Greetings, Salutations and Welcomes
to the wierd and incredible world of

The Photo Album

This page is here purely at the behest of the active members of the irrelevant mailing list Blame them, not me, I appologise in advance for any ill effects these pictures may have upon you.

If you don't like the colour scheme, its not my fault. At the moment this is the standard scheme for the irrelevant list, and I kinda like it too.

First of, a picture of my friends and one of me and my friends.
These are is taken in my bedroom.
This Chris (aka Ging) This is Ben
This is Ben againThis is me (aka Jai)This is Chris (aka Bash)
Next we have 3 pictures of me with famous people. Well, they are famous to me, anyway. If you don't recognise them, then you just haven't lived!
This is Bill Drummond, founder of The KLF and co author of Bad Wisdom And this is me getting my book(s) signed
picture of me with a big smile :-)
This is me (side profile)This is Z (aka Mark Manning, Zodiac Mindwarp) who is the other author of Bad WisdomDunno who this is. Could be a guy named Stuart Young who is a friend, or could just be some random person
picture of me and Z
This is Gimpo. He's always around at any performance of any kind by Bill. He's a great guy, and will sign anything while being quite bemused at the fact that people think he's famous. And once again, this is me. Hmm, maybe I should have changed the brightness of this picture?
picture of me and Gimpo

BTW, I don't look much like this anymore. I had my hair cut short earlier in the summer and I no longer wear a goatee. Now I'm either clean shaven, or have about a weeks growth of stubble.

As ever, this page is
This is only here to annoy Richard :-) © 1997illitrate Publicashions
illitrate Publicashions have no rights. They never had. Help! We're being repressed! Demand equal rights for compainies who illegally plagerize other people's work and can't spell.