Power & Dominion's Old Shout-Outs!

Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997
From: Rachel Brigham

hey, i jus dicovered you guys of this thang so from what i saw you guys seem pretty tight. i'm gonna havta see your c.d though to see if you guys are as good as it seems. jus playin. anywayz, i will check you guys out & if you guys ever actually e-mail me i'll send you some of my stuff.keep on and alwayz do it for the big guy upstairs.=]
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997
From: Tim DeYoung

Keep it real, don't give up your christian skills for nothing the dark side isn't worth it


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997
From: mjacobs

Subject: Yo E, We Praise God For You.

we received your message with much love. Please continue to support us. Let us know if S.O.G.H.H. can be of help in any way, because you definately helped us out! Remember One Father, one Baptism, and Jesus paid the way. Much love PLUS December 28th we aare having our Holiday Special and we would love for you to come back and partake in our holiday celebration. Don't miss it. Bring friends!!!!


Big Al & Boss "the General"
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997

From: Bang Young Jin

Thank you Lord! I can't live without you, your grace and your Love
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997
From: DigiPrez

Praise the LORD!! My hope is that the LORD is blessing you as you seek His face and will daily.

My name is P.R.E.Z., the Digital Prophet. I'm a DJ with WYSZ, YES FM, 89.3 here in Toledo, OH (technically Maumee). I'm assistant music director at the station, specializing in hip hop, r&b, and dance in the Christian vein. I compile the Rhythmic chart for the station and this gets reported to the Pure Rock Report. I also host and program a show called The Friday Night Power Mix which airs from 9 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. On this show, we play P.H.A.T. (Prophetical Hits Announcing Truth). The show exclusively plays house, trip hop, techno, r&b, and hip hop and we're in the process of taking steps to syndicate the show nationwide on secular and Chrsitian radio stations.

I'm also president of Body Of Truth Ministries Inc. We are dedicated to the spreading of the gospel through different media forms, primarily preaching and music. We sponsor The Friday Night Power Mix. We also are stewards over Above The Ground Sounds, a DJ evangelistic outreach. We are focusing the majority of our time towards the secular audience. ATGS has been on the biggest radio station in the Toledo/northwest Ohio area, 92.5 KISS FM. We also have plans to be on there again and proposing a show to air weekly. If you didn't know, Toledo is an epicenter of the United States. Just recently, I found out that we live within 600 miles of two-thirds of the population. We plan on hitting them as GOD wills.

I'm always scouring the Internet for potentially great material to play on the show to uplift fellow Christians and to expose to others abroad who don't know Jesus. If you've received this letter, then I've heard or seen material that I'd be interested in receiving (preferably on CD though cassette is fine). Could you please send me the latest release of any material that fits the format of The Friday Night Power Mix? I will review it not only for the show, but for regular rotation on the station. Potentially, it could reach hundreds and thousands of people.

The address to the station is 1550 S. Reynolds Rd., Maumee, OH 43537. Put it to the attention of P.R.E.Z. If you could send two copies (one for the station and BTM Inc.) it would be greatly appreciated. If you have enough for giveaways, please send them also. If you'd like to talk to me personally, call 419-897-0893. Visit our website at Yes Ministries Online!

I'll be looking forward to hearing from you and receiving some P.H.A.T. material.

Jude 2


P.S. Check out the radio station website at www.yeshome.com.
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997
From: Ariel Rodriguez

To be honest with you it must of been the Holy Ghost that led me to this web site. You see I'm a laid back Christian.... Let me explain, I live in Puerto Rico and I was a "on fire" Christian. I had lost that fire and now I'm really lost. I was raised up in a Christian home and I had accepted Christ as my personal Saviour and God knows that I had spread the Word but now I'm just kind of turned off. I thank God for this site for it is definitley is going to inspire me to seek more of above. Thanks
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997
From: Ismael Rivera

zup my brothas, may God bless you guys. My name is Ismael Rivera and im writing to say that your web site was a real blessing to me. it's good to see that there are other brethren that enjoy and support this way of life that we live called hip hop. its also good to see that yous guys are linked to the spanish eastern district of AG. im a member of the spanish A.G. church in vineland new jersey a church on fire for the Lord. God willing, i'll be putting together a gospel hip hop concert some time in the future so please help us pray for that. well that is all that i have, once again God bless you and continue spreading the word. shalom
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997
From: Gernon Newsome

