. Look, he'll get used to this. Think about it, wouldn't you be a little... shell-shocked, if a girl who looked just like your son... only not... suddenly came out of nowhere?"
Billy was about to explain when Rocky pointed frantically out the window. "Cogs!" he ran out as Kat, startled, looked out the window.
"Oh no, Adam!" She jumped up from her seat and, as Chrissy cowered in Billy's arms, she prepared her Zeonizer. "It's Morphin' Time! Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"
"Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"
Billy and Chrissy watched the fight through the window.
* * *
Rocky jumped into the fight with both feet. "Yee-hah!" he screamed, taking out two cogs with a well-placed kick. He vaguely heard Kat and Tanya morph from somewhere far away, but he didn't care. He was having too much fun. He was a whirlwind of raw power. "All right! Another one bites the dust!" Within minutes, the cogs were all dismantled.
Kat and Tanya ran up to him. "Are you all right?" Tanya sounded scared.
"Who needs morphin'?" he replied giddily. "All you need is Jolt, man!"
Tanya shook her head. "I'm going to check on Adam."
She ran to her fallen comrade. He was lying still, staring up at the sky. "Adam? Are you okay?"
He looked vaguely at her. "Are they gone?"
She helped him to his feet. "Yes. Rocky took out most of them before we even got here."
"Yeah, he's pretty hyper," Adam responded slowly. "Can I go home now?"
Tanya smiled beneath her helmet. "Tell you what, I'll take you there. Hang on to me." She teleported the both of them away.
Kat demorphed and she and Rocky headed back into the house. "That was so wild, man," he was raving. "Yesss!" He jumped up and down, pumping his fists.
"That's it. No more Jolt for you, Rocky." Kat put her hands on her hips. "No wonder your mother doesn't let you have it!"
"Awww! Man!"
Billy closed his eyes. "I can't take much more of this," he muttered. "Come on, Chrissy, come on home."
"No!" She crossed her arms. "I'm sorry, Billy, I can't."
Kat looked between the two of them. They had obviously reached a stalemate. "Billy," she said, "Chrissy can stay here with me for a while." He looked at her sharply. "There's plenty of room," she continued quickly, "And I know my parents won't mind. It doesn't have to be forever, just until you two work this out."
Chrissy looked imploringly at Billy. "Please?"
He sighed. "Fine. But I wish you'd reconsider."
"I'm sorry."
He hugged her. "It's all right, I guess.... I'll bring over your stuff."
"Thanks." She started to cry again.
Rocky took a seat next to her, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "Aaaw, don't cry," he told her. "It'll be okay. Kat's Mom's a really good cook."
"Really?" She sniffled.
"Yeah. She makes this spaghetti dish with shrimp that's absolutely amazing!"
"She calls it Shrimpetti, but I call it Heaven!"
Billy smiled a little. _Rocky would be good for her,_ he thought, _and I know she likes him...._ He had sensed the way her heart jumped when Rocky sat next to her. He only hoped she was better than he was at sharing her feelings. "Well, I'll go," he said aloud. "I'll be back in a little while, okay?"
"Okay," Chrissy nodded, and waited for him to leave before she spoke again. "Wanna go for a walk, Rocky?"
He jumped to his feet. "Definitely! I didn't think I was gonna be able to sit still for much longer!" He grandly held out his hand. "Shall we go, M'lady?"
Chrissy shyly allowed him to pull her to her feet, and they walked out together, arm-in-arm.
Tanya teleported in, just in time to see Kat giggling to herself. "What's up?" she asked.
"Chrissy and Rocky," Kat answered. "They look so cute together!"
Tanya looked out the window to see the two of them disappearing around the corner. "Are they...? Does she...? Chrissy and Rocky?"
Kat laughed. "Yes! isn't it amazing!"
"Wow." Tanya thought for a moment. "You and Tommy, Chrissy and Rocky...."
"You and Adam?" asked Kat mischievously.
Tanya blushed. "Well, he's a bit shy, but I think he likes me...."
"Of course he does! Ask him to go out sometime!"
"I couldn't. I can't."
"Why not? Don't tell me you're shy, too?"
"Well...." Tanya stared down at her shoes.
"Tell you what," Kat tried. "We'll all go out. Me and Tommy, Chrissy and Rocky, and you and Adam. That way, you won't have to actually ask him out, but I guarantee the evening will end that way!"
Tanya smiled and nodded. "I'd like that," she said. "Let's do it!"
* * *
"No." Chrissy shook her head.
"What?" Kat looked confused. "Why not?
"I thought you liked Rocky?" added Tommy.
"Oh, I do! Very much!"
"So what's wrong?" Tanya sat down next to her.
"What about Billy?" asked Chrissy.
"What about him?" asked Tommy, but Kat and Tanya shot each other looks of understanding.
"Tommy, if we do this, Billy will be the only one... not there!" Kat told him pointedly.
"Oh." Tommy considered this. "Well, we could bring someone for him, too."
Chrissy shook her head. "There's no one he'd want to go with. No one in this country, anyways. Oops!" She covered her mouth as the others looked at her curiously.
"What?" asked Tommy. At first he'd thought she was referring to Kimberly, but then he remembered that Florida was still part of this country. _Even if sometimes it seems like it's much farther._
"It's a secret!" Chrissy wailed. "Don't make me tell, please!"
"All right, don't worry about it," said Tanya soothingly. "We wouldn't ask you to betray his trust."
Chrissy seemed to calm down a little. "I know you wouldn't, I'm sorry."
"So what do we do?" asked Tommy. "I already told Adam about it."
"Well," said Kat slowly. "Why don't we just make it the four of them? Chrissy and Rocky, and Tanya and Adam? We can go out anytime, Tommy."
"That's true," he said. "Is that all right with you, Chrissy?"
"Yes. I'd like that. And we wouldn't have to worry about Billy feeling left out, either."
"Right," nodded Kat. "Great! this is so exciting!"
Chrissy giggled. She was already planning what she would wear.
* * *
Billy sat silently across from his father, playing with his mashed potatoes. He could feel his father's eyes on him, but didn't look up. Hank sighed. "Billy, I know you're angry with me, but I said I was sorry."
"Sorry doesn't cut it," Billy said without looking up. "You really hurt her."
Hank sighed. "Billy, she tried to kill you."
"No, she didn't! Sure she took control of my body, tried to destroy the Command Center and dismantled Alpha, but it was all fixable. Besides, it wasn't her fault."
"I don't believe this," Hank sighed. He was still in shock over the whole thing. Rocks and robots and floating heads; he had only found out about all this a few days ago when "Cousin Chrissy" showed up out of the blue. _Blue...._ He shook his head in disbelief. Billy, his son, had been the Blue Ranger? _All that time? Why didn't I notice?_ He had lain awake all night after Billy told him, thinking back over the past few years. _Am I a bad father? Did the other parents know? Am I that oblivious?_ He looked carefully at Billy, who was glaring into his still-full plate. "Billy," he said finally, "I guess I was just upset. You told me all this rather abruptly, you know. Was I just supposed to accept it? You being a Power Ranger and all? And this girl.... I just can't forget what she did to you. Can't you understand that?"
Billy sighed and looked up at his father. _Maybe he's got a point._ Hank was looking at him expectantly, fork poised above his plate. Billy decided to give in. "All right, Dad, I'm sorry. I understand that you were upset. But you have to understand my side of this, too."
