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Fans of the show will need no introduction to ships I have here, but I have also included brief descriptions of each empire up to the end of season 4 for those unfamiliar with the show. The complete shipsets are designed for the Shareware version, whereas those with the registered version should read the announcement below. Click on a link on the navigation bar below or the link to Moons' Tech Yards to discover each empire. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Proxima Shipyards has accepted a proposal by Moons' Tech Yards to officially share set designs. Proxima Shipyards will remain the site from which you can download the shareware sets, but the people at MTY have created an excellent set of full ship sets for the registered version. MTY can be accessed either through the banner or by clicking "Go to Registered Sets" while browsing through the various empires. |
Space Empires and Space Empires3
is copyright Malfador Machinations. Paint Shop Pro is copyright JASC ltd.
Babylon 5 is copyright Babylonian Productions. No coryright infringement
is intended with ths page. All material is for entertainment puposes only.A
lot of time and effort have gone into these shipsets, so please do not
place them upon your own site or modify them in any shape or form.