There is a Save Our Sentinel campaign going on on the web. Grab your pens, paper and
stamps and do it for TS! Here's the link!
Save Our Sentinel!
Leigh Taylor Young
Leigh Taylor-Young's website!
Ken Earl
Ken Earl's website!
Pato Hoffman (Incacha)
Pato Hoffman's Website
Paramount's The Sentinel - Paramount's addy. Drop em a line and tell 'em we want TS!
The official Richard Burgi Fan Club!
A new fan club for The Sentinel!
Tribe Cascade
A fan club for Ryf van Rij! (Detective Rafe)
If you met him at the con (and if you were at the con, you *had* to have met him - he was *everywhere*!), and fell in love with him, here's a club to join:
The Official Ryf van Rij Fan Club!
Anonymeek's very simple Sentinel Site.
It includes her gen fan fiction, her basketball write up from her set visit and a list (and links to) Vancouver scenic
spots used in Sentinel episodes.
Anonymeek's Very Simple Sentinel Site
Don Steffand's Sentinel pages!
MegaRed's Sentinel Pages
Home of Lisa J. Gosselin's artwork and other stuff!
NightOwl's Sentinel Resource Pages!
A clearinghouse for TS information! Nightowl has one of the most comprehensive sites on the web for all things Sentinel-related. If it's not at her site, there's a link for where you can find it.
Check it out!
The Sacred Shower TS FAQ
Thordis's Sentinel Page The Sandburg Zone
You want Sentinel Fanfic? There are now three archives for general fanfic:
Posts the original archive
The Cascade Library An archive with some interesting features like featured author interviews, etc.
The Sentinel Guide Bills itself as the definitive guide to Sentinel Fanfiction. Has an extensive list of links and offers writers the opportunity to have professionally bound copies of their fanfic.
Cascade Times, a new online mailing list
To subscribe, go to Cascade Times
This is a discussion and fan fiction list for the UPN television program *The Sentinel*. Topics range from G - R. We prefer nothing graphic or NC-17.
The Sentinel Fan Fiction listservice
Email Holly for more information on SenFic.
To Subscribe:
Send email to SenFic with the words "subscribe senfic youremailaddy" in BODY of the message. Leave the subject blank.
To Unsubscribe:
Normal: Send email to SenFic with the words "unsubscribe senfic youremailaddy" in BODY of the message. Leave the subject blank.
Nothing like these up-to-the-minute updates. ;-)
As you may have seen, there were some problems with the Sentinel Listservice. Those problems have been solved with a new server. For those who were subscribed in the past, you have to re-sub now:
Email Sandra for more information on Sentries.
To Subscribe:
Standard version:
Send email to The Sentinel Mailing List with an empty subject line and the following body:
SUBSCRIBE SENTRIES (your first name) (your last name)
(There have to be two names in the request or LISTSERV will complain.)
You will receive a confirmation request by e-mail, to make sure that the address you are trying to subscribe from can be reached. Just reply to this message with the word "ok" and you will be added to the list.
Digest version:
Once you have subscribed to the regular list, you can switch to the digest by sending an e-mail to
Sentinel Digest
with an empty subject line and the following body:
Email Ursula or Moniker for more information on "The Raft."
To subscribe send mail to
The Raft
with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe the-raft
You will receive a confirmation request by e-mail. Reply following the instructions you receive in that email.
To subscribe to the digest version of the raft, send email to The Raft
with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe the-raft-digest
You will receive a confirmation request by e-mail. Reply following the instructions you receive in that email.
This comes under the "and more" heading of this page. A company called The Script Shop has copies of the original pilot for The Sentinel available for sale!
The Script Shop
They also have a nice variety of other TV show and movie scripts available, but I thought I'd share this with folks!
This is sorta Sentinel related (and actually I found it at Zadra's page). It's a launching site for sites dealing with myths and legends.
Myth Site
This page was last updated April 18th, 1999