"I do," said Hank quickly. "You care about her, and you've forgiven her. Maybe in time, I will too, but I'm just not ready. Please understand. Don't be angry with me."
"I'm not." Billy gave up on trying to eat. He just wasn't hungry. He wrapped up his plate and put it into the refrigerator for later. "I'm going to Kat's," he told his father. "I'll be back."
Hank nodded. "All right." He looked back down at his plate and realized he wasn't very hungry himself.
* * *
Billy knocked on Kat's door, and she opened it in a second. "Hi! Oh." She looked a little thrown off. "I thought you were Tommy."
Billy smiled a little. "Were you two going out tonight?"
"Yeah. Come on in."
"Actually, I just came to see Chrissy. Is she in?"
"Um, actually no."
"She went out with Adam and Tanya." She smiled at him. "And Rocky," she added mischievously.
"Yes! Isn't it exciting! Tanya's been waiting for Adam to make his move forever, and with Rocky and Chrissy lately... it seemed like a good time to give them all a little nudge."
Billy felt a pang in his stomach. "Yes, it's...." Kat noticed a quick flash of... something... in his eyes, but it was gone before she could identify it. "That's great," he finished. "Listen, I should go. I have some... work to do. At the Command Center. See you."
"Wait!" Kat called after him, but he hurried off. She started after him, but saw a familiar column of white light shoot up into the sky. _What was that all about?_
* * *
Chrissy looked at Rocky critically as she ate. He was really great, but there was something about him... He was hiding something. Beneath all those jokes, there was....
"Could you please stop staring at me?" he asked plaintively. "You're making me nervous!"
Chrissy blushed. "I'm sorry. I was just... thinking.
"What about? You don't like me anymore?" He looked hurt.
"Oh, no! I..." She stopped as he snickered and she realized he had been kidding. She blushed even deeper. "Oh."
He began to laugh and put an arm around her. "See, Tanya, that's how you get someone to admit they like you! Give it a try!"
Adam gulped and looked at Rocky. "Rocky, shut up!"
Chrissy smiled. Adam was so cute when he was embarrassed. Considering how often that was, it was no wonder Tanya liked him. Besides, he was sweet. Just a bit too shy for her tastes. Rocky, though, he was much more her type. She smiled at him.
"What?" said Rocky, noticing something new in her eyes.
"I was just thinking," she told him, "That you'd look good in red."
Adam choked on his Sprite for a second. "I'm okay," he managed after a moment.
Rocky got a strange look on his face. "I would, huh?"
She nodded. "Yes. Why do you wear blue all the time? Not that it looks bad or anything, its just that... Red is more your color."
"I... well, red's Tommy's color."
"I know it's his... you know, color, but... would he get mad if you wore red?"
Rocky stared down into his plate. "I don't know. I guess not."
"And why does he wear red, anyway? I think he should wear more white."
Tanya began to giggle.
"Do I look okay in Green?" Adam asked worriedly. "I mean, do I look bad?"
"No, of course not!" Chrissy looked him over. "I like the greens you wear. They're nice and dark, not too bright." She thought about it for a moment. "But you'd look good in black, too."
Adam paled. "Right."
Chrissy looked around at them. "Is something wrong?" Both Rocky and Tanya were trying not to laugh, and Adam looked like he was about to faint.
"Nothing," said Rocky, smiling at her. "Why should anything be wrong?"
She looked to Adam. "What about you? Did I say something to upset you?"
He shook his head. "No. I was just... surprised, that's all."
"Okay." Chrissy concentrated on finishing her meal. The others were already done, and she felt uncomfortable making them wait for her.
"Do you want dessert, Tanya?" she heard Adam ask. "I'll... I'll treat you."
"Oh, thank you, Adam, that is so sweet!"
Rocky sighed. "Adam, you did that on purpose to make me look bad, didn't you?" Adam didn't answer. He was too busy being hugged by Tanya. Rocky just grinned. "Well, I'll make you look bad too. I'm buying Chrissy's whole dinner. Whaddaya think of that, eh, Romeo?"
* * *
Billy teleported into the Command Center. "Zordon?"
Zordon's face appeared in his column. WHAT IS IT, BILLY?
"May I ask you something?"
"Well, Chrissy and Rocky are... getting along pretty well these days."
"No, not at all. I like Rocky, he's perfect for her. It's just that...."
"I'm the only one left, Zordon."
"Kat's going out with Tommy, and Adam and Tanya are pretty close, and now Rocky and Chrissy have hooked up...."
"What's wrong with me, Zordon? Why can't I just be happy for them?"
"No. Not for a while, now."
"I don't know. What would I say to her?"
Billy hung his head. "She's probably found some sophisticated Parisian boyfriend by now," he sighed. "After everything she's seen, why would she still want to hear from me?"
Billy looked up at him. "You don't want to hear about my problems do you?"
Billy smiled a little. "Thanks, Zordon."
WHAT IS IT YOU KIDS ALWAYS SAY? thought Zordon aloud. Then he remembered. NO PROBLEM.
* * *
Chrissy stood at Kat's front door, saying goodbye to Rocky. He was smiling at her shyly, but he didn't speak. "Um... I had a good time," she said. "Dinner was really good."
"Yeah," he agreed. "Dessert, too."
She giggled. "I can't believe you ate all that!"
"Hey, I'm a growing boy!" There was a sudden, awkward silence. "Well, um... good night," he said.
"Good night."
He didn't leave. "Okay, bye," he said.
"Bye," she said. She leaned in closer.
"See you tomorrow," he said, gulping. He leaned in to meet her.
"Yeah," she said huskily. "Tomorrow." Closer.
"Walk you to school?" His voice was soft.
"Sure...." Her lips touched his.
Chrissy jumped back, a million feelings she didn't understand running through her. Rocky blushed deeply and ran off. "Bye!"
She just stood there, her lips tingling as she remembered the kiss. The door opened behind her, startling her. "Oh!"
"Sorry," said Kat. "I thought I heard voices. I didn't know--"
"Kat?" asked Chrissy.
"What does... I mean, are you supposed to...?" She blushed and hung her head. "Never mind."
Kat watched her curiously as she rushed up to her room.
* * *
"Hello?" Billy picked up the phone on the first ring and heard someone let out a long breath.
"Thank goodness it's you," said Chrissy. "I was afraid--" She stopped realizing what she was about to say would probably hurt his feelings.
Billy merely sighed. "He rarely answers the phone, Chrissy," he told her. "You don't have to be afraid of that."
She blushed. "Sorry. Billy, can I ask you something?"
"Sure. What's up?"
"Well, I went out with Rocky tonight."
He chuckled. "Did you have fun?"
"Oh, lots! We ate... a lot. He had three desserts!"
"I'm not surprised. He's a growing boy."
"That's what he said!"
Billy laughed. "So what did you want to ask me?"
"Well, um... after dinner, Rocky walked me home. And we got to the door and... um..."
Billy cringed. He wasn't too sure he wanted to hear this. "And?"
"Well, he kissed me. And I-- Billy, am I sick?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I felt all... funny!"
"Funny?" Billy's voice sounded strange to her.
"Well, my stomach felt weird, and I... I got this weird tingle--"
"Okay, hold it!" he said suddenly. "I can't talk to you about this now! I mean, it's just... Oh jeez."
