Khayman(Wolfsblood)'s Homepage


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This is the homepage of Khayman "Wolfsblood EMM". I am a senior at Christiansburg High School in, you guessed it, Christiansburg Virginia. I have many interests. I've been playing guitar for four years, and try my best to play in bands. I work on my school's homepage. I play Magic: the Gathering. I love to read, moslty Anne Rice though. You know, I love just about everything! I have a simple, happy, life and I enjoy every second of it.

I have been "online" since December of 1995, and it has greatly enriched my life. Over the months I have found nifty places to go on the net, great people to talk to on IRC, and places on usenet to find ANYTHING you could possibly want. I will tell you a few of my favorites on this page, and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I have.

Here are some cool web pages to check out, I have them separated into catagories to make it easier.

My web page pick of the month for this month is The Cabinet of Dr. Casey, The best cheesy horror movie page on the net!!!!!

I'me sorry this page isn't finished yet, but if you would ,please send me e-mail , just tell me what you think, Thanx! By the way if you go on irc, try dalnet and my room, Lesinnocents, and in Vampyre Cafe.

So, do you like my page? Do you hate it with a passion? Do you just want to talk wierd to someone through e-mail? Then just click here, and solve all those problems, Have a nice day!