Bless his name, i.v been looking for some web sites that his giving God the praise.
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997

heavenly hip-hop thats the flavor for the new millenium check this out theres a new christian television dbs satelitte system in florida called dominion sky angel our ministry has a network entitled the spirit and truth communications network on this satelitte system currently on dish we are in the process of developing an urban christian hip-hop program and evangelistic tour for the youth called TAKE BACK THE LAND FOR JESUS CHRIST WHICH IS GOING NATIONAL IN 98 FEATURING LIVE INTERVIEWS CONCERTS SALVATION REPORTS AND ANOINTED SPEAKERS FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY IF YOUR INTERESTED IN JOINING THE MOVEMENT CONTACT PASTOR DWIGHT AT stcn@gte.net oh by the way i was born and raised in the no. bronx GOD BLESS YOU . PEACE OUT
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997
From: amela

praise the name of Jesus!!
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997
From: Yana Cruz (de Cristo del Bronx)

Homepage: http://www.eastern.edu

May the Lord continually bless PAD. It made my heart glad to know of more Christians from the Bronx.

God Bless you's continually.......

I found out about you'll on the http://www.hisp.com
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997
From: Turtledove10

Homepage: http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/u/r/turtledove10.html

Hey! I loves your homepage! It was really great! I stumbled upon it when I was trying to find Carmans homepage and I thought I would check out names of other artists since I love all kinds of styles of music as long as its got a beat that the Holy Ghost moves me too! Do you have any cd's out that I could get? I am trying to build up my cd collection. It is so awesome to see how the Lord works through christian artists! God bless you all and keep on praising the Lord through your music and spreading His word! I hang out in the Christian Parents Room at WebChat Broadcasting System and it is easy to see the Lord dwells in that room! Hope you can come by whether you have children or not! All are welcome and will be greeted with lots of love but be careful cuz you just may walk in on a foodfight! LOL Here is the addy to WebChat: http://pages.wbs.net/ God bless you and yours!
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997
From: Ramahn

Subject: hey bro!

Hey wasup!!! i saw your website and I think you guys are all that!!! Keep representing for The Lord!!!!!!!!!! I'm realizing more that there are Christian rap/rock music groups out there..but hardly anyone knows about them! I hope and pray that God will help you get the word out to the people in this world!!!!! I have a web page of my own and I have your website linked to it (in the music linx section) Please check it out!! my web page---> Here. I hope to hear from you guys soon! Please write back when you can..and please sign my guestbook! =o) Peace out..and God Bless ya!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997
From: jawnnathan timothy lam

Homepage: http://www.collegeclub.com/~jtlatrell

what up, yo! mad props first of all to the heavenly father, the might son, and the holy ghost. now i give much respects to the peeps who starts this site. i will return often!!! but for now i need a favor to ask of anyone who has the heart to help. i'm looking for some way to start my recording carreer. i feel God has worked through me through my lyrics to inform people of isues that we face and solutions for them. i have been through a lot and have seen quite a lot. if anyone wants a sample of my poetry, visit my site at www.collegeclub.com/~jtlatrell then e-mail and tell me how you can help. that page is only a small sample of the beginning of my carreer. since then my lyrical skills have been further honed into what i feel now is a ready for public acknowledgement. please help, anyone. thanks for your time.

stay true to Jesus,


"in the begining was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..."John 1:1

"my son, keep my words and treasure my commands within you." Prov 7:1

"Jesus is real,
yes He is real...to me!!!
More precious than silver...
More precious than diamond rings....
or anything that i could give him" -blackstreet

(((((((JESUS IS REAL)))))
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997
From: Zacha Date: Wed, 28 May 1997
Yusak Handrix

I pray for your ministry , Jesus will bless you forever

God love You and me !!!!
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997
From: sirfart@cuny.campus.mci.net

What's UP EEEE,

May the Blessing of our Heavenly Father be with you Amy, and your son. Okay let me tell you who I am, "Pudgy" AHH, does it ring a bell? If it don't I will take you off my prayer list.

God Bless You It is good to see that you are doing well. Praise God! Well as for me, 1 more year and I graduate with my Bio. Degree and off to P.A. School....want to get in to surgery. I am still with E.M.S. I am still saving lives and letting them know that God is love.

