Kung Fu Cult Master
Story -

Based on a popular martial arts novel by Jin Yong, there have been half a dozen tv series and movies based on it. The basic plot starts with Jet Li's parents dying before his eyes and he vows revenge. Jet Li is physically incapable of fighting, due to receiving the "Jinx's Palm" as a child, but he is cured when he learns the "Great Solar Stance" with which he becomes a hero! Type "Jin Yong" on any web search engine and you'll be able to find out more about the author.

Program Notes fromThe Film Center's 1996 festival, "Hong Kong: Where the Action Is", at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

A world dominated by the conflicts and politics of warring martial arts schools may seem improbable and exotic to Westerners, but is quite accurately rooted in the history and culture of China and treated at length in ancient literature. KUNG FU CULT MASTER is an extravagantly entertaining re-creation of that time, which also inspired such films as SWORDSMAN and THE BRIDE WITH WHITE HAIR . The Shaolin Sect and the Ming Sect are locked in decades-long struggle over who will rule, and young Chang Mo-kai sees both his parents die as a result of the feud. He grows up to be played by martial arts star Jet Li, under the tutelage of a wise monk. Airborne acrobatics, Kung Fu forms and colorful pageantry enhance a fast-paced story that centers around a search for the missing Toh Lung Sword and its accompanying scroll that confers special powers on the owner. An anti-totalitarian subtext and a plea for democracy in the finale are most certainly references to Hong Kong's current political dilemma.

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