This FAQ was created by Elizabeth and originally posted on her All Things Melrose site. Unfortunately, her site became 404. I felt it would be ashamed to let Elizabeth and the other contributor's hard work simply die. So I decided to host the FAQ on my site. Here it is:

Section 001: Characters
Section 002: Actors
Section 003: Melrose Resources On The Web
Section 004: Newsgroup In General
Section 005: Miscellaneous
Section 006: Who Lives Where
Section 007: Contributors

Section 001: Characters

001.1: Who has slept with whom?
Alison: Keith, Billy, Mitch, Zach, Terry, Hayley, Jake
Amanda: Jack, Billy, Jake, Michael, Peter, Bobby, Craig, Kyle, Rory, Kent
Billy: Donna, Marcy, Alison, Amanda, Elizabeth, Susan, Brooke, Evie, Samantha, Jennifer
Brooke: Billy, Lowell
Coop: Lexi, Megan, Kimberly
Craig: Amanda, Sydney, Jennifer, Ms. Lindstrom
Eve: Peter, Kent, Travis
Jake: Colleen, Sandy Harling, Perry, Jo, Amanda, Brittany, Sydney, Shelly, Jane, Claire, Alison
Jane: Michael, Robert, Chris, Jake, Richard, Alex, Jim, Kyle
Jennifer: Kyle, Craig, Billy
Jo: Charles, Jake, Reed, Steve, Richard, Jess, Dominick
Kimberly: Michael, Peter, Pool Boy, Radio Show Engineer, Vic, Coop
Kyle: Jennifer, Taylor, Sydney, Amanda, Jane
Lexi: Coop, Peter, Ryan, Drew, Michael, Tony
Matt: Jeffrey, Paul, Alan, David, Dan
Megan: Numerous tricks, Josh, Michael, Coop, Ryan
Michael: Jane, Kimberly, Sydney, Amanda, Brandi, Megan, Taylor, Amber, Linda, Marianne, Audrey, Lexi
Peter: Beth, Amanda, Caitlin, Kimberly, Alycia, Taylor, Lexi, Eve
Rhonda: Terrence
Ryan: Lexi, Megan, Kelly, Gail, Robin, Jennifer
Samantha: Kenny, Billy, Jeff
Sandy: Jake
Sydney: Numerous tricks, Michael, Jake, Chris, Kyle, Carter, Craig
Taylor: Kyle, Peter, Michael, Nick

001.2: On-Screen Marriages

Alison: Hayley, Jake
Amanda: Jack Parezi, Peter, Kyle, Rory, Kyle, Peter
Billy: Brooke, Samantha
Brooke: Billy
Coop: Lexi, Lexi
Craig: Sydney
Eve: Peter
Jake: Alison
Jane: Michael, Michael
Jennifer: None
Jo: Charles Reynolds
Kimberly: Michael
Kyle: Taylor, Amanda, Amanda
Lexi: Coop, Coop
Matt: Katya Petrova
Megan: Michael, Ryan
Michael: Jane, Sydney, Kimberly, Megan, Jane
Peter: Beth, Amanda, Eve, Amanda
Rhonda: Terrence Haggart
Ryan: Kelly, Megan
Samantha: Billy
Sandy: None
Sydney: Michael, Craig
Taylor: Kyle

001.3: Original cast members

The original cast members were Jake, Matt, Michael, Billy, Alison, Jane, Sandy, and Rhonda.

001.2.1: Debut episodes for added cast members (Note: Sydney and Peter both left the show shortly after their debut to return the next season as regular cast members). A more complete list, including minor characters, is located in Section 006.2.

Kimberly: A Promise Broken, Episode 12, September 23, 1992
Jo: House of God, Episode 16, November 11, 1992
Sydney: Single White Sister, Episode 20, January 6, 1993
Amanda: Picture Imperfect, Episode 22, January 27, 1993
Peter: No Strings Attached, Episode 71, October 17, 1994
Brooke: And The Winner Is..., Episode 87, February 27, 1995
Samantha: Full Metal Betsy, Episode 129, May 15, 1996
Kyle: Living With Disaster, Episode 132, September 9, 1996
Taylor: Living With Disaster, Episode 132, September 9, 1996
Megan: UnJaned Melody, Episode 136, October 28, 1996
Craig: UnJaned Melody, Episode 136, October 28, 1996
Jennifer: Déjà vu All Over Again, Episode 159, April 14, 1997
Coop: A Brand New Day, Episode 167, September 8, 1997
Lexi: The Doctor Is In... Deep, Episode 170, September 29, 1997
Ryan: The World According to Matt, Episode 200, September 14, 1998

001.4: Who lives where?

