Welcome to my guestlog. I would like you to just leave comments suggestions or just generally anything you want to say about the page here. Thankyou for taking the time to sign this. I appreciate it. Gerald |
Cindy - 09/08/98 12:54:22 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
I said take out ALL of my comments. Thank you.
Kelly Gagne.
Kelly aka Firestarter - 06/16/98 07:16:15
My URL:http://.....
My Email:kellygagne@geocities.com
Elisabeth Thors - 06/04/98 15:53:53
My Email:nanaimogirl@rocketmai.com
Your Favorite Anime: Ranma
Your favorite part of this page: the poems and the pics of you...
Err I dont know where to start, but if U read this
little note from me the little wicked swede
PLEASE ! email me
ethors@hotmail.com or
MISS YOU! After all its been 2 years now...
Jen - 04/22/98 06:20:32
My Email:mia_49@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of this page: all of it!
Hey! Well I thought I should at least sign your guest book ummm...I like the page and the poetry and the talks we have! Ummm okay well anyways I did it I guess!!! You are the best! Love ya lots!
Andrew - 04/12/98 19:31:23
My URL:http://cei.net/~baskett/index1.html
My Email:baskett@cei.net
Your favorite part of this page: all
Great page, well done, Wow, Good job Thanatos
Gerald, you need to update your page! The public craves more Javaman (hmm... maybe it is the caffeine they want)! U should also maybe scan some of your sketches for on here. That would be great to see!
Jennifer B. - 02/14/98 20:15:31
Your Favorite Anime: Ranma 1/2
Your favorite part of this page: Nanaimo stuff... you make it sound good to me, and I *live* here.
I love how much there is to your page, Gerald. Really nicely done.
~Venus~ - 02/10/98 00:30:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/3122/
My Email:darleneb@adan.kingston.net
Your favorite part of this page: your sweet pic
Hey Gerald how are you sweetie :)
Great looking page you've done a great job:)
Best of luck for you
your a sincere pleasure to know and a good friend
I have missed our chats
Firestarter - 02/08/98 01:42:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/7120
My Email:kellygagne@geocities.com
Your Favorite Anime: Sailor Moon (*mmmm... Darien...*)
Your favorite part of this page: The suave and sexy Javaman...
Aloha. Just stopping by, as instructed. It was nice to spend time with you again yesterday. You are just as strange irl as on your homepage! *just kidding, of course*... You're doing a great job on your homepage, Gerald. Glad to see the use of frames :-)
aybe cum visit my page sometime. It rox the world... err, at least COBBLE HELL!
Take Care.
Chris Porter - 02/07/98 09:26:45
My Email:Alp@bc1.com
Your Favorite Anime: sailor moon
Your favorite part of this page: EVERYTHING
This page is Top Gerald!
One of i kind.
Good work :)
Rosalie Lasby - 11/17/97 14:43:50
My URL:http://www.asgard.co.uk/rosie/index.htm
My Email:rosie@asgard.coluk
Your Favorite Anime: Sailor Moon I suppose (although don't know much about it)
Your favorite part of this page: It's refreshing informality; the poetry; the animations
This page is a pretty awesome first endeavour...keep up the good work, will check back to see how things are going, and to see new pics, etc.!
Crocz - 11/11/97 04:11:01
My URL:http://www.isd.net/swong/Manga_Page/
My Email:crocz@beer.com
Your Favorite Anime: RG Veda
Your favorite part of this page: The introductions
Nice site!
Hope you're ok?
Chris porter - 10/19/97 19:55:41
My Email:Chrisporter@geocities.com
Your Favorite Anime: Sailor MOON
Your favorite part of this page: the quote of the week
I think your page is Really cool! AND funny!!
Good job Gerald
Sandy & Danny - 10/17/97 03:18:40
My Email:rewsd@mail.island.net
Don't know what anime is...very good homepage...really enjoyed it Gerald..thank you for the address..very good.
lexip - 10/15/97 10:05:48
My Email:ahamil@direct.ca
Your Favorite Anime: sailor moon
Your favorite part of this page: anime
very nice web page and different..like your anime section...learned something new.....cheers
Brenda - 10/14/97 22:37:14
My Email:Bumps02@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of this page: ALL
well done Thanatos...