"Okay, I'm coming over there, all right? We have to have a talk."
"A talk?"
"Yes. Wait for me, okay? I'll be there soon."
She felt like crying again. "Am I really sick?"
"No, you're not sick! That's... normal. Listen, I'll explain everything when I get there, okay?"
* * *
Kat watched curiously as Billy rushed up to Chrissy's room without so much as a hello. He was in with her for quite a while, the two of them talking in hushed voices. She thought it even stranger when he pushed past her forty minutes later on his way out, his face burning red. Unable to withstand her curiosity, she went up to Chrissy's room and knocked gently. "Chrissy?" She opened the door and peeked in. Chrissy was sitting pale-faced and open-mouthed on her bed, holding a book called "Our Bodies, Ourselves."
She looked up at Kat, horrified. "Did you know about this?" she said. Kat started to laugh.
* * *
King Mondo watched as Billy rushed home. "Now is the time, Sprocket," he said. "Send down the cogs to attack Billy. Do not kill him, just rough him up a bit. And leave this note for our old friend Chrissy."
"All right, Daddy-o," answered Sprocket. "This will be fun!" And it was.
* * *
Kat and Chrissy were at dinner when Kat's communicator went off. She excused herself, saying she'd forgotten to check her science project. "What is it, Zordon?"
"Oh, no! Is he all right?"
"For Chrissy? Should I bring her to the Command Center?"
"All right, Zordon, I'll try to get away," said Kat. "We're at dinner, but I'm sure I can think of something." _I've done it before...._
"Mum," Kat sheepishly approached the table. "I forgot... I have to run to the store before it closes.
"For what?" asked Mrs. Hillard.
"Um... I need fertilizer. And... a new toothbrush. May I go?"
"Katherine, can't this wait until tomorrow? We're in the middle of dinner!"
"Please, 'Da? I'll only be a minute."
Chrissy looked at her, curious, but didn't say anything.
"All right," sighed Mrs. Hillard. "But don't be long."
* * *
Kat teleported into the Command Center and saw the Rangers surrounding Billy. He was sitting on a cot, and Alpha was busily bandaging his wounds. "Oh, Billy," she said, stepping forward.
He tried to smile at her, but his lip was split. "M'okay," he said, then winced in pain.
"Revenge? For what?"
"For betraying the Machine Empire," Billy slurred. "Mondo can't stand to see her happy after she defied him."
"What can we do, Zordon?" asked Tanya.
"Yeah," added Rocky vehemently. "We can't let anything happen to her!"
"Definitely," Rocky said, shaking his fist. "I'm gonna pound that piece of junk so hard, he'll have to turn around to see his toes!"
* * *
Kat returned to her house, carrying a small bag of fertilizer and a pink toothbrush. "I got it," she said brightly. "I made it just in time."
Mrs. Hillard looked over her glasses at her. "Mmm-hmm. Finish your dinner. I kept it warm for you."
As soon as Mrs. Hillard was out of earshot, Chrissy leaned forward. "What was that all about?" she asked. "Was it a monster?"
"No," answered Kat carefully. "Actually...." She thought carefully about her words before she spoke. "Actually, it was just... a warning from King Mondo."
"A warning?"
"Yes. He, um... he had some of his cogs attack Billy but he's all right and there's really nothing to worry about, okay?" Her words came out in a rush.
Chrissy gasped. "Billy? What happened? When?"
"Relax," Kat told her, taking her hand. "He's really fine. He's just got a few bruises and a split lip, that's all."
"Why did Mondo attack him again?" Chrissy seemed about to cry. "It's because of me, isn't it?"
"Don't think like that," Kat scolded her. "Mondo would attack a puppy if it looked at him wrong. Besides, we'll make sure both you and Billy are safe. I promise."
Chrissy stared down at her plate. She wanted with all her heart to believe that everything would be okay, but there was a nagging feeling of doubt somewhere deep inside.
* * *
Chrissy tentatively knocked on the Cranstons' front door. Forget Hank, she had to see her cousin. She heard footsteps heading for the door and started to chicken out. _I can't face him, what am I doing? I should have just called. What if he--_ Her thoughts broke off and she jumped as the door opened.
"Oh, hi, Chrissy," said Billy.
She let out a sigh of relief, but then she saw his face and gasped in shock. "Oh my God, your face!"
He sighed. "Thanks, Chrissy, you look great, too."
"I'm sorry, it's just.... They didn't tell me it was so serious!"
"It's not." He stepped back into the house and she followed nervously. "It looks worse than it is. Besides, it's healing nicely, thanks to Alpha. I should be all right by tomorrow."
"I hope so." She touched a hand to his jaw and made a face. "You're all purple."
He chuckled. "Maybe I should be the Purple Zeo Ranger, what do you think?"
She giggled, trying to picture it. "You look better in blue," she said.
He looked sad for a second. "Yes. I've always liked blue."
She noticed the tone in his voice and looked up at him. "Are you okay? What is it with you guys and colors, anyway?"
He managed a smile. "Nostalgia, I guess. Why, did the others say something?"
"Well, I told Rocky he'd look better in red and he just about fainted. And I told Adam black was his color and he had the same reaction."
"Well, Rocky used to be the Red Ranger, and Adam was black, before we lost our powers. I was blue."
"Really? All those old costumes in the Power Chamber--?"
"Were ours, yes. I miss those days."
"Wow. I didn't mean to upset anybody."
"It's okay," he assured her. "I'm sure you didn't."
"Well," she said, glancing around. "Is Uncle Hank around?"
"No. You can relax."
She blushed. "Oh. Listen, Billy, we were wondering if you'd like to come on a picnic."
"A picnic?" He suddenly seemed to find the tips of his shoes very interesting.
"You don't know what one is either, huh? Rocky wouldn't tell me."
He at her, surprised. "What?.... Oh, it's... it's just... a meal. Outside."
"A meal? Outside?"
"Oh. Don't the bugs get in the way?"
"Oh. Well, will you come?"
He looked vaguely off at something behind her. "My lip still hurts," he said. "I can't really eat."
"You could just come and hang out," she insisted. "And you could bring applesauce, or something. You like applesauce, don't you?"
"Well, yes. But I have work to do. In the Command Center."
"You do not. Billy, what is wrong with you?"
He sighed. "Chrissy, you can't possibly understand."
Her eyes flashed with determination. "Try me."
He stared at her, about to protest, but seemed to change his mind. "I just don't... I don't fit in anymore."
"What are you talking about? We're your friends!"
"I know." He wandered over to the couch and sat down, staring out the window behind him. "But things have changed. It's just... different."
"How?" She took a seat next to him and took his hand.
He smiled at her gratefully. "It just is. You're all in school, still, and you hang out there. And the others are... a team, and now that you're with Rocky... I just don't have a place anymore."
Chrissy gasped. "Billy, if I'd known that my being with Rocky would hurt you, I never would have--"
"Stop it right there," he ordered. "You being with Rocky is not hurting me. I'm happy for you both."
"But you just said--"
"Look, I'd feel the same way if he was with... anyone. It just means that now, there's the six of you, and then there's me. I just feel like a third wheel."
"Third wheel?"
"Like I'm... in the way."
"You could be a tricycle?" she said helpfully, but he just smiled at her.
"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way."
"But, Billy, if you're so uncomfortable, why don't you tell them? Or why don't you call Trini and tell her how you feel? Or--?"