Please see Section 006.

001.5: nicknames for characters

Our Lady of Too Far Apart Eyes = Kimberly
Psycho/Psycho Bitch = Kim
DoorMatt = Matt
TMT (Too Much Testosterone) = Michael
Bilveeta = Billy
Alithun = Alison
Gidget = Sydney
KFK (Kung Fu Kyle) = Kyle
BLC (Big Lips Chick) = Taylor
Freak Girl = Taylor
Boy King = Craig
Monkey Boy = Craig
Unibrow = Craig
Pool Boy = Pool Boy

Other nicknames can be found at

Ken Hart's Glossary of Melrosian Terms:

Section 002: Actors

002.1: Plastic surgery

Only the stars know for sure, but speculations include Josie Bissett (widely reported to have had breast implants between the third and fourth seasons), Heather Locklear and Alyssa Milano (also breast implants), and Lisa Rinna (collagen injected into lips).

002.2: Real life marriages/relationships

Laura Leighton and Grant Show had a very public engagement at one time, but they are now "officially" seeing other people. However, Show's relationship with Leighton may have been a cover-up for his personal life; according to a Lexus/Nexus search, Show shares his house with a man.

Josie Bissett and Rob Estes are married.

Doug Savant is married to Laura Leighton.

Thomas Calabro is married to writer Elisabeth Pryor.

Andrew Shue is married to Jennifer Hageney.

Heather Locklear is married to Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi (and formerly married to Tommy Lee of Motley Crue). She and Richie had a girl, Ava Elizabeth, in October, 1997.

Jack Wagner is married to Kristina Malandro of General Hospital.

Linden Ashby is married to actress Susan Walters.

002.3: Is Doug Savant gay?

Only Doug knows for sure, but he has two children and is now divorced from his first his wife (who reportedly left him for his personal trainer). He is now married to Laura Leighton.

002.4: Why is Heather Locklear still billed as a "Special Guest Star"?

Heather earned this distinction when she joined the show midway through the first season. As it was widely recognized that she saved the show from an untimely Nielsen death, this courtesy has been a part of her contract ever since.

002.5: Didn't Rob Estes play Michael's college buddy Sam Trowler in the first and second seasons?


002.6: Why did they leave and will they be back?

Note: "Will the character/actor return" is mostly speculation on Anne's part.

Kristin Davis (Brooke)
When did we last see her? February 1996.
How did the character leave? Drowned in the pool. Did appear as a ghost in the episode after that.
Why did the actress leave the show? Was fired because the producers felt that there was nothing more to do with the character. Rumor has it that she was also rather unpopular with the viewers.
Has she done anything notable post-MP? Has a supporting role on Sex and the City.
Will the character/actor return? The character was killed off, the only current character she had any storylines together with was Amanda - I see no reason why she should come back.

Daphne Zuniga (Jo)
When did we last see her? Season finale, 1996.
How did the character leave? In the season finale, Jo's boyfriend Dominick O'Malley told her that he was going to Bosnia and asked her to come with him. She said no but went to see him at the airport. She asked him to stay, he asked her to join him, the last time we saw Jo she was staring into the camera, confused. In the first episode of the 1996/97 season, Matt told Amanda that Jo had moved to Europe.
Why did the actress leave the show? Zuniga quit - with the producers blessing, more or less - because she thought that the character (and the show) had declined too much.
Has she done anything notable post-MP? No major post-Melrose work, occasional TV appearances.
Will the character/actor return? There was a rumor, obviously false, at a MP bulletin board that Jo would make a short appearance at Matt's funeral. Although the only current characters she had shared major storylines with was Jane and Amanda, I could see Jo being written into current storylines - but I doubt that it will happen.

