My Homepage For Nanaimo.

Nanaimo was founded as a coal mining town, before it was a town though it was an indian settlement thus the name Nanaimo which stands for something but for the life of me I can't remember what BUT I will find out and revise this page. Nanaimo is infamous for a couple of things;

Have you ever eaten that annoyingly yummy desert known as Nanaimo bars? Ever wonder where it came from? Well now you know! It was something that the coal miners enjoied.

Nanaimo is also infamous for it's Bathtub races which have been going on for years here. People race across the Georgia Strait in a Bathtub trying to get to Vancouver ahead of everyone else.

Places to eat, just ask anyone who has ever been here. There just isn't any shortage of places to eat. Places to eat after 12am... that's another matter but before, you could spend a whole night just deciding

This is a picture of British Columbia, A province in Canada. This is also a picture of where I live. If you cast your gaze to the bottom left part of the coast you will see an island. That's Vancouver island. Here, I shall show you a closer picture of it.




This is Vancouver Island. It's a lot bigger than it looks. It takes pretty well a whole day to drive it's length. Nanaimo i in the yellow part of the map for those who can't read it. yep that's us. On the east coast of the west coast island. Other places of interest other than where I live include: Victoria, in my opinion is an incredible place. Very beautiful and lots to do. Chemainus which doesn't even appear but is full of fun things to see. Of course there are the famous forrests here and the west coast is something that you shouldn't miss out on if you are out here. Not enough space to mention all, come and see for yourself!

This is in the old part of Nanaimo. In the background is Nanaimo's symbolic Bastion. It was the fort to defend Nanaimo a long time ago against invasion. It would very much be concidered a heritage building however it was moved a few hundred feet a while back so is no longer "legally" concidered as such. The appartment to the right there also bears the Coast Bastion name. That anchor is HUGE... it's from a ship :).








This is nanaimo Harbor. Boating is a magor even in nanaimo, so much so that we hold the world famous bath tub races. This is a really nice area to walk along with lots of nice little shops.

These are common to see in Nanaimo especially in the summer time. They are on most of the lamp posts that look like this. What you do not know is that most of these are done by school students. I had a friend do one of these before.


You probably have seen this ferry before whether you realize it or not. The BC ferries have been in many movies that are supposed to take place in New York and Seattle and San Fransisco. Vancouver and the island area is a major area for film production. You will need to take one of these to get over here :).


This nice winter scene shot was actually taken fairly close to where I work near Wal-Mart. Winters here generally aren't that bad. The snow is few and far between unless you are closer to the mountains. We do have skiing on the island at Mount Washington and Maybe a couple of other places, however I like Mount Washington personally.





Just across the water from Nanaimo is Vancouver, depicted here in this photograph. Incredible city really :) I love to go there despite the fact that I don't get a chance to go there that often. Home of Omnimax Largest indoor Theater in the world, Science world, the home of Omnimax with a LOT of fun things to see, and Stanley park to mention a few attractions.


This page still is really really under construction so please keep checking back ok? :) ttyl!