Gemini - 10/02/97 12:30:49
My Email:sjras@pacificcoast.net
Your favorite part of this page: All
Verry good indeed Gerald.
DeSarona - 10/02/97 06:25:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/2545/index.html
My Email:desarona@geocities.com
Your Favorite Anime: I can't remember the name, it's something like "AKunzi"
Your favorite part of this page: All of it!!
Hi, Thanatos... looks good, thanks for sending me your URL, and I hope you can check out my page too! ... DeS
Shirley Rasmussen - 09/19/97 10:30:40
My Email:sjras@pacificcoast.net
Your favorite part of this page: Your picture of course
Job well done Gerald, I will be checking it out often to see your updates. Liked your picture of the month.
Jennifer - 09/17/97 21:02:02
My Email:gizlette2@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Anime: not sure....tough one!!
Your favorite part of this page: The part about YOU!!
Hey!! You asked me to check your page out now...so....HEHEHE! GOOD PAGE!! GOOD JOB!! I STILL don't know why you're afraid of sending out that pic though!! ;O) I'm glad that I've had the privilage to meet you...thank you! Maybe we'll meet up sometime
! *caio*
Backbone - 08/24/97 07:56:43 GMT
My URL:/Hollywood/Set/1097
My Email:-backbone-@geocities.com
Your Favorite Anime: ALL
Your favorite part of this page: Everythin'
Cool Page!!
Be kind, check out mine!!
Stargazar - 08/24/97 00:26:43 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/temple/2857/
My Email:canadense@geocities.com
Your favorite part of this page: All
Nice site! Cool!
Andrea Walker - 08/19/97 08:42:44 GMT
My URL:http://www.island.net/~ajwalker
My Email:ajwalker@mail.island.net
Your Favorite Anime: Ranma 1/2
Your favorite part of this page: All of it
Great page...you've done a lot of work on it!
Keep smiling :)
Lina - 08/16/97 08:42:11 GMT
My Email:macgirl_@hotmail.com
I love your page...;)
Ellen - 08/06/97 09:41:01 GMT
My Email:ellenm@online.no
hi Gerald!
Cristina - 08/05/97 14:58:05 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6953/
My Email:lady-death@geocities.com
Your Favorite Anime: Sailor Moon (of course!)
Your favorite part of this page: Everything was gr8t!
Hey Gerald! Your page looks awesome!! I love your "Quote Of The Week" idea...I have some quotes
& poetry that I made up on my page! Anywho, keep up the great work! And keep in touch...
Cristina :o)
Lisa - 08/05/97 09:45:54 GMT
My Email:lisa.f@netway.co.nz
Your favorite part of this page: YOU!
You are a silly......
Write soon sweetie :)
x x x x
Gabriela Menyhart - 07/11/97 06:49:29 GMT
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Tiala/index-2.html
My Email:dmenyhar@intergate.bc.
Your Favorite Anime: RANMA OF COURSE
Your favorite part of this page: overall of page.
Hey there neighbour, I enjoyed your page tons.
Especially teh anime, I like that too, not as serious about it but the difference is refreshing, especially RAnma. Say why not pop by my page, under construction but it's something, see ya
Christine Clark - 07/09/97 09:11:57 GMT
My URL:http://users.iafrica.com/g/gc/gclark/
My Email:GClark@iafrica.com
r>Really cool page...lot of work!
Xandar - 06/23/97 06:07:33 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/4197
My Email:dmcgladr@direct.ca
Your Favorite Anime:
> Tenchi Muyo
Your favorite part of this page: All of it.
Comments: Comments: Comments:
Looking good Gerald. Keep up the good work.
Angie - 06/22/97 22:30:52 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/angiestrick/index.html
My Email:miss_priss_@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of this page: The whole thing!!!
Great page hon... Keep up the good work...
love angie
Gerald - 06/22/97 20:12:26 GMT
My Email:gfeather@direct.ca
Your Favorite Anime: Ranma, Sailor Moon, and Tenchi
You may be wondering why I am siging my own book...
well that's easy :) I have to test it somehow! :) Please put your own entries in here to give people something to read :)
take care!