Marcia Cross (Kimberly)
When did we last see her? March 1997.
How did the character leave? Developed an aneurysm when her brain tumor went into remisson. It burst and she died when she was leaving the beach house to pay Michael a last visit. Appeared as an angel in Megan's dream in the next episode.
Why did the actress leave the show? Her contract was up after season five and it wasn't renewed. In an interview in Soap Opera digest, producer Chip Hayes said about the character "we milked it, and it was time to move on" Rumors about her departure include that her request for a substantial salary increase was turned down, that she was very unpopular with the rest of the cast and the crew and that she never liked working on MP, and wanted to get a chance to work in film and/or theatre.
Has she done anything notable post-MP? No major post-Melrose work, occasional TV appearances.
Will the character/actor return? The character is dead - for the second time, and the writers has gone to some lengths to show that she really is dead this time. A return from the dead would probably be very silly and contrived, and if the rumors about Cross departure are true, even a "ghost appearance" or a long-lost twin storyline seem extremely unlikely.

Grant Show (Jake)
When did we last see him? Season finale, 1997.
How did the character leave? In order to start a new life with Alison, Jake sold Shooters and bought a diner in Ojai. When Jake's ex-girlfriend (and the mother of his son) Colleen, came back into his life, Alison decided to leave him, and he ended up in Ojai with Collen and their son.
Why did the actor leave the show? His contract was up and he chose not to renew it. (Allegedly, he was really bored with the role and had wanted to get out for years. It is also possible that his breakup with Laura Leighton made him more willing to leave the show.)
Has he done anything notable post-MP? No major post-Melrose work, occasional TV appearances.
Will the character/actor return? Although his ex-girlfriends Jane and Amanda are still on the show, I can't really see Jake returning. After all, he is the only one of the departed characters that we have seen in his new environment happy. I doubt that Grant Show wants to return, too.

Courtney Thorne-Smith (Alison)
When did we last see her? Season finale, 1997.
How did the character leave? After dumping Jake (see above) she moved to Atlanta "to catch the Olympic spirit". Billy waved her off at the airport. In the "summer episodes" in 1998, Amanda spoke on the phone with Alison, who was about to enter rehab again, but she was neither seen nor heard.
Why did the actress leave the show? Her contract was up and she chose not to renew it. (According to rumors, she was rather bitchy and unpopular with the rest of the cast and crew and/or she had developed a drinking problem after her breakup with Andrew Shue a few years earlier.
Has she done anything notable post-MP? She has been playing Georgia on the show Ally McBeal since autumn 1997.
5. Will the character/actor return? Thorne-Smith is the most successful of the departed actors so far, so why should she want to return? And what is the point to take back Alison if Billy is gone?

Laura Leighton (Sydney)
When did we last see her? Season finale, 1997.
How did the character leave? Was run over by Sam outside the church were she and Craig just had gotten married. Died off-screen between season five and six.
Why did the actress leave the show? Her contract was up and she didn't renew it, probably after a negotiations about her salary went astray. (According to numerous sources, she wanted as much money as Heather Locklear gets.
Has she done anything notable post-MP? She did a very well-paid guest-stint at Beverly Hills 90210 in the autumn of 1998. Allegedly, she is also developing a sitcom of her own.
Will the character/actor return? Sydney was one of the most popular characters and Leighton obviously haven't got any problems with working on a Spelling show, if the salary is right. Still, it is very difficult to write a good "back-from-the-dead" or "long-lost twin/double" storyline. And she told E!Online that she is not interested in returning so it is doubtful we'll see Sydney again.

Doug Savant (Matt)
When did we last see him? September, 1997.
How did the character leave? Matt got a job at a AIDS-research hospital in San Francisco and left. Michael and Coop were the only ones who noticed. In September 1998 he was killed in an off-screen car accident.
Why did the actor leave the show? He initially signed a contract for the first half of season six, but when shooting began earlier because of Heather Locklear's pregnancy, it clashed with the shooting of the movie Godzilla, in which he had a minor part, and he decided to leave after only one episode. See also (It is possible that five years without a storyline influenced Savant's decision to leave. That he had started dating Laura Leigton in 1997 might also have been a contributing factor.)
Has he done anything notable post-MP? Godzilla, guest appearance on The Love Boat.
Will the character/actor return? Although Matt's death was off-screen, Michael allegedly witnessed it, so I guess he won't return unless they are planning a Kimberly-like death-scam.

