Logo by Eric Labiner


January 16

Brief status update
It's been five and a half months since the last update, so I thought I'd write a little status update about myself. The last five and a half months for me were quite crazy but incredibly fun, and they passed very quickly. I have a feeling the next four years will be just as much fun. I probably still won't have much free time though, so it's not unlikely that it will take five and a half months until the next update too :)

August 1

Joining the army
Tomorrow I'm joining the Israeli army. That means I won't be online at all during the week but only on weekends and therefore I'll be very slow in replying to mail, etc., so don't be surprised. Just don't think I'm disappearing - it only means I'll be online a lot less and will actually be doing something important for my country :)

July 13

HR21 Tyson with -fast!
Alexander Sushkov did HR level 21 in "Tyson mode" (using only weapons 1+2, Ultra-Violence skill, 100% kills) and with -fast, in exactly 40 minutes. As always with Alexander's demos it's a combination of good playing with good planning and includes some funny scenes as well (trying to punch a distracted cybie).

June 23

Hell Revealed: Episode 1?
Here is the home page of a new Doom megawad: Hell Unleashed - prequel to Hell Revealed. As with Chrozoron's Hell Revealed II, I am not involved with this project and neither is Haggay, so there's no guarantee that they'll be similar to Hell Revealed in any way other than the name :) But both of these projects have my approval and I'm happy that people like Hell Revealed enough to want to create more of it.

May 24

New HR12 and HR21
Alexander Sushkov has improved the current best times of HR levels 12 and 21: he did HR12 in 6:35 HR21 in 9:07 (and 8:42 - read the text file). As always with Alexander's demos they show a lot of thinking and route-planning as well as tons of monster slaughtering :)

May 13

New HR24 lmp
Rich Agnew has improved his HR24 time to 21:50, not a new best time for the map but still a great lmp.

April 27

HR07 coop lmps
Alexander Sushkov did a "fake coop" (read the text file) lmp of HR07 in 2:42, and a real coop together with Eugene Bondarchenko in 1:53.

Sorry (in case anyone cared) that I don't update this page anymore about general stuff except for HR lmps that people send me. I got pretty tired of updating about miscellaneous stuff, so for now it seems like I'll continue to update about HR lmps only (since I want others to enjoy them as well).

March 11

Faster HR07
Adam Hegyi, the master of map07's, has done HR07 four seconds faster than Henning, getting 4:31. I really don't think it can be done much faster than that...

March 5

Two HR lmps
Henning Skogsto managed to run HR07 ("Arachnophobia") 12 seconds faster than Alexander's recent time and got 4:35!

The second new lmp is not a new best time but it's a very impressive accomplishment - Rich Agnew completed HR24 ("Post Mortem") on Ultra-Violence in 23:26, a good time. There are very few Doomers who can complete this map on Ultra-Violence alive, and Rich is now one of them - so you know the lmp is damn good.

February 28

New HR07 lmp
Another one of Kai's records has been beaten (and if you ever tried, you know it isn't easy!): Alexander Sushkov did HR07 in 4:47!

February 20

Even faster HR25
Adam has managed to improve HR25 even more - he got 4:14! This is a must-watch, and if you're still not convinced, Adam has calculated that this demo has the most damage to monsters (in hitpoints) per second of all the speedruns in maps that don't have a BFG!

February 16

Awesome demos!
Here are three truly awesome new demos for Hell Revealed and Dead Perfect, by three different players:

Anders Johnsen took back the HR27 record, more than a minute faster than a demo that already seemed very close to optimal - he got 6:36!

Adam Hegyi improved the HR25 record to 4:30!! You should see how quickly the cybies go down in this demo :)

Yashar Garibzadeh, aka GeminI, has improved Alexander's time in Dead Perfect level 1 to 4:05. GeminI is also a level designer for Hell Revealed 2, a megawad that was started by Chrozoron (who is also a great player) as a tribute to Hell Revealed, and now has quite a few members. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it!

I highly recommend watching these demos, they're all awesome. And speaking of awesome demos, there is a new UV lmp set for The Plutonia Experiment. It was done by Yashar "GeminI" Garibzadeh, Adam Hegyi, Kai-Uwe Humpert, Anders Johnsen, Rudy Jurjako and Henning Skogsto, and as you know they're all great players. They completed all 32 levels of Plutonia in less than two hours, with maximum kills and secrets of course (just for comparison, this is over 5 hours faster than the first collection!). A great collection for a great episode... you can download it here.