"I can't," he interrupted.
"I don't know. I just... can't. It's not that important."
"Your happiness is very important. To all of us. If they knew you felt this way--"
"But they don't, and I want it to stay that way," Billy said firmly. "There's no need to cause any trouble, Chrissy. I can... I can survive on my own."
"What about happiness? You always say you want me to be happy, but you're supposed to settle for... survival? Why can't you be happy, too?"
He stared at her, deep in thought, and then sighed glumly. "I don't know. I think I've... forgotten how."
"Forgotten how to be happy? How can you say that?"
"Easily." He was staring off into space again. "It's been a long time."
"But why?"
He considered for a moment. "A torn jacket is soon mended," he quoted, "but hard words bruise the heart of a child."
Chrissy bit her lip. "What--?"
"Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said that," he told her distantly. "I've... had a lot of ripped jackets."
"Bruises heal," Chrissy said tearfully, taking both of his hands in her own. "It's not too late."
He let out a shaky breath. "Sometimes," he told her, "If you keep hitting the same spot, they don't. Sometimes they never heal." He gently pulled his hands away and headed up to his room. "Have fun on your picnic," he called back, and she could hear the tears in his voice.
* * *
Chrissy sighed again and picked listlessly at her tuna fish sandwich. Tommy looked to Rocky curiously, but he was as stumped as the rest of them. "Chrissy," he said finally, "What's wrong?"
She looked up at him and sighed again. "Doesn't it bother you that Billy wouldn't come?"
Rocky looked taken aback. "Not really. I thought you said he was busy."
"No. I lied. He's just sitting at home all alone."
Tanya's eyes widened. "What? Why?"
Chrissy started to cry. "He has a bruise!"
Rocky put his arm around her. "Aww, come on. His injuries weren't that bad! And Alpha fixed him up nicely. He--"
"No, not those bruises," she tried to clarify. "The ones on his heart."
"Sorry?" Kat was now totally confused.
"It was something Henry Fellows Longwad said."
"Longwad?" said Rocky.
"Yes. He said you can sew up a jacket, but you'll bruise your heart. Billy's got a bruised heart."
"I'm not getting this," said Rocky, looking to the others for support. "Can anybody help me out, here?"
"I think she means Henry Wadsworth Longfellow," said Tanya quietly. "A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words bruise the heart of a child."
"Yes, that's it," said Chrissy. "Longfellow."
"Oh, wow," breathed Kat. "Poor Billy."
"But we didn't... give him any hard words, did we?" Tommy protested. "We've always been his friends!"
"I thought so." Kat nodded in agreement. "But apparently he disagrees."
"Maybe it's not us," said Adam quietly.
"What do you mean?" Tanya turned to him, concerned.
"Well, you remember those old pictures Tommy showed us? He was pretty... different back then. And he used to get picked on a lot."
"Yeah," considered Tommy. "But it never seemed to bother him."
"It did," Chrissy told them. "He just never showed it."
"He bottled it up," said Adam, almost to himself. "He hoped it would go away, but it didn't."
Rocky looked at him, concerned. "Adam, are you okay?"
He nodded slowly. "Yeah. I just... I've sort of done the same thing." Tanya put an arm around him and he smiled at her gratefully.
"Poor Billy," said Kat again, staring down into her food. "I feel horrible. Maybe.... Hey, let's go over and see him!"
Tommy jumped to his feet. "Good idea! We've got to let him know he's still our friend!"
"No!" protested Chrissy suddenly, shocking them.
"What?" gasped Tanya, halfway to her feet.
"I wasn't supposed to tell you," Chrissy clarified. "I'll get in trouble!"
"But we have to let him know he's appreciated," argued Rocky. "He doesn't have to know you told us. You want him to be happy, don't you?"
"Of course. But... he might not... It might not work."
"We have to take that risk," said Tommy, beginning to clean up their food. "We don't want to lose his friendship."
"Right," agreed Adam, perking up slightly. "Come on, Chrissy, what do you say?"
"Well... all right."
* * *
Billy moaned as he heard the doorbell ring. He lifted his head from his pillow and looked around blearily. _Do I have to get up?_ He'd been here since Chrissy left for the picnic, trying not to cry. He hadn't succeeded to well, and his pillow was soaked.
The doorbell rang again, insistently. A loud, constant buzz. "That would be Rocky," he remarked out loud, and had to smile. Only Rocky rang like that. He sighed and did his best to dry his eyes before he bounded down the steps two at a time. "I'm coming, I'm coming, cut it out!" he yelled.
"Hi!" said Rocky brightly when he opened the door. "I knew I could draw you out!"
Billy smirked at him. "I only came down here to kick the crap out of you. You know I hate it when you do that."
"Yeah, but it got you to the door, didn't it?" Rocky pushed his way inside. "Why are all the lights out?"
Billy just stared at him for a moment, admiring his gall. "Come on in," he said dryly as Rocky made himself comfortable on the living room couch.
"Do you mind?" asked Tanya apprehensively from behind Adam.
"No," he sighed and stepped back.
The group filed in one at a time, and Billy noticed the strange looks they all gave him as they passed. "What?" he joked as Tommy brought up the rear. "Do I have something stuck in my teeth?"
"No, of course not!" Rocky looked him up and down critically. "But you are having a rather bad hair day."
"Uh-huh. So why are you here?"
"We got lonely without you," said Kat brightly, placing the picnic basket on the floor. "Since you wouldn't come to us, we came to you!"
Billy looked suspicious. "How'd you know I'd be here and not in the Command Center?"
"Well, um... you know, we could always check there next...." Adam couldn't meet Billy's eyes.
"You told them, didn't you?" Billy glared at Chrissy.
"I couldn't help it! I felt so bad that you weren't there, and--"
"Look Billy, don't be mad at her," protested Rocky. "I'm glad she told us. We didn't know you felt left out."
"Why should it matter? You do your thing and I'll do mine."
"You don't have a thing," muttered Chrissy, and Rocky snorted a laugh into his palm.
Billy rolled his eyes. "Right."
"So come on!" Tanya pointed to a space on the floor. "Sit down and have a few sandwiches."
Billy approached slowly and sat Indian-style next to her. Chrissy sat on his other side, and they formed a large circle on the living room floor. Tanya handed him a chicken sandwich and a coke, and Chrissy laid a hand on his shoulder. Billy smiled slightly, feeling surprisingly relaxed. _This isn't so bad...._
"So why didn't you say something before?!" Adam threw a grape at him. "We could have done this a long time ago!"
"I didn't want to cause any trouble."
"Trouble? What are you talking about?"
"Well, you all have your lives... school, homework... relationships.... I'm not really involved anymore."
"We'd like you to be. Just because you're not in school doesn't mean we have to lose touch." Rocky spoke around a mouthful of food. "Like, when my big brother went away to college? I rarely saw him anymore, I mean, he was in Connecticut. But when he came home, we had a great time. It was like he'd never been gone."
Kat nodded. "Exactly. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"We miss you in school," clarified Tommy. "It's just not the same without you."
"Really?" Billy looked doubtful.
"Yeah! I wish you'd come around more, but I know you're busy with... stuff." Rocky shrugged, unable to think of exactly what Billy was always busy with.