Who are the fellas in P.A.D. I know they are not the same people, if they are let me know who they are, and give them a shout out. I am so tied up at my church that I at times don't have time to go to places, i used to enjoy at times.

I will be waiting for your response, and God Bless you all.
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997
From: Patrick "POOH" Pinedo

Hey whats up my name is patrick pinedo and i am also a rapper for Jesus.

My brother and i just started our own screen printing business called Luke 10:19 grafixs and i was wondering if you guys were interested in checking out our designs. e-mail me back as soon as possible. peace out and God bless.

Your brother in Christ,

Patrick "POOH" Pinedo
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997
From: Tripple X
Organization: Tripple X productions

Subject: Wassup Brothers...!

I'm mailing from Cyprus, the island above Israel..... I'm into Serious Gospel Hip Hop, I write arrange and currently producing Hip Hop for da Lord...... I'm coming over to New York this summer and I would like to meet up with anyone who's also doing Holy Hip Hop, my style is like Grits ...... over here it's hard to find anything Gospel.....:-(

If you can forward me any E mail addresses so I can get some of my tunes published there I would appreciate it very much.......

God Bless

Xenios Zonias ..aka Tripple X™
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997
From: Plainfield Community Girlchoir - we're 8 - 16

Choir page had you listed - we are from NJ and lots of us have New York roots.
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997

yo PAD I'm down with what cha doin. I'm here in Converse, Tx 2 miles outside of San Antonio, Tx. I will be comin out with a cassette album WED MAY 7th,1997 entitled SAVE A SOUL on Radical Praise Records my personal label. Hopefully you guys will respond to my email and give me a shout back because we have to get the word to souls that are in the streets and living in the depths of hell without hope. But we must let them know that JESUS is all good and they surrender their lives to him is able to supply all their needs according to all his riches in glory.

PAD stay encouraged and know that GOD'S sot ya back and another Rap artist is being uplifted by the Lord.

You guys have been at this thang longer than me I was wondering if you could let me know what Radio stations will play our genere of music.

Well I've takin up to much of ya time already. GOD bless and may his Peace with you I'm out daradicalone@stic.com
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997
From: Michael C. Burns

I am into Rap and Hip Hop. However, I want to listen to Christian lyrics. I know that there are some Christian Hip Hop bands out there. But, I want to find out if I like a certain group before I buy the tape/CD. How can I do that?
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997
From: Nick Awojobi

Subject: Hey guys, keep up the good work

X-URL: Sion Pentecostal Church

Hi! My name is Yinka Awojobi. I fellowship in an Assemblies of God Church in Peckham, London, England, and belong to the Church choir. Just happened to come across your (or more accurately PAD's) website while checking out what music is out here (trying to get into Carman's website, actually, but it seems to be busy right now). Keep spreading the Word, and may the Spirit grant you wisdom as you share Christ in this medium!

Yours till His return in Power, taking dominion over the kingdom of the enemy!


p.s. Is there anywhere in this neck of the woods where I can get to buy to PAD's album?
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997
From: Jenny Melhus

Subject: Keep it up!

Read your page and bios. I'm a 56 year old woman with 8 grandkids and I'm praying hard for them. It's a hard world to grow up in, but hearing about young people like you makes me realize it's not hopeless.

God bless you as you minister in His name!
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997
From: Stella Holmes
Homepage: http://www.msu.edu/user/holmesst/

I am a student at Michigan State University and would like for you to take the time to check out my web page.

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997
From: Tony (D.Cipe)

Big shout out to Power and Dominion from Tony (D.Cipe) down with God's Creation in the Boogy Down! You guys rock!

Hey guys just wanted to let you guys know that Frenchy from God's Creation had her baby, James at about 7 lbs, and looks like Jorge!

God Bless, Keep up the good work.

(Great job a Springfest!)
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997
From: Mrs. Peggy Morris

Homepage: http://members.aol.com/Daycare777/index.html

I surfed in clicking your banner on my homepage:) You guys have an awesome site and ministry here! I enjoyed this site:)

May God bless your ministry for Him! <><
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997
From: Dinah Torres

I'm overjoyed to hear of your ministry and am encouraged about God's work throughout the land.

