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Welcome To Major's Wrestling News!

"Major please don't shut down this site! Where else is there a site that gives this much information! If you think for one moment that we are not going to miss it you are mistaken! PLEASE STAY!"
Booyah Yooper

"I'm crushed. As I have told you before, you have absolutely the best news on the Internet. I first started visiting your site when you were at Scoops. From then on, I stopped visiting Scoops because all I had to do was go to your past news and read it to know what was going to be on Scoops' page the next day. I have no doubt that Al Isaacs was your most scrupolous reader. Big man, let me just tell you, in case you didn't know already, that you were the best source of wrestling news on the net up to this date. You made history in my heart and in internet wrestling reporting. I hope you come back some day because you RULE!!!"
Stephanie Hildebrand

"Well I can say that the Major's site helped to renew my interest in wrestling. I was a HUGE fan as a kid and I have watched it all my life but I really began to better understand and better appreciate our beloved wrestling after I started coming here. Major thank you for making me a fan again. Good luck to you and yours...:

"Major, let me tell you that I've been to all the best wrestling news sites the internet has to offer. But let me tell you one thing. Yours was absolutely the best of them all. Forget about the Scoops, the Micasas and the 1wrestlings! You are the KING of wrestling reporting. I'm surprised the WWF didn't sign you up yet! ...or are you one of them? Thank you for all the real scoops and let me know wherever you go. I'll miss you a lot. The best to you."
Kurt Caliman

"It's been a great run for you major. In late 1997 I stumbled upon your site. I was very skeptical as to where you got your info or if you just made it up but time and time again you were on the money. Why? please tell us why? This is the best wrestling page bar none!"
The Franchise

"Whatttt??? Major, are you on drugs??? Closing the best wrestling news site that the Internet has ever produced??? I always came to your site with confidence because I was sure to get what I wanted, that is PURE WRESTLING NEWS. If you don't change your mind, and I hope that you do, I want to wish you best of luck in other avenues. Just know that you are the GREATEST OF ALL TIME."

"I'm not going to try to stop you if it's what you really want, but I just want you to know that I have appreciated the 7-8 months of wrestling news you have given me. Thank you, Major."

"Y'know, it's a shame that your site is leaving. I've been a wrestling fan for only 16 months (approximately), yet with the help of your site & a couple of friends w/ hardcore wrestling fandom under their belts, I have been able to completely understand every aspect of this uniquely fun form of entertainment. Without your insights & info from behind the scenes, it won't be as complete as it has been to date. I hope that you return to the net one day, and when you do, please let me know. I will miss the ritualistic morning online updates. Thanks again for all you've ever told us."

"Why are you closing buddy? Your site rules!!!"

"I hate to hear that you'll be shutting down your site. I really look forward to seeing it and finding out what goes on behind the scenes. Yours by far has been the best site I have found for WWF and WCW action. I know there are reasons behind shutting down, but I believe you have made a difference in the popularity of pro wrestling. I have turned on many wrestling fans to your site and like me they read you religiously. Thanks for all the info and hope that whatever it is that has prompted you to quit posting your site, is not serious and works itself out soon."
Aaron Brown

"This is very sad news. For one year now, i visit your site to get some news on Wrestling. So far, you are the best site I ever found on the net about wrestling news. You will be dearly missed. By any chance, do you know a couple of very good sites on wrestling news. I know Micasa Wrestling but i don't like the site very much. So good luck in whatever you want to do and again you will be missed."
The Grifter

"What's up dude.... I love reading your news and rumors section... It's the bomb... It will really suck if this is not up no more because I feel that your news is better than Slam and Micasa's news. And as for the big two's sites wcw sux because they are so fu**** bias on their $hit, while the WWF is okay but comes up with gay ass articles to hype up their story lines. So if you do leave thank you for this ass whooping site."
Royce, Hardcore wrestling fan

"I can't believe you have to shut your page down. That really truly sucks because I really like your page. You're really the only one I go to to get the news. So are you ever gonna get a new one up or are you never gonna do this again? (...) I wish your page would stay up because I think it's the best."
Matt Lund

"I really didn't catch why u are leaving the web reporting business? U are THE best reporter on the web! Please stay!"

"I would like to say thank you and farewell to the major. Some 4-5 months ago, i approached the major about linking my site. He responded swifly and favorably to my request. It is because of his help that Spinebuster's is now approaching the millenium mark in hits. I've returned the favour in the past by submitting bits and bytes to his site. Thanks for everything Major, and good luck with your future endeavors. ...good luck with everything"
Jon Waldman

"This is Big Daddy Sweet- a writer from the wrestling In-site. You are one of the few that beat me to it in the news department. At ease soldier!"

"I am an avid reader of the Major's Wrestling News. I guess you could say a "mark". Major, I want you to know that we will sincerely miss you and hope that we cross paths again someday soon. Via con dios buddy."