David Charvet(Craig)
When did we last see him? February 1998.
How did the character leave? Craig shot himself because his personal and professional life had been a disaster since Sydney's death.
Why did the actor leave the show? Left voluntarily with the producers blessings to pursue other options? see
Has he done anything notable post-MP? ????????
Will the character/actor return? [He is dead, and I doubt that the storyline "Amanda fights a Craig-clone" would be popular.]

Alyssa Milano (Jennifer)
When did we last see her? (Summer) season finale, 1998.
How did the character leave? Went home to NJ with Billy.
Why did the actress leave the show? Left to develop a sitcom of her own, a project which never materialized. (I think she had only signed a one-year contract on MP).
Has she done anything notable post-MP? She is now starring on the new Spelling show Charmed.
Will the character/actor return? If Charmed is cancelled before MP and Milano wants to return, I don't think it would be that difficult to write Jennifer into the storylines again, but she didn't leave with a lot of loose threads hanging, either.

Andrew Shue (Billy)
When did we last see him? (Summer) season finale, 1998.
How did the character leave? Went to New Jersey with Jennifer.
Why did the actor leave the show? Was fired/not offered a new contract because the producers decided they wanted a smaller cast. (And maybe they finally realized that Shue cannot act.)
Has he done anything notable post-MP? No notable post-MP work.
Will the character/actor return? The only good reason to bring back Billy would be for a Billy/Alison reunion, and I doubt that that will happen anytime soon.

Brooke Langton (Samantha)
When did we last see her? (Summer) season finale, 1998.
How did the character leave? Moved to Florida to marry Jeff Baylor.
Why did the actress leave the show? Was fired/not offered a new contract because the producers decided they wanted a smaller cast.
Has she done anything notable post-MP? She now has the lead role on The Net.
Will the character/actor return? Even if The Net is cancelled and Langton wants to return to MP, I doubt that she will because most of the characters Samantha interacted with are gone.

Linden Ashby (Coop)
When did we last see him? (Summer) season finale, 1998.
How did the character leave? After he tried and failed to kill Lexi so he could be with Megan, he decided to break up with both women and moved to Philadelphia.
Why did the actor leave the show? Was fired/not offered a new contract because the producers decided they wanted a smaller cast. Three evil male doctors is one too much, especially if there only is four male characters.
Has he done anything notable post-MP? Guest appearance on The Love Boat.
Will the character/actor return? Probably not after bad-mouthing the show in Soap Opera Digest.

Lisa Rinna(Taylor)
When did we last see her? (Summer) season finale, 1998.
How did the character leave? How did the character leave? After she had persuaded Jane and Michael to raise her and Michael's newborn baby, she changed her mind and moved back to Boston with the kid. Michael and Jane adjusted to the situation rather quickly.
Why did the actress leave the show? Her contract was up and she was about to give birth to her first child so she decided to quit. See also
Has she done anything notable post-MP? No notable post-MP work, she's at home with her baby.
Will the character/actor return? There is a bigger chance that Rinna will return than that anyone of the others's will, for the following reasons:
     a. she has said that she wouldn't mind returning
     b. as far as I know, there was no conflict with the producers over her leaving
     c. Taylor still has connections to and unfinished business with Michael, Jane, Kyle, Amanda and Peter. A return wouldn't seem contrived.
   Reasons why she may not return include the following:
     a. Lisa Rinna might be offered (or at least try to get) better work than MP.
     b. The show might be cancelled before there is a storyline opening for Taylor to return.]

Other stuff about departures:

002.7: Birthdates of Cast Members

Thomas Calabro (Michael) born 2/3/59
Jack Wagner (Peter) 10/3/59
Linden Ashby (Coop) 5/23/60
Marcia Cross (Kimberly) 1/1/61
Heather Locklear (Amanda) 9/25/61
Grant Show (Jake) 2/27/62
Vanessa Williams (Rhonda) 5/12/63
Rob Estes (Kyle) 7/22/63
Daphne Zuniga (Jo) 10/28/63
Doug Savant (Matt) 6/21/64
Lisa Rinna (Taylor) 7/11/65
Kristin Davis (Brooke) 2/23/66
John Haymes Newton (Ryan) 12/29/65
Andrew Shue (Billy) 2/20/67
Courtney Thorne-Smith (Alison) 11/8/67
Laura Leighton (Sydney) 7/24/68
Kelly Rutherford (Megan) 11/6/68
Josie Bissett (Jane) 10/5/70
Brooke Langton (Samantha) 11/27/70
Jamie Luner (Lexi) 5/12/71
Amy Locane (Sandy) 12/19/71
David Charvet (Craig) 5/15/72
Alyssa Milano (Jennifer) 12/19/72

Section 002.8: BH 90210/Melrose Cast

The following 90210 actors appeared in the first few episodes of Melrose:
Brian Austin Green (David)
Tori Spelling (Donna)
Jennie Garth (Kelly)
Ian Ziering (Steve)

Shannen Doherty, Jason Priestly, and Luke Perry have *not* appeared on Melrose.

