LNC will never die!
Not as long as those of us with love of the show keep it close to our hearts, and on the web!

The FoLCs are in Town

Welcome to this small, insignificant corner of the web, belonging to me. This home page focuses on "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" the new incarnation of the tale of Superman, his alter ego Clark Kent, and his significant other, Lois Lane. It also focuses on that loyal and dedicated group of people known as FoLCs.

FoLC stands for Fan of Lois and Clark. To get a really good idea of what interests FoLCs about this show go to The FoLCs homepage. It is a good resource of almost all things relating to "Lois and Clark". Are you a FoLC? To find out then go to and take this quiz courtsey of Amanda Lane.

Lois and Clark is not running on a major cable network to my knowledge right now. If that's not true... hey, let me know.

While you're here.... sign my guestbook or view my guestbook I swear it's one I made myself. It's not in anyway shape or form related to Lpage.

Many people have written to me and asked to be on my hompage. Here they are:

Sarah Wood's Page
Barb Poirier's Page Video captures galore!
Minimage's page
Mike Williams Anacroynym Page
Darin Riggs' Page Spoilers using video captures from Barb
Menolly's Page The entrance to the page of one of the UK's most dedicated Folc
Debbie's Page Pictures of last Year's LA Folcfest
Dom's page The LNC drinking game!
Wendy B's page
Rocci's pageAll the 'Twas songs
Teri Hatcher in geocities
Another LnC page here at geocities
The best LnC page here in Hollywood. The owner is also one of our community leaders.
A work in progrss
Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex A funny "study" of Clark's "mating" problems
Amanda Lane's Page This is an amusing sight, I can spend hours here.

But the above list in no way compares to The FoLCs at home page! This little gem was made by Heidi. Hey, go to Heidi's page. Shameless plug..

Links to other sites on the Web My links Galore page
My school page

"Superman is my dream. Clark Kent is my passion. Dean Cain is my joy and inspiraiton. "Lois and Clark" is my reason for living. I, too, am not alone any more..." - John Giffin

"Being a FOLC is.....
life-altering, it's soul changing, it's the summit of all human desire, and when you become one, it's as if mind and body finally merge, and you're set free." - Kelly Feenstra

This page last changed February 17, 2008 (Most recent change: December 08, 2003. Previous change: November 25, 2000. Last MAJOR change before that was February 09, 1998)

© 1995 - 2008 Mail me