This is a simple but ANOINTED exaltation from Maranatha Revival Music in Chicago.

Continue to be blessed, prospered and above all let's continue to transform those Lives!!!

God Bless; Your sister in Christ,

Dinah Torres
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997
From: NZA (Nathan Ng)

Yo Wuzzup this is West Coast in da house! NZA comin str8 up Vancouver, BC! Yo, I admire you and your projects....

I am searching and cataloguing all available Christian Hip-Hop and putting it into my webpage...

Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997
From: GAGI

From Timmy & Danny Carwell page. Please add me to your email mailing list.

Come out to Jerzee (NJ) and perform. I'm representing Newark. I'm kinda upset cause I missed yall when yall where in Paterson last week I wish I knew sooner.

One Love
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997
From: John Martinez
Homepage: Royal Rangers

God bless you from your brothers on the West Coast! Pacific Latin American District!

Keep the faith!
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997
From: Angel Rivera Jr

Yo I'm representin' Jesus. I'm shoutin' from Lancaster, Pa. (aka Pa South Jersey) I was at Springfest and Power and Dominion was da bomb. Their songs really ministered to my life. I was really touched. You guys keep the faith and be true to da game. God bless you. I love you in Christ.

Your Brother In Christ,

Angel Rivera

P.S. Yo Brother E. if you're goin' to the Leader's Convention (May 9, 10 Staton Island) I will see you there.
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997
From: Carlos Rivera

Hermano E.:

Que Dios te bendiga. Este es carlos Rivera el representante de la Seccion, la cual esta conectado con el Senor, Connecticut. En este momento no tengo un ritmo o rapeo pero te dejo con unas palabras de la escrituras

"Porque el reino de Dios no consiste en palabras, sino en poder." (1 Cor.4:20)

Digo esto porque eso es lo que ustedes estan haciendo con su ministerio mas importante es el Reino de Dios, lo que ustedes estan proyectando, poderosamente. Sigan hacia delante. Estoy orando por ustedes.

Dios les bendiga mucho.

Carlos Rivera (CT)
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997
From: George Daniels

Just wanted to commend you for such a great webpage and witness for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997
From: Onyx

East coast & West coast is the best HIP HOP Nation.
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997
From: Darius

Hey guys! I love whats you are doing. You are so COOL. I love HIP HOP NATION.I like EAST COST & WEST COAST!!!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997
From: Steven Beverly

even though i haven't heard your music i think its cool that you guys are speeking out for the lord thanx for doing that cuz sombodys got to, keep up the good work. I found this by looking for a T-Bone home page through yahoo and ended up here.
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997
From: Rev. L.M. Cheatham
homepage: Evangelic Ministries

I like your Page a lot. Keep up the good work.

JESus keeps me near the CRoss.............
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997
From: Elizabeth Bledsoe

Hey what's up!!! I was brousing the internet, and I saw your address. I am interested to know more about your group? How many people our in it, and so on? Thanks!!! E-mail me back!!!
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997
From: Gus Lott
Organization: Salt Presbyterian Youth Group


Hey your page is pretty cool!!!! maybe you'd like to exchange links or something. My youth page is from the first presbyterian church of monterey California. It's URL is here:

Maybe you'd also like to join the youthring...It's a cool way to connect all christian youth on the internet check it out at my page.

by the way... my name's gus and I'm 17 and I'm really into my churches youth group... ours is called salt. senior highers acheiving life together or something like that.

well anyway... hope to hear from you soon.

In His Love.

Gus Lott
God Bless!

Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997
From: Jessica Marie

I wanna say what's up to all my brothers and sisters in Christ...stay cool. I also wanna send a big, huge shout out to all my friends at Calvary Temple! You guys are the greatest. I wanna tell B.J. that I love him very much and Happy Valentine's baby!!! You are the best! I wanna send a shout out to Ron...your web page is the bomb! Everybody check out the Urban Jungle! Thanks for the e-mail about this page it is RAD!
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997
From: R. Junius

i'm a gospel music D.J. and would like more info, demos and/or tracks to play.

Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997
From: Annie B. Garcia
Homepage: Annie & Efrain Garcia!

To my boyzzzzzzzz

"E, JUNE, KOO" - You know u got lots of love here from Annie & Efrain in the HOUSE.