"I guess." Billy shrugged. "I just stayed away because... well, I felt uncomfortable. It wasn't your fault. It's me. Maybe--"
"Do you feel uncomfortable now?" Chrissy interrupted him, speaking too quickly and stumbling over the words.
"Not really," he answered. "I guess it depends on the situation."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you guys are living a different life than me now. Now, of course, you're on my turf. We're talking... well, about me. But we can't always talk about me, and the things I know about and am interested in, and I can't expect that. On the same token, you can't expect me to understand what's going on in your lives when... when I'm not around to hear about things. Like the other day. You were all going on and on about something that had happened in the Juice Bar, and I was just sitting there. i had no idea what you were talking about. I didn't want to ask, because it sounded pretty complicated, and was probably one of those things where you had to be there. But I wasn't there, so.... Well, you get the point."
The group was silent for a while. "I guess we sort of overlooked that," Tanya finally said quietly. "I know what it's like to feel confused and left out. Half the time I have no idea what's going on, since I just came here."
"Me too," added Chrissy.
"There's so much we don't understand!" Tanya rolled her eyes. "So many things that happened in the past... people, places, experiences. I guess it never occurred to me that you were almost in my same situation, Billy."
He stared at her, realization slowly dawning. "It's funny, I never considered it a bother explaining things to you and Chrissy... so why did I feel so silly asking about things that happened in school?"
"Same reason I do, I guess." Tanya grinned and shrugged. "I don't ask either."
"Let's make a pact," put in Chrissy. "All three of us. Whenever we don't understand something, we'll come right out and ask, and we won't sulk and feel felt out, and we won't get annoyed when we have to explain something. Agreed?"
Tanya and Billy nodded, as did all the others. "Agreed," they chorused.
"Now, y'all eat before Rocky finishes the whole thing!"
* * *
King Mondo clapped his hands together gleefully. "I am so glad young Chrissy ignored our warning. Now we have the chance to do some real damage!"
"But wouldn't we have done this anyway, darling?" Machina tapped him on the shoulder with her fan.
"Of course, but this way, it's all the more fun! Sprocket!"
"Hey, Daddy-o, what's up?"
"I want you to lead this mission, son. Make me proud!"
"Oh I will, Daddy, I will!"
* * *
"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" Rocky moaned and clutched his stomach, bringing his knees to his chest.
Chrissy pulled his head into her lap and stroked his hair. "I warned you not to eat so much!"
"I couldn't help it! Was I supposed to let all that food go to waste?"
The others glanced at each other, and in perfect unison, replied: "Yes!"
Billy stood, chuckling softly. "Guys, I really had fun, but I honestly should get to the Power Chamber. There are still some repairs to be done on Zeo Zord Four."
"My horns?" Adam looked a tad guilty.
"Yes. You really did a number on them last time."
"It's okay, that's what they're there for."
"Do you want us to come with you?" Tommy stood as well, brushing a few bread crumbs off his jeans.
"I'll tell you what," murmured Billy, eying the carpet. "Why don't you all clean up in here first, and then I'll see if you can do anything there?"
Tommy looked down sheepishly. "We did kinda screw up your carpet, didn't we?"
"It's one of those stain-proof carpets," Billy answered, "But Dad'll want it vacuumed."
"Sure, we'll do that." Tanya headed for the hall closet. "It's in here, right?"
"Should be, but you'd better get Chrissy to show you how it works."
"It's just a vacuum!"
"Not really. I... rewired it."
"Who are you, Tim Taylor?" Everyone looked at Rocky strangely. "You know, Tim Taylor! Home Improvement? More power?"
"Oh." Tanya shrugged.
"Jeez, its people like you who send quality programming straight down the drain!"
"I'm going now," said Billy pointedly. "Join me whenever, okay?" He placed a hand to his wrist to teleport, but froze when he heard the front door start to open. "Whoops. Dad's home."
Chrissy stiffened, and Rocky sat up, placing a supporting arm around her waist.
Hank walked into the living room wearily, and stopped short when he saw the group there on the floor. "Oh. Hi, kids. Billy." Billy nodded politely. "Hello, Chrissy." His voice was unreadable. She blushed a little and looked away. Hank sighed. "Chrissy, might I talk to you in private?"
She paled, and Rocky's arm tightened around her. "Why don't you say it in front of all of us?" he urged, trying to keep his voice neutral.
"All right." Hank colored slightly, but agreed. "If I must...." He paused and took a deep breath, dropping his briefcase to the living room floor. "I assume you all know of the... recent unpleasantness around here. Well, I've been thinking about this. A lot. Chrissy, you have to understand where I'm coming from. When you first showed up... well.... Let me start again. Billy means a lot to me. He means everything to me, he's my only son. I'll never forget how terrified I was at the prospect of losing him. And it was you who caused that terror." Billy opened his mouth to protest, but Hank cut him off. "I realize that things are different now. You were a slave to... the Machine Empire, or whatever. Billy explained all that, in a rather roundabout way. So, what I'm trying to say is...." He paused and looked around at all of them, his eyes resting on Billy for a long while before he finally dragged his gaze back to Chrissy. "I'm trying to say that... I understand how much I upset you, and I'm sorry."
"You... you are?"
"Yes. I'd like you to... move back in. You needn't be... afraid of me... anymore."
Billy smiled slightly, but didn't speak. Rocky looked at Chrissy carefully. Her eyes were downcast, and she was fiddling with her shoelaces. "Chrissy?"
There was a long silence. Finally, she looked up. "Thank you, Uncle Hank. That means a lot."
"To both of us," Billy added.
Billy's face fell. "But what?"
"I can't do it. I know you tried, Uncle Hank, but I can't blame you for being uncomfortable with me. You're right, I did cause a lot of trouble, and even thought it wasn't all my fault... I can't ask you to do something you're obviously uncomfortable with. I... I'm sorry."
Billy turned away. "So where will you go? You can't stay with Kat forever."
"I don't mind," Kat spoke quickly, but was ignored.
"I know." Chrissy sighed a little. "I guess I could... you know, get a job, and get an apartment?"
Billy snorted. "Not! You have to finish school first, and even then you can't get a good job without going to college, and there's no way you can afford an apartment by yourself."
"Oh." She looked down at her shoelaces again. "Well... I could...."
"Move in with me," Rocky shouted, pulling her close. "You know you want to!"
She blushed furiously. "You read that book too?"
Rocky glanced at Billy, who suddenly turned a deep purple color. "What?"
"Nothing," he muttered, clearing his throat. "Look, Chrissy, why don't you just stay here until we can work this out? If you're really uncomfortable... I can teleport my lab to the Power Chamber and you can have the garage to yourself."
She gaped at him. "You'd do that for me?"
"Sure." He shrugged. "I spend half my time there anyway, so why not? You wouldn't have to worry about bothering Dad--"
"She's not bothering me," Hank protested.
"--And you could finish school, get a job... whatever you want. It'll be like having your own apartment, only with free food and no rent."
"Cool." Rocky nodded his approval. "Sounds like a plan. Um, that is, if Mr. C doesn't mind."
Everyone looked hopefully toward Hank. "Of course I don't mind, I just said that!" He looked a bit flustered, and the kids watched him, amused, as he grabbed his briefcase and rushed up the steps.
"He doesn't do well under pressure," Billy apologized.