Of the MP regular cast members, only Grant Show appeared on BH 90210.

Section 003: Melrose resources on the web

003.1: MP theme song

The theme song is *not* on the Melrose soundtrack, but it can be found on the Melrose Place CD-Rom from Byron Press Multimedia or can be downloaded in wave, midi and RealAudio formats from:

003.2: Weekly updates

Official site:

Ken Hart:

Melrose Place TV:

003.3: Pictures of cast

003.4: Spoilers

Melrose Place TV:

Hartford, CT's Fox 61 Site:

Section 004: Newsgroup in general

004.1: Netiquette

Technically, everyone has complete freedom in what they post and how they post it. However, as Usenet has evolved and grown over time, something called "netiquette" developed. What netiquette is, is a collection of guidelines which provide some sort of law and order to internet environments such as However, these are entirely voluntary, there are no Internet police who will track you down should you decide to lambaste Andrew Shue's acting ability IN ALL CAPS. But, if you want to be considered an intelligent and polite contributor to a.t.m-p, it would be wise to read through a guide to netiquette. We'll address some basic points below, but for more information, check one of the guides to netiquette. You'll be glad you did, and so will the other folks on a.t.m-p.

004.1.1: Typing in all caps/all lower-case

Netizens call typing in all capital letters "shouting," and typing in all lower-case letters "whispering." Both are considered to be rude. At best, newsgroup readers will take such posters less seriously than posters who appear to pay some attention to the rudiments of grammar; at worst, these posters are likely to be flamed - i.e. sent hostile messages.

004.1.2: Spelling (no, not Aaron!)

We all make spelling mistakes from time to time, probably even more then usual when doing email and posting to newsgroups. A few minor spelling mistakes can be overlooked quite easily; no harm done. But, absolutely atrocious spelling and punctuation diverts your readers attention away from the content to your style. Do you want someone to flame you for your lousy spelling, or would you rather he or she answered your question or commented on your opinion? So use a spell-checker, or take a little bit longer next time you're typing.

004.1.3: New here? Before you post...

It's considered fine form to observe a newsgroup for a bit of time before you dive in. This will give you the opportunity to get a feel for the environment; what's acceptable, who's who, who to avoid, etc. This will make your introduction to the group quick and easy, no one will even know you're new at this.

And when you do decide to jump into the fray, an introduction is a good way to start. This can be as simple as your name, age, and where you live. This demonstrates two things: that you read this FAQ or some other netiquette guide. And that you read it, understood it, and are willing to put it into practice.

004.1.4: Guides to Netiquette:

Section 005: Miscellaneous

005.1: Collector cards

The release of the cards has been delayed indefinitely.

005.2: Addresses for stars

You can write to the actors:
c/o "Melrose Place"
10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035

005.3: Location shots

The Melrose Place set is located in Santa Clarita; the beachhouse is located in Oxnard; the exterior of Shooters is a bar called "Fellini's" on Melrose Ave.; the exterior of D&D is Spelling Productions on Wilshire; the exterior of Wilshire Memorial is Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital.

005.4: When is the series finale?

The final first run episode will be on May 24th, 1999.

Section 006: Melrosian apartment assignments

Melrose Space has a terrific graphical map of the building. The homepage URL is:


The endless procession of people moving in and out of apartments can be quite confusing! Here's a handy guide to who lives where, and when. Note though, that it's frozen in a peculiar moment in time -- midway through the 5th season with a few references to the past.

Briefly, if you're standing at the far side of the pool facing the entryhall with the mailboxes, on the first floor from left to right, the apartments go 5, 1, 2, 3. On the second floor from left to right, they go 6, 7, 8, 4.

This section of the FAQ will take you through in three ways: by apartment number, by person, and chronologically. The focus is on courtyard first, and not so much on other locales.