"Say it isn't so! You're not shutting down are ya?? Now where am I gonna go to get all the latest "true" news?!!?!? and the way u posted it like... u will be missed."
~~sad wave~~ bye.."
'Special' STARLIGHT-B19

"I was saddened to hear that you are considering shutting down your page. But, I'm sure you have your reasons. Just wanted to let you know that your news/rumors are great..I check your site often. It's my favorite of all the sites that I have come across that are devoted to wrestling. Anyways, thanks for all the hard work and time that you've put into it."

"Hey Major... thanks... it was great to hear your fresh comments and sarcastic wit in dealing with the wrestling news. Your insight made wrestling much more enjoyable for myself and my family... best of luck in your future endeavors... and thanks"

"Tribute: J-Brone would j-o-b for this site"

"...Everyday you have been updating your site giving us fans up-to-date news, I wish that you would not discontinue your site but it's up to you! And I just wanted to give you a final farewell, Good-bye and Thank-you!

"Looks like the internet is saying bye to The Major, I don't know much on his situation but I hope whatever he chooses in life he is happy with. I have visited many newsboards and webpages saying goodbye to The Major, one being my employer at TWOIC, Good luck Major."

"Hey man, I regret your decision to shut down your site, and hope something happens to keep u around....but if u must go, I want to wish u good luck in your future projects, and to thank you for all your work on our behalf."

"This blows. DON'T LEAVE!!!"

"I'm not much for sappy goodbyes but this truly is disappointing for me. This was the only site I would visit everyday without fail - even if I was in a rush, I would find 5 minutes to log on and drop in here. Anyway, as the old saying goes, "nothing lasts forever" - I wish you good luck in your future endeavours and I'm sure we'll see you from time to time here in your mailbox."

"I'm sorry to hear the news, I really enjoyed Your site. It was by far the best on the whole net and there is a lot of wrestling news. But yours was always the closest to the truth and I was so happy when I became an official ARMY member I had to show all my friends my name on your page. I hope you do come back one day and let us know all the best News out there once again."

"I'm just letting you know I'm wishing you good luck or whatever when ever your done with this webpage. This was my favorite webpage, I looked up on it EVERY SINGLE DAY for a long time, this was my wrestling source. Could you please e-mail me back and tell me why you're shutting down, because I sure will miss this page."
Bob Turner

"What can I say? I am very surprised that the major is leaving. He did have one of the best sites I've seen. Good Luck in whatever you do Major. That's all I can say. I wish I could say something to make you stay but I can't. Well, goodbye." Goose

"Major, I was one of the first people to come to this site. I used to visit the news section on Dark Angel's site, then one day I remember... It said news (Posted by the Major) At first I thought, "Oh god Who is this guy?" I remember visiting the first time and thinking, "this guy is pretty cool!" So I stuck with ya and I visited your site everyday. I still do to this day. (...) It's sad to see you go, I wish you would stay. You were the only person I knew who owned a Site that would talk to the fans. They would ask a question and always get a response. I URGE YOU TO STAY, EVEN IF YOU UPDATE ONCE A MONTH, ITS WORTH IT TO US. It's been fun."
HBK Wannabe

"Hey Major, this is Charlie1085. You might remember the SummerSlam report. Well, anyway I have been going to your site since January and I love it. I will truly miss it. But if that's what you have to do then so do it. I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you, I respect you for the decision you made, and I will miss you and your site. Thanks for the news!!!

"Major, I wish you the BEST of luck. I hope that you do stick to your guns and come and stop for a visit whenever you get a chance. I'll miss ya man."
ManOfMystery/Mike Johnston

"I know i am only a kid but when i come home from school and there is nothing to do i visit your great webpage [ i like wrestling] and you are very talented i do not think you should leave but everyone has there lives and friends like i do and you do ..... so i would like to say on behalf of all the loyal majorites i say....... goodbye and...... everyone sucks insept you in wrestling pages." (How Sweet!)

"Thank you major for all of your time that you have given us wrestling fans. We'll miss you!"

"I'm sure you have received many a letter like this and will receive many more. I have enjoyed your site for the past 6 months. It has become a morning tradition and will be greatly missed. The best of luck to you in all your future endeavors."
Steven M Paige

"Sad......very sad.....as we sit and read the unexpected. We expected Phil Jackson to resign.....we expected Bill Clinton would admit to his actions....and we expected Mac to crush number 62. However, did we ever expect to see this day? The Major, one of the best sources for wresting news on the planet calling it quits. This brings us to a sad state....we hate to see the MAJOR leave. But if he wants to and feels the need to, then that is his decision. He does have a life you know. It is our duty to THANK him for the memories...and support him in his future plans. Who knows, he may return. So as The Major rides into the sunset...let us all stand to our feet and say.....
'Thanks for the ride MAJOR.....'"

Major's Wrestling News is not affiliated with the WWF, WCW, ECW or any other professional wrestling organization. Any reproduction of the material on these pages or their content without prior consent is strictly prohibited.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Major's Wrestling News, All Rights Reserved.