* * *
Queen Machina of the mighty Machine Empire watched, disgustedly, as her husband wandered around the room sulking. He always did this when things didn't go his way. Their warning to the former Crusher-Bug had been almost completely ignored, and Mondo had never taken well to being ignored. Now he was mumbling to himself. Something about revenge, and how that silly ex-bug would be sorry for... yadda-yadda-yadda. Machina sighed. "Mondo, darling, instead of constantly complaining, why don't you hatch another devious plan to conquer earth? Destroying things of beauty always makes me feel better."
Mondo sighed. "It is simply no longer the same, my dear. Those silly Rangers have ruined everything for me. And now that Crusher-Bug is consorting with them.... She is in love with that pathetic Blue Ranger! In love, Machina! To think, one of my own glorious creations... in love with a POWER RANGER?! I ASK YOU!"
"Well, then, Mondo, we have the perfect opportunity. We'll use the Blue Ranger to get our revenge on Crusher-Bug."
Machina rolled her eyes. _He can be so dense sometimes!_ "We'll capture the Blue Ranger, and for his return, we'll demand that Crusher-Bug come back into our service. If she truly loves him, she would gladly give up her freedom for his life!"
"Of course! And once we have her, she will be forced to watch her precious Rocky die at our hands! It's genius!"
"Yes, darling, I know. Now get to work on a monster."
* * *
The Rangers and Chrissy were helping Billy reorganize his lab within one of the Power Chamber's back rooms when they heard the alarm bells go off. Tommy rolled his eyes. "What now?"
They ran out into the main chamber and turned to the viewing globe without being asked. "Oh, brother." Adam shook his head when he saw the newest monster. It looked like a giant alarm clock, complete with the two large bells on either side of its head. It was rather stupid looking, really, but no one laughed, since it was methodically destroying tree after tree in Angel Grove Park.
"Looks like we have our work cut out for us," muttered Rocky.
"Be careful!" Chrissy grabbed him and kissed his cheek.
Rocky blushed furiously. "You know I will. It's morphin' time!"
Zeo Ranger One, Pink!
Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!
Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!
Zeo Ranger Four, Green!
Zeo Ranger Five, Red!
The battle was on.
* * *
"This isn't going well, guys!" Adam struggled to get up after yet another well-placed blow from the Alarming Clock.
"We can't give up yet," bellowed Rocky, clenching his fists. "This guy is dangerous!"
"Exactly," growled the Clock, "Especially for you, Blue Ranger. Listen!" The monster's bells started to ring. Loudly.
Rocky shrieked and fell to his knees, hands over his ears, as did other Rangers. The monster advanced slowly, its bells still ringing, immobilizing the Rangers. It reached Rocky and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him clean off the ground. The bells stopped.
Tommy jumped to his feet as soon as he could move again. "Let him go!"
"I think not." The monster shook Rocky, as if for emphasis. The Blue Ranger's arms dangled limply at his side. "I have a message from King Mondo. Unless Crusher-Bug comes to us quietly, the Blue Ranger will die." It bowed slightly and seemed to grin. "Thank you for your time," it added sarcastically, and then he and Rocky were gone.
* * *
Chrissy stared at the viewing globe, eyes wide and teary. "Billy... Billy, they got Rocky!"
He nodded grimly. "I know. Don't worry, we'll find him." Determined, he headed over to the nearest console and began punching in some commands.
The remaining Rangers teleported in, and Adam ripped off his helmet, running to join Billy at the console. "Where is he? Where have they taken him?"
"I'm searching the moonbase now. If I don't find him there, I'll have to do a general sweep. That could take a while."
"We don't have a while," insisted Adam frantically. "Didn't you see--"
"I saw, Adam," said Billy irritably, "And I can't do my job with you standing over me and yelling like that."
Tanya grabbed Adam and pulled him away. "Come on, Adam, let Billy work. He'll find Rocky, he always does."
Billy flinched a little, his shoulders tensing. "You guys are making me extremely nervous. Why don't you go and we'll contact you the second we know anything?"
"But Billy--"
"What about me?" Chrissy looked up at Zordon, tears streaking her face. "I want to help!"
"You can't help, Chrissy. Alpha and I will take care of this. Go with Kat." Billy turned his back on them and the matter was closed. When Chrissy didn't move, Kat gently took her arm and teleported both of them to her house. Adam and Tanya left soon after, and Tommy lingered for a few moments longer, wordlessly watching the blank viewing globe, before he finally followed the others.
* * *
Rocky moaned as his world slowly came back into focus. Well, almost into focus. He blinked a few times, trying to rid his eyes of the blurriness that seemed to cling to everything around him. After a few moments, he realized he was in what looked like a cave, and was tied hand and foot with a heavy, rusted chain. "Wonderful," he sighed, yanking on the chains with no visible result. "Ow!" He felt a bit of blood beginning to run down his wrist. "Oh man, now I'll get tetanus too!"
"Not that it will matter," gloated someone in the darkness.
Rocky whipped his head around and was rewarded by a burst of pain in the back of his neck. "Ow! Dammit!"
"I wouldn't move around too much if I was you." King Mondo stepped into the light, grinning evilly. "I want you to live long enough to see your precious Chrissy die at my hands."
"She will come for you, Blue Ranger. And when she does, she will pay for betraying me."
Rocky made some more futile motion trying to get free, but only succeeded in cutting himself more severely with the chains. "The Rangers won't let you do anything to her," he growled, finally laying still.
"The Rangers? I think not. They won't do anything to antagonize me while I've got you here. You're the perfect insurance, Rocky. I really must thank you for your help."
"I'll never help you!"
"I think you will." Mondo grinned and held up Rocky's Zeonizer, taunting him with it. "You don't have a choice."
* * *
Billy cursed and slammed his fist into the console. "Zordon, he's not on the moonbase. He could be anywhere!"
"Well, Zordon, sometimes my abilities just aren't enough! I'm never gonna find him!"
"Ai-yi-yi, Billy, please. Don't worry. I'll help you look."
Billy began muttering to himself as he started a general sweep of the Earth and its surrounding stars. "Fine, Alpha, why don't you check all known alternate dimensions?"
"Right, Billy."
* * *
Kat jumped as he communicator beeped insistently. "Yes?"
"It's Billy. We've got a visual on Rocky."
"I'll be right there."
Kat arrived in the Power Chamber and found everyone else gathered around the viewing globe. She pushed her way through the circle. "Where is he? Is he okay?"
No one spoke for a long time. Kat's eyes widened as she saw Rocky lying still in a dingy cavern. His blue shirt was stained with blood, and his face was frightfully pale.
"He's in one of Mondo's prison dimensions," said Billy, his voice tight. "We can't get to him. The only way is.... We have to trust Mondo."
"No!" Kat surprised herself by lashing out at Billy, striking him squarely in the chest. "We can't trust him, that's what he wants us to do!"
Billy stumbled backward from the blow, his cheeks flushed with anger. "I know that, Kat! Don't you think I've gone over this time and time again? What do you want from me?"
"Guys!" Tommy's voice rang out over the Power Chamber, and everyone turned to look at him. He spoke again, more quietly. "Fighting this way isn't going to solve anything. We have to come up with a plan."
Billy turned away and stormed into one of the ante chambers, slamming the door behind him. Kat winced, and sank down to the floor. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
Tommy knelt down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know you didn't. Billy'll come around."
"So what do we do?" Tanya looked at Adam with tear-filled eyes, and he rushed to embrace her.