As of now, this covers the pilot <1.1> to midway through season 3 <3.30>. Each month it will be updated, as I'm meticulously taking notes during the E!peats. Questions on this section may be directed to Steve at

SECTION 006.1.1 -- By person, through episode <3.30>
Jane: #5 <1.1>-
Michael: #5 <1.1>-<1.31>; #5 <2.13>--<2.18>
Syd: #5 <1.19>-<1.20>; #5 <2.2>-<2.7>; #7 <2.7>-<2.21/22>; #7 <2.28>-<3.2>; #7 <3.7>-
Sandy: #6 <1.1>-<1.13>
Matt: #3 <1.1>-
Jake: #1 <1.1>-<2.1>; #6 <2.1>-<2.5>; #1 <2.5>-<3.5>; #1 <3.6>-
Billy: #3 <1.1>-<1.24>; #3 <1.25>-<2.12>; #1 <2.12>-<2.15>; #3 <2.15>-<2.19>; #3 <2.21>-<3.4>; #8 <3.4>-
Alison: #3 <1.1>-<1.25>; [Seattle, <1.24>-<1.25>]; #3 <1.26>-<3.28>; #3 <3.30>-
Rhonda: #6 <1.1>-<1.15>; #4 <1.15>-<1.32>
Jo: #6 <1.15>-

Special Guest Star Amanda: #4 <1.32>-

Minor characters who've lived at 4616 MP

Natalie (?): #3 <1.1>
Carrie (Rae Dawn Chong): #6 <1.14>
Ted the peeper: <2.26>
Katya (Beata Pozniak): #2 <2.9>
Nikki (Mara Wilson): #2 <2.9>, <2.13>-<2.15>
Reed: #6 <2.17>-<2.18>
Celia: #3 <2.18> (during her apt. fumigation)
Sarah: #6 <2.29>-<2.30>
Susan (Cheryl Pollak): #3 <3.7>-<3.9>; #8 <3.9>-<3.14>
Austin: #6 <3.15>-<3.16>
Rikki (Traci Lords): #7 <3.17>-<3.18>
Jesse (Dan Cortese): #1 <3.24>-<3.28>; #6 <3.28>-<3.30>

SECTION 006.1.2 -- By Room Number, through episode <3.30>

#1  Jake <1.1>-<2.1>, <2.5>-
     Billy <2.12>-<2.15>
#2  Matt <1.1>-
     [Katya <2.9>]
     [Nikki <2.9>, <2.13>-<2.15>]
#3  [Natalie <1.1>]
     Alison <1.1>-<1.25>, <1.26>-<3.28>, <3.30>-
     Billy <1.1>-<1.24>, <1.25>-<2.12>, <2.15>-<2.19>, <2.21>-<3.4>
     [Celia] <2.18>
     [Susan] <3.7>-<3.9>
#4  Rhonda <1.15>-<1.32>
     Amanda <1.32>-
#5  Jane <1.1>-
     Michael <1.1>-<1.31>, <2.13>-<2.18>
     Syd <1.19>-<1.20>, <2.2>-<2.7>, <3.3>-<3.7>
#6  Sandy <1.1>-<1.13>
     Rhonda <1.1>-<1.15>
     [Carrie <1.14]
     Jo <1.15>-
     Jake <2.1>-<2.5>
     [Reed] <2.17>-<2.18>
     [Sarah] <2.29>-<2.30>
     [Austin] <3.15>-<3.16>
     [Jesse] <3.28>-<3.30>
#7  Syd <2.7>-<2.21/22>, <2.28>-<3.2>, <3.7>-
     [Rikki] <3.17>-<3.18>
#8  Ted the Peeper <1.26>
     Billy <3.4>-
     Susan <3.9>-<3.14>

SECTION 006.1.3 -- Chronological, through episode <3.30>

<1.1> At the first microsecond of the pilot, this is the arrangement:
Jake, #1; Matt, #2; Alison/Natalie, #3; Jane/Michael #5; Rhonda/Sandy #6. Ostensibly there are others living in the building, because early on at one point we see a couple picking up their mail and heading into the courtyard (going past #3, so they probably live in #4.) They never speak, and soon into the run, they're never seen again. Anyhow, at the top of <1.1> Natalie is leaving while Alison is still sleeping. Later, Billy moves in.

