
Wrestling Chants

*Twist 'em like a pretzel, show 'em how to wrestle, pin 'em, pin 'em, go cats!

*Pin that boy right to the mat, pin him down, WILDCATS!

*B-R-E-A-K, break away!

*T-A-K-E take 'em down!

Football Chants

*First and ten, go, go cats!

*H-O-L-D, hold that line!

*Fumble it, fumble it, F-U-M-B-L-E it!

*Touchdown, let's do it again, wildcats XXX lets win!

Basketball Chants

*The hoop is open and the net is hot, make that shot!

*Shoot two, shoot two, wildcats shoot two!

*Shoot for two, shoot, shoot for two!

*Do it like the Army does, shoot it, shoot it, do it like the Navy does, sink it!

*Dribble, Dribble, Dribble, Shoot, Shoot, for the hoop, hoop, alley oop, oop!

*Jump ball, get it, get it, get it, jump ball, get it!

*Get that ball back, get that ball back!

*They got it, we want it, get it back!

*There's a time out so shout it out, let's go cats!

Please e-mail me with more chants!