"I don't know," he whispered, stroking her hair gently. "There has to be something...."
"I know what to do." Chrissy spoke quietly, and everyone turned to look at her, shocked.
"What?" Tommy stepped away from Kat and regarded her curiously.
"I have to go to Mondo."
"What?" Kat rose to her feet frantically. "No, you can't! You'll be defenseless and--"
"I know." Chrissy nodded, tears beginning to spill down her cheeks. "But you need the Blue Ranger's powers, and Mondo has those now."
"One of us can go! We can--"
Chrissy shook her head. "No. You heard Billy, you can't get there. Mondo has to let someone in. That someone has to be me. He'd never trust any of you. He'd get your Zeonizer too."
"Then I'll go." Billy stepped out of the ante chamber, startling them all. They hadn't heard the door open. "You have no way of defending yourself, Chrissy. I can hold my own at least for a little while."
"No." She shook her head determinedly. "It has to be me. Please." She stepped forward and took Billy's hands in her own. "Let me do this."
He stared at her, his eyes wide and moist. He'd been crying, it was obvious to them all, though he tried to hide it. It was eerie, seeing them together this way; their faces somehow identical in the dim light of the Power Chamber. Adam shuddered and turned away, unable to watch.
Billy nodded, his hands tightening over hers. "We'll go together." He closed his eyes and bowed his head, and the two of them began to glow a strange purplish color.
"What the Hell?" Tommy's voice came out as a hoarse whisper, and he stepped closer to them, as if to see more clearly. Then he was suddenly thrown backward, shrieking as an intense burst of purple light blinded him. When he could see again, Billy was gone. "What the--?"
Chrissy let out a sob, and held her hands in front of her face. "Oh God...."
"Where's Billy?" Kat looked around, struggling to understand what had just happened.
"He's here," answered Chrissy, still staring at her hands. "He's right here."
She turned to face them and Tanya gasped, stumbling backward as Chrissy's face seemed to melt and change into Billy's, and then back again. "My God!"
"What the Hell?" This time it was Adam who spoke.
"I have to go," said Chrissy. "Mondo will be waiting for me."
Chrissy nodded. "Thank you, Zordon. We'll be careful." She looked at them one last time before bringing Billy's communicator up to chest level and teleporting out of the Power Chamber.
* * *
Billy sighed softly, feeling Chrissy's heartbeat speed up in anticipation. They were in the quarry. How he knew, he wasn't sure. He couldn't see, hear, or feel anything, but somehow his senses were more intense than they had ever been before. He spun around as Mondo appeared behind them.
"Ah, Crusher-Bug, I see you have taken me up on my offer!"
"I'm not Crusher-Bug," retorted Chrissy, her heart skipping a beat. Billy reached out and hugged her; she calmed immediately. "My name is Chrissy Cranston, and I want you to let Rocky go."
"Chrissy Cranston?" Mondo scoffed. "What kind of name is that? You belong to me, Crusher-Bug, and you will pay for betraying me."
"On the contrary, Mondo, you'll pay for hurting Rocky."
"Enough talk! You are mine!"
Billy gasped in pain as they were both swept away. The pain was short-lived, and when he could think clearly again, he realized that Rocky lay right at their feet.
"Rocky!" Chrissy fell to her knees beside him and pulled his head into her lap. "Rocky, please say something!"
He spoke, his voice weak. "You shouldn't have come. Chrissy... go back. Please...."
She screamed as Mondo kicked Rocky viciously in the side. "Quiet, power brat! I did not give you permission to speak!"
"Leave him alone," ordered Chrissy, lashing out at Mondo.
The Machine King only laughed. "Such courage coming from one so small!" And he kicked her. She fell over, on top of Rocky, feeling her ribs break. Billy clenched his teeth, taking in her pain. _Chrissy, get the Zeonizer! Hurry!_
Chrissy heard him speak, and the pain receded somewhere into the back of her mind. She stood protectively over Rocky, and smiled at Mondo. "Not good enough. I'm going to get those Zeonizer and get out of here. And I'm taking Rocky with me."
"I don't think so." Mondo grinned again and blasted her with his staff.
She flew backward, slamming into the cave walls. Again, the pain receded to somewhere... somewhere far away. Billy's voice grew softer. _Hurry...._
In a rage, Chrissy leapt forward, her claws..._Claws??_... snapping shut on Mondo's forearm. The Machine King let out an enraged scream as his arm, the hand still clenched around the Blue Zeonizer, fell to the cavern floor. Chrissy grabbed the fallen arm and picked Rocky up effortlessly, cradling his body gently within her massive claws. "Let's get out of here!"
She kicked out at the Machine King one last time, and then she teleported away.
* * *
"Ai-yi-yi!" Alpha shrieked as Chrissy teleported into the Power Chamber. In one small hand she held her trophy: King Mondo's arm. Her other hand was an enormous claw, horribly disproportionate to the rest of her body. Within it, Rocky lay horribly still and pale. Tommy jumped into action. He ran up to Chrissy and gently took Rocky from her, laying him down on the cot Alpha had teleported to the middle of the floor.
"Ai-yi-yi," moaned Alpha again, shaking his head. "Poor Rocky!"
"Is he going to be okay?" As Chrissy spoke, Kat whirled around to face her. Her voice sounded so strange. It was Chrissy, and it was Billy, but she could somehow hear the remnants of the low growl of the Crusher-Bug.
"I don't know." Alpha rushed around, holding various instruments close to Rocky's body. "Ai-yi-yi, where's Billy!"
Chrissy shook her head. "I... I don't know. he's hurt. I can't.... Billy, where are you? Help us!"
_I can't...._ His voice was far away. A mere whisper. He coughed violently, the tremors making her gasp in pain.
"Billy, don't give up!" Chrissy was crying now, her eyes clenched shut, struggling to hear him. "Please, don't leave me! It's not fair!"
"Leave you?" Adam stepped forward, his arms circling around her waist. "What are you talking about?" He eased her down to the floor, and she buried her face into his shoulder.
"I don't know what to do! Billy, please don't die!"
"Die?!" Tommy's mouth fell open. "What are you talking about?"
"He saved me." She looked up at him, barely able to speak. "Mondo... he kicked us... blasted us... and Billy... he took it all in somehow... it didn't hurt me, but it hurt him. And now he's dying and I don't know how to stop it. Oh God...."
_Chrissy...._ His voice floated up from somewhere deep inside her. _Don't worry... it's okay...._
"It is not! Don't you dare leave me, not now!" He didn't answer. "Billy? Billy!" Her voice rose to a scream, and she howled in anger, wrapping her arms around her body. "No!" Then her claw lashed out, catching Adam square in the chest, and he went flying across the room, slamming into one of the consoles, sending sparks flying in all directions. He lay still among the sparks, and Alpha ran to him.
Chrissy continued to scream, her voice rising in volume and pitch. "No, I won't let you!" Her voice was a howl now, and she clenched her fangs together, drawing blood from her lips. She started to shrink, her body glowing with a purplish cast.
"Ai-yi-yi! What's happening?" Alpha shielded Rocky's body with his own, and the other Rangers huddled on the floor, covering their heads with their hands.
Her screams died down. The claw shrunk down into a hand, the fangs receded back into her gums. Tommy looked up at her and was blinded again by the same flash of purple light. "Dammit!" His hands flew to his face. "Chrissy?! Billy! What's going on?"