My message is that you will never stay where u are at, keep moving to the second, third, fourth level, never SETTLE!. Keep up w/ those heavenly sent lyrics.

P.S. Send sum of our love to AMY! CHOW :)

2in1 !!!!
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997
From: Albert
Pretty cool place guys!!!!!!

I guess I ought to introduce myself. I'm Al, former sound man to Sound of Praise for many years (ask Ray about me, He'll tell ya all about my sort of madness!)

You folks seem to be filling a need which currently isn't beig addressed in our youth. I hope the Lord continues to bless and open doors for you as well as to provide as far as your finances are concerned (we all live in the "real" world to some extent).

I have dropped in in the past and it has been interesting to see you guys grow, any how just wanted to say it has been a blessing watching other young people minister with the anointing of God through the internet!

Be blessed, keep the faith and persevere in the days to come. These days as I have been praying,I have not been able to escape the feeling that we have a MAJOR IMPENDING REVIVAL!!! The problem is, Judgement is coming as well for those who would out of the hardness of their hearts seek to hinder or oppose the work of God. May we never fall into that category!....I have to go now, it's been fun,........Albert of amssound@aol.com,......|:-)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997
From: Jessica

Hey I wanna send a big shout to all my brothers and sisters in Christ! Keep the Faith!

I also wanna send a shout out to my boy Fame!!!!
From: M.B.
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997
Organization: Colby College
X-URL: The BIO Page!


Just thought you'd might like to know...I was having quite a bit of trouble reading those "click on this" messages on your webpage which are all typed in dark blue on a black background. ??? A lighter color than the dark blue for the text might work better.

Anyway, the group sounds like a great ministry from the place the Lord seems to have brought everyone from...and now, together. Many blessings as the Lord prospers the group on its way!

Peace to ya...only in Christ,

Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997
From: Art Williams

Most definetly I want to give it up for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He's my strength... my mercy and my heavanly Father. When I had no one by my side Jesus was at my side...

Also I want to give a shout out to my moms...and grandmoms who have been my support and my encourangement...

Yo.. to all yaw brothers and sisters out-there that are in Christ...I'm sayin be encouraged...in whatever you do...for He's able to do exceedingly, abundantly and above all that you can ask or think. That's what's up...

Representing Philly: Cheltenham, Mt.Airy, Germantown and West Oak Lane..

Iamout Art Williams III
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997
From: Prophet


My name is Jose and you do not know me but I have heard of you and I just finished reading a response letter you wrote in response to Holy Hip/Hop bashing. Let me say that I am duly impressed. See I used to rap for the LORD and was criticized for it. Anyway that's not why I'm writing you.

I'm writing because myself and some friends of mine are opening a CHRISTIAN CLUB called CLUB ETERNAL! It will be a place for us holy people and whoever follows them to hang and chill. You know!

We party in the Lord! And those who follow are set up! If you like what you hear you could write me back at Rey's address.

Let me give you a little taste of something I did for a gospel song I wrote for S.O.P a while ago.

holy, holy, the Lord is holy, i got the Lord now so satan step off me
you no longer attract me, i snore 'cause you bore me
now here's a little something that i want you to know see
JESUS CHRIST came into my heart, and from his loving mercy i will never depart
so a knicka knacka paddy whacka satan you get a smacka stepa backa
cause now I know the truth and i fight with my sword, thank-you Jesus haleluya and Holy is the Lord!

We've never done it and I still have it. I'm co-founder of Prophet/Double Edge Ministries. Christ is the Founder.

Like I said any interest write me at Rey's.
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997
From: Rey Torres, Sound of Praise Ministries, Inc. NY, USA
Homepage: Sound of Praise Ministries, Inc.

Just wanted people to know the reality of PAD's ministry... Some closed minds may think of Christian Hip-Hop as a rebelious mood...However, you only need to meet this Ministry and understand their true commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ and His Word!!! "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, NOR EAR HEARD, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him. But God has revealed them to us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things,yea, the deep things of God." 1Cor 2:9,10.

Friend don't miss out on the awesome display of God.

Brother E., I'm proud to have met you...Thanking you for your unselfish help. Hold on to His Promise!!!!!

Bro. Rey Torres and your friends at Sound of Praise Ministries, Inc.
Send email to Power & Dominion if you like.