<1.13> Sandy moves out of #6 to New York City to be on a soap opera.

<1.14> Carrie (Rae Dawn Chong) moves in with Rhonda in #6, and moves out in the same episode.

<1.15> Rhonda moves from #6 into #4; Jo moves from New York to #6.

<1.19> Syd comes to stay with Jane/Michael in #5.

<1.20> Syd moves out of #5, leaving Jane/Michael.

<1.24> Billy moves out of #3, leaving Alison, to go to Amanda's marina apartment.

<1.25> Billy moves out of Amanda's marina apartment and goes back to #3. However, Alison has moved out of #3 and has gone to Seattle to live with psycho Keith.

<1.26> Alison leaves psycho Keith in Seattle and goes back to #3 with Billy.

<1.31> Jane kicks Michael out of #5. He crashes at the hospital a bit and then goes to Kimberly's apartment.

<1.32> Rhonda leaves #4 to move in with Terrence. Amanda buys the whole building and moves into #4.

<2.1> Jake moves from #1 into Jo's #6 apartment.

<2.2> Sydney moves in with Jane in #5.

<2.5> Jake moves from #6, leaving Jo, moves back into #1.

<2.7> Jane kicks out Syd from #5; Syd moves into #7.

<2.9> Katya (Beata Pozniak) and Nikki (Mara Wilson) temporarily move in with Matt #2, so they can fool the INS, just for this episode.

<2.12> Billy moves from #3, leaving Alison, into #1 with Jake.

<2.13> Nikki moves in with Matt in #2 while her mother goes to Russia. Michael, paralyzed, is allowed to temporarily stay with Jane back in #5. (He'd moved into the beachhouse with Kimberly earlier this season. Kimberly, meanwhile, is shipped to Ohio dead.)

<2.15> Nikki moves from #2, leaving Matt, and goes to Russia. Billy moves from #1, leaving Jake, and back into #3 with Alison.

<2.17> Reed moves into #6 with Jo.

<2.18> Reed moves out of #6, leaving Jo.

<2.18> Celia moves in to #3 with Alison and Billy while her apartment is being fumigated, just for this episode. Jane kicks Michael out of #5 again, and he goes to the beachhouse.

<2.19> Billy moves from #3 to New York, leaving Alison.

<2.21> Syd starts moving out of #7 to go to the beachhouse, but isn't completely moved out untilt he next episode Billy moves back from New York to #3, rejoining Alison.

<2.26> Ted the peeper moves into #8. Amanda throws him out, but he doesn't actually leave.

<2.27> Ted the peeper finally leaves after Amanda threatens to cut his yes out.

<2.28> Syd returns to #7, being kicked out of the beachhouse by Michael following Kimberly's return.

<2.29> Sarah, the Models Inc. model, moves in with Jo at #6 to escape an abusive boyfriend.

<2.30> Sarah moves out of #6, leaving Jo.

<3.2> Syd leaves #7 for the loony bin.

<3.3> Syd moves to #5 with Jane who brings her home from the asylum.

<3.4> Billy moves from #3, leaving Alison, to #8.

<3.5> Jake moves out of #1, hits the road.

<3.6> Jake returns to #1.

<3.7> Jane kicks Syd out of #5; Syd returns to #7. Susan moves in with Alison in #3.

<3.9> Susan leaves #3, leaving Alison, and moves into #8 with Billy.

<3.14> Susan leaves #8, leaving Billy.

<3.17> Rikki moves in with Syd in #7.

<3.18> Rikki and Syd leave for a retreat, from which Rikki does not return to MP. <3.24> Jesse moves in with Jake in #1.

(<3.25> Amanda temporarily stays at the beachhouse, recovering from chemo.)

<3.28> Jesse moves out of #1, leaving Jake; moves in with Jo in #6. Alison leave #3, moving to Hong Kong.

<3.30> Jesse goes to work and never returns, being killed on the job site (although we don't find this out for sure until 4.1). Alison returns to #3 from Hong Kong.

<4.1> Melrose Place is blown to smithereens.

Section 007: Contributors

Brian Ridge
Eric Newman
Steve Kleinedler
Anne Marcusson
Stan Young

A special thanks to Stacie, Erin, Melroseman and Jason for their assistance in updating this FAQ.

Corrections and suggestions are welcome. Please direct them to

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