Someone was weeping. It was a slow, wrenching sound, as if the sobs tore at a tender throat. Tanya spoke. "Chrissy? My God...."
Chrissy knelt there on the floor, her tiny arms barely supporting her weight. She looked up as Tanya ran to her, and she smiled. "I did it."
With that, she fell forward, and Tanya caught her, easing her down to the floor. "Guys!"
Tommy stumbled toward her voice, and Kat grabbed his arm, helping him over.
Chrissy started to glow again. "What's going on?" Kat shielded her eyes, having learned from Tommy's mistakes.
The girl's body was beginning to change. Her eyes closed, and as the teens watched in amazement, her face melted away, the features changing slowly, until she was no longer there. Billy was. He moaned and curled up into the fetal position, tears beginning to spill down his cheeks. "No... Why...?"
Tommy blinked the dots away from his eyes and grabbed Billy, lifting him effortlessly and laying him to rest on the cot beside Rocky. "You're gonna be okay, buddy," he managed.
"Where's Chrissy?" Tanya's voice was a mere whisper.
"I think she's gone." Kat turned away and bowed her head.
Zordon shook his head sadly, and the only sound in the Power Chamber was the hissing and crackling of sparks from the broken console.
Katherine sighed and shot a look toward Ernie, shaking her head. Billy was still sitting there, staring into his Frostee, without a word. It had been days since Chrissy's mysterious disappearance, and he had barely spoken since then. He had gone back to his work in the Power Chamber as though in a trance, working feverishly day and night. When there was nothing to fix, he kept watch over Rocky, who still hadn't awakened.
"Billy?" Kat made an attempt at conversation. "Um... Tommy got a postcard from Jason the other day, did he tell you?" No response. "He said... he said they'd visit soon, you know, maybe later this summer. Isn't that great?"
Billy looked up slowly, his eyes dark. "I need to get back." His voice was hoarse with disuse, and he cleared it softly. "Rocky's... and the Zords need work...."
"Billy you haven't slept in days, have you? Or eaten?"
He averted his eyes. "I've eaten...."
"Billy, you can't keep beating yourself up like this!" Kat reached over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Look at yourself! You've got bags under your eyes, and I think you've lost weight."
"No I haven't...."
"You have! Please, let Ernie make you some fries, a sandwich... something!"
Billy shook his head. "I won't be able to keep it down." He stood and headed for the exit, looking like an old man. "I'll contact you if I need anything, all right?"
Kat slumped down into her seat as he left. "Damn...." Ernie came and sat down next to her, starling her.
"He's not doing too well, huh?"
"No, not at all."
"Poor Chrissy. I hope she's All right."
Kat averted her eyes. "I'm sure she is. She could always take care of herself."
"And Rocky. I can't believe he's missing too. Has there been a ransom demand? Anything?"
"No. No word at all."
Ernie sighed and stood again. "These things don't happen in Angel Grove. At least they never used to. I'll tell you one thing, when those kids are found, I'm throwing them the biggest party this place has ever seen!"
* * *
Billy jerked awake as Rocky moaned next to him. He leaned over the boy, placing his head gently on his chest. Rocky's heartbeat was strong; stronger than it had been in days. Billy felt his own heart skip a beat, but refused to let himself get too excited. Rocky was still in bad shape.
He stood and began adjusting the IVs attached to Rocky's wrists. One of them held a simple saline solution, the other a combination of vitamins and nutrients he'd been able to mix in his lab. So far it had done its job, and Rocky's condition had improved steadily. Billy smiled bitterly. _At least I can do something right...._
He jumped as there was a knock on the door behind him. "Billy? Can I come in?" Adam pushed the door open slowly, hesitantly. Billy merely nodded, retreating back into the shadows. Adam closed the door and made his way to Rocky's bedside, still limping slightly. Billy turned his face away as Adam took his old seat by the bedside. "How's he doing?"
Adam nodded. By this time, he'd grown used to Billy's one-word sentences. It had been ages since he'd really heard his voice. Lately, it had been "Yes," "No," "Fine," "Good," or "Umph." Adam always dreaded the "Umph." It meant things weren't going well. But, he reminded himself, he hadn't heard "Umph" since Wednesday, so that had to be a good sign.
He took Rocky's hand and squeezed it gently, holding his breath to see if Rocky would squeeze back. Not at all surprisingly, he didn't. Adam sighed. "Has he moved?"
"Great!" Adam looked back down at Rocky. There seemed to be a tiny smile on his face. Perhaps he was dreaming...? "He looks good. Maybe soon, he'll... be okay." Billy didn't answer. He stepped further back into the shadows.
Adam sat there in silence for a while longer, then decided he had to break the silence. "Billy... Billy what happened? You never told us what... how did you and Chrissy... do that?"
A long silence. Adam started to get worried. Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned Chrissy's name. Maybe it was too much.
"The rock," Billy finally said. "It.... We were linked... somehow."
"But how did you know how to use it? She said you absorbed her injuries somehow."
Billy shrugged. "I just did. It's like morphin'. You just know."
Adam squinted into the darkness, trying to see Billy's face. "So what happened? She said... she said she'd done it, whatever that meant."
"She saved my life. I was... it was too much, the injuries.... But she took it all back, all of it. And it... she died... in my place."
"Billy... I'm... I'm so sorry."
"So am I."
Adam felt a distinct chill. "What do you mean by that?"
"You heard me. You know what I mean."
"How can you say that!"
"How can I not?" Billy's voice rose in anger. "She shouldn't have had to die. Rocky loved her so much... it should have been me."
"Why? What purpose would that serve?"
"It would give her a chance, that's what purpose! She never had a chance."
"That's not your fault! Dammit, Billy, if you--"
"I'm not going to do anything, Adam. You should know me better than that. Believe me, if I was gonna do that, I'd've done it ages ago. You'd never have met me."
"My God...."
"Don't act so shocked." Billy coughed suddenly, bending over from the force of it. He recovered quickly, straightening up and speaking harshly. "Don't be so high and mighty. I don't need your Goddamn pity."
"I wasn't--"
"Save it." Billy stalked around the bed and over to the door, yanking it open. "I'm going home."
Adam flinched as the door slammed loudly behind him. Rocky frowned and whimpered softly. "Rocky?" Adam leaned in close to him, stroking the hair off of his forehead gently. "Rocky, can you hear me?" Rocky mumbled something incoherent. "Was that a yes, or are you just delirious?"
Adam's breath caught in his throat as Rocky's eyes fluttered briefly, and his mouth opened. The voice that came out was soft, the words slurred, but Adam was positive Rocky had just said his name. "Yes! Rocky, it's me! You're gonna be okay!" He grabbed at his communicator and paged Zordon. "Zordon, call the others. Rocky's awake!" He lowered the communicator, then thought twice, raising it again to his lips. "Sort of," he clarified quickly. "Enough."
In seconds, the door burst open and the other Rangers stumbled in, breathless. Tommy spoke first. "Rocky? Rocky, it's me, Tommy. Can you hear me?"
Rocky mumbled again, eyes struggling to open, and rolled toward them. Tanya took his hand and squeezed it, yelping with joy as he returned the favor.
None of them saw the dark figure standing in the doorway, the haunted eyes that watched their every move. Lips pursed, he retreated back into the shadows. _I'll find a way.... I promise you, Chrissy.... Someday...._