
[Larry the Cucumber]

If you like to talk to tomatoes
If a squash can make you smile
If you like to waltz with potatoes
Up and down the produce aisle...
have i got a page for you!

this one, and this one too. its about Mrs. Coulter's 6th period spanish 3 class.

go see the update page if you want to know what i just ate ...or some other useless fact that i was bored enough to put on my web page

news on the hair- the managers at my new job at a research library has told me that i cannot dye my hair. even though when they hired me, it was bright shocking pink. and i asked them if it was going to be a problem, and they said NO. now they seem to have changed their minds. and you know what i think? thats like telling someone they cant wear makeup to work any more. for crying out loud, the head scientist here has had a sex change and i cant even change my hair. i know, i know, i need to look professional... still trying to think of a way around it... i am taking any and all donations of hats, please. large ones. :) much obliged.

here. go see my stats.

and guess what! im in love! and now everybody knows cuz i married him! yay us! (go to the update page if you are confused by this announcement)

huh, huh, he gave him the rasberry...

Before you go any further, please take a minute and read the rules for my page.

well, i have begun to take advantage of the chunk of web space so wonderfully allotted to me by geocities... heres some pictures... enjoy!

You know what's cool? Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I have now seen the movie, for those of you who've been paying attention.

You know what? today my chemistry teacher Dr. Rosè (hes really groovy) he set off a bomb in the quad. he made it from pure sodium cuz when you put it in water it goes BOOM!

When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.

hey, guess what. im gonna be a librarian. yay me! wanna learn something new about librarians? click here. its short. you wont regret it. :)


never again will i go saaaaailing.

You're not quite evil enough. You're semi-evil. You're quasi-evil. You're the margarine of evil. You're the Diet Coke of evil, just one calorie, not evil enough.

and i said what about breakfast at tiffanys

has anybody even seen that movie? i just did. and you know what? tiffany's is a jewlrey store. hmm. strange people.

well, you know how men are. they think "no" means "yes" and "get lost" means "take me im yours."


holaaa!!? Nadie en casa!!

What's hairy and red and green and ugly? (no its not crawling up your arm, everybody knows that joke) click here.

are you aiming for these people?

NO! well, maybe that mime...

he went away, and you came around and bothered me avery night. and when i woulnd't go out with you, you said things that werent very nice.

well, i saw cant hardly wait and i was disapointed, i must say. that guy did have cool goggles, but he was otherwise, how do you say, messed up. but hey, life goes on. sixth sense was cool. better than cool. stir of echoes was not. but ya know, like i said, life goes on, oh-bla-dee, oh-bla-da...

I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! But I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!

Thou prating guts-griping foot-licker!

go here to see- well, hear- well, ok, READ Dr Katz Analyzes the X-Files Gang!! i dont know how funny this is if you arent pretty darned familiar with X-Files, but i dont really care, cuz hey, I think its funny.

and all the girlys say im pretty fly for a white guy

BLESS my soul! Herc was on a roll... Hercules is groovy. i saw the movie the first day it came out on the first showing. i think i was the oldest person there that wasn't a parent. then i went to mcdonalds and got a happy meal (for the toy, duh) and i keep my little hercules around with me wherever i go.


you know whats good? ok, do this: get one of your mom's cookbooks out, find a recipie for pudding (like regular vanilla) and replace the milk with egg nog. mmmmm.

guess wut? i play geetar. teeheehee. i have two. my acoustic's name is sheryl, and the electric's name is linus. im in a band. but i dont play linus or sheryl in the band. and that's all i have to say about that.

anybody out there from travis AFB? ok. go find my boyfriend and tell him he needs to rite me. id be much obliged.

If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, which side is greener if youre standing the middle?

Jeramiah was a bullfrog!

hey, wow, guess where i am. the library. in Los Altos. i have like 40 minutes before i have to do something, and im bored. just thought you might like to know. :) have a nice day.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking did he fire six shots or only five? Well to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a 44magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya? Punk?

If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a minute and a half, how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle?

Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for: The Disney Heroine Roundtable! You'll love it! I dont know where i found it, but it was awhile ago, and i bookmarked it but when i came back it wasnt there!! i just about had a fit, but i finally found it. (obviously)

iiiiiiiim 'enery the eigth i am. 'enery the eigth iyamiyam.

you know whats a funny word? ninny.


