Hmm, what to put on this page? I suppose we could start with a little biographical information:
Real name: Dennis Carelli
Birth: 2 December 1955, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let's get on to more personal things.
Why Dennis Christopher? Well, if you've seen any of my other pages, you'll know that I have a tendancy to ramble, so I'll try to keep this semi-short. I happen to think he's a very good actor, and I've read a few interviews with him and, as far as I can tell, he seems like a nice guy. He's cute (please excuse any drool you may come across on this site) and, did I mention I think he's a good actor?
How did I get interested in Dennis Christopher? Well, I was watching him on Profiler, but since you can't really see Jack, I didn't get too interested at first. Then Anessa (who's the original DC fan between us) started going on and on and on about him. She bugged me until I rented a few of his movies. The first one I rented was Stephen King's IT, and that was it for me. I loved him in that movie and have been a fan since. I've only just started on the movies, but I'm getting there!
Click on a title on the right, and that will take you to a picture index. Be warned: Some of these links contain many pictures, so if you have a slow modem, I wouldn't suggest going there. Yes, I know, right now there aren't too many links that actually work, but gimme a break. I just started, 'kay?
Okay, that's it for now. This page is still just a baby, so don't expect too much for now. More to come later. Oh, wait, I know! I can add a shameless self-promoting link. Check out my Profiler site: Insight: An Unofficial Profiler Site. Now I'm done.
Oh, yes, if you're also a fan of Dennis Christopher or want to tell me that a link doesn't work, have a site you think I should link to, etc. please e-mail me at: Hope you enjoy the site!
Disclaimer: I have NO ties with Mr. Christopher, and I have no plans to ever do so. Hey, DC (that's the best way I can think to address him, Dennis is way too personal, Mr. Christopher sounds.... I dunno... weird. So DC is it.