February 10

And a further improvement
Alexander Sushkov is now satisfied with his new HR27 time, 7:45. If you thought his previous one (8:42) had great cybie fights, this one is even better!

February 4

HR27 in 8:42
Alexander Sushkov improved Anders Johnsen's time in Hell Revealed level 27 by five seconds, getting 8:42. Amazing cybie fights in this demo!

January 25

Faster demo for Dead Perfect level 1
Alexander Sushkov beat my time in Dead Perfect level 1 and got a great 4:21.

January 14

New Hell Revealed demo
Anders Johnsen improved Hell Revealed level 27 to 8:47, almost a minute faster than the previous best time by Alexander Sushkov and much faster than the time in hruvlmp2. Great cyberdemon fights there!

January 4

AutoCam fix
If you keep getting runtime errors when using AutoCam, download this fix. It contains two executables, one of them should probably work right. Thanks to everyone who told me of this problem and helped fix it, and Martin Goedtke who found an alternative solution - using a slowdown program. (The problem seems to only happen on fast computers)

December 29

Two coop Hell Revealed demos
Mattias Berggren and Jesper Johansson did two UV coop demos for Hell Revealed: levels 1 and 25. In case you didn't know, most Hell Revealed levels have even more carnage in coop mode :)

December 26

New best time for Dead Perfect map02
Alexander Sushkov did level 2 of Dead Perfect in 5:47, a minute and a half (!) faster than my demo which was included with the wad.

6 new demos for Hell Revealed
And if Alexander's big improvement of Dead Perfect level 2 wasn't enough for you, he did 6 awesome demos for Hell Revealed. These demos definitely show that in Doom, you should use not only your hands but also your head: he did huge improvements of the times of hruvlmp2 and the -fast demos posted on the HR demos page by not just good playing but also smart route modifications. I highly recommend watching these demos.

Regular UV demos, all kills and secrets:
HR21 in 9:51
HR27 in 9:36
HR31 in 7:55

UV with -fast demos, all kills and secrets:
HR21 in 9:57
HR27 in 11:04
HR31 in 9:20 (this level was never done with -fast before)

And speaking of Hell Revealed demos...
I rearranged the HR demos page so that the demos are sorted by level number, and the descriptions are more brief, with a glossary.

Also, look for a very unusual project that has to do with amazing demos - soon!

December 22

Ricrob's award of coolness
Ricrob (who, in case you don't follow Doom stuff, has a great Doom page) gave Haggay and I his award of coolness for the creation of Hell Revealed. Thanks Ricrob!

Ricrob's Award of Coolness

December 20

Two new Hell Revealed lmps
Jason Henry did two great demos for Hell Revealed: level 26 on UV with 100% kills/secrets (how many players can say they have finished it without savegames?) only 2 seconds slower than hruvlmp2, and level 18 on UV with -fast, 100% kills/secrets - this level was never done with -fast before.

December 10

5 years of Doom - and two new levels!
Exactly 5 years ago, the first shareware version of Doom was released. Although I hardly ever play single-player Doom anymore, I've decided to release two single-player levels I made a long time ago. These are tiny, very violent, constant action levels. If you find them too hard on Ultra-Violence, try a lower skill level, they feature full skill level support. The name is Dead Perfect - because I had to complete the trilogy :)

If you've played Pursuit, you might recognize that they're based on the two levels I made for it. I never released them before because they were supposed to be part of a TeamTNT project (single-player versions of deathmatch maps). However, since that project never even came close to happening and I'm not in TeamTNT anymore, I thought Doom's fifth year would be a good time to release them, along with two 100% kills/secrets demos I recorded for them on Ultra-Violence. If you feel like improving my times, please send me your lmps!

Download Dead Perfect here.

New e-mail
My e-mail address at TAU (ruthd@post.tau.ac.il) won't work anymore in 1999. This is my new address - zem@planetquake.com.

Page stuff
I know I haven't updated this page in ages. That's not because nothing happened - many things happened, but I just didn't feel like updating :)