Would ya look at the size of that kid's head! It's the size of a planetoid and it has it's own weather system! Looks like an orange on a toothpick! I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Aye, now that was offsides, now wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.

I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.

oye! todos! cantemos!! :)
yo tengo gozo gozo gozo gozo en mi corazon.
en mi corazon
en me corazon
you tengo gozo gozo gozo gozo en mi corazon
por que Cristo me salvo!

rocky raccoon was a fool unto himself.

are ya hungry? i bet you are. you know what sounds reeeeeeal good right now? a grilled cheese sandwich and some tomato soup? yeah? go! run! get some!! or you can come over to my house and ill make us some. really! come on! ill make us some ants on a log, too

Wanna hear a joke? Too bad, here goes:
Q: A cabbage, an egg, a faucet, and a tomato were all in a race. How did it turn out?
A: The cabbage came in a head, the egg got beat, the faucet is still running, and the tomato is trying to ketchup.

50 fun things to do on an elevator. try em. they is fun.

are you saying coconuts MIGRATE??

Aha! if i didn't pay, then why are you arguing? haha, gotcha there!

i think i have a rock in my roller skate!

know wut? my buddy jon plays piano really good. mm-hmm. surely does.

so duz my bud angie but shes not as good. (hey angie! would you like to play a song for our guests?) she draws really good though. and i finally got her picture to work!! whoohoo! for angie art, click here

[Lelu falling...]

her name was magill, and she called herself lil. but everyone knew her as nancy.

for funny stories click here and for midis click here.

You know, you can get a good look at a butcher's ass by shoving your head up it but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?

Now, it's quite simple to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. First of all you force him to drop the banana; then, second, you eat the banana, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him helpless.

you know whats a strange word? mocha. ecpecially when you say it profusely. mochamochamochamocha

you see there is no pain *crash* no pain *crash* no pain *crash* no pain *crash* no pain *crash* no pain *crash* no pain *crash* no pain *crash*

look! its the prince and princesses of props! hellooo nurse!

It's the wrong trousers, Gromit! And they've gone wrong! :)

Theres just something about a really quiet pond. its so peacefull... CANNONBALL!!

you know what really chaps my hide? when someone calls and doesnt leave a message. and then calls again and doesnt leave a message. and again and again and again. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! cuz then you get home and youre like, YEAH! 29 messages! but really all it is *click* ...BEEEEEEEEEEEEP 28 times, then theres always work calling to see if you want to fill in for someone. never fails. cheeses me off. ok im over it.

oooooh... that tree is talking! ...you should not eat talking trees, nope nope nope

george! george! george of the jungle friend to you and me! watch out for that tree!!

Heres a cool story about cheeseballs. (make your screen narrower, itll be easier to read)

if you fit into my pants i will kill myself.

click here for some cool funny stories ive collected.

for sale- 2 sisters, cheap!

ok, see this one time randy beaman, he was asleep and he heard a scratch scratch scratch on his window and he woke up and there was nothing there. and the next night he heard a scratch scratch on his bed, and he woke up and- there was nothing there, and the next night he heard a scratch scratch scratch on his bed, and he woke up and you know what it was? his moms Lee's press on nails had come alive and were after randy beaman!! AAAAAAAAAAA! 'k, bye.

Im not a pyromaniac. i just like fire.

This is the File Not Found page. very special to me.

i just saw a crappy moovie last nite. sudden death. they tried to copy under siege. under siege is cool. so is die hard. (blood. heh heh heh)

slinkyspike@hotmail.com- rite me if you have anything to say... complaints, suggestions, hate mail, marriage proposals... Please! Write me! PLEASE!!!!!!

if you care, you can go see the rings emily is on...

sign my guestbook! you know you want to...

lookit what other people did in my guestbook

im a loser, but you still love me, right? now, if you really love me, you love my counter too, right? and he's lonely (his name is peter). so tell your friends about emilys page so peter will be happy, 'kay? love ya!

oh, and if you are the 1001 person on my site, tell me! ill think youre the coolest person ever. maybe ill take you out to lunch. :)

if you remember nothing else from this page, remember these things three:

be excellent to eachother.

party on.

it dont mean a thing if it aint got that swing.

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[Bare Feet OK!]