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Hello and Welcome to My Shrine to the KING OF ALL MEDIA HOWARD STERN!!

Who is Howard Stern?

Well If you don't know who Howard is you shouldn't be here but, for thoes of you who stumbled upon this page I'll tell you. Howard Stern is the king of all media. He does a morning radio show in New York which is syndicated all over the country. In Boston you can hear him on my favorite station 104.1 WBCN

My Page is not worthy of Howard's Greatness and I am Sorry!!!!!

I'm sorry to everybody who has arrived at my page and seen horrible service from it. I have done a shamefull thing by having this page on for the last few months while I was trying to make it better for millions of Stern fans everywhere. I'm garbage and I'm sorry please forgive me.

Who am I?

I'm a freak. Simply put that's what I am. Yet I do the same as millions of Americans do every weekday morning from 6 to 10. I turn on the radio and hear The voice of the king of all media Howard Stern. But anyone who listens to his show doesn't want to read a whole bunch of text so now it's on to the good stuff!!

My Howard Stern Sounds Page!!
My Howard Stern Pics. page!!!
My Howard Stern links page
Mail me!!