Compiled by Kathy Ring

NOTE: This episode guide has been compiled by Katherine A. Ring, and will be updated as regularly as RL permits.

The Episode Guide was becoming a bit unwieldy as a one page thing, so it's been split into three pages (one per season).
Currently, Season Three consists only of episode titles and airdates, but it also lists upcoming episodes through the end of February.
Season Four is titles only for now.

Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Our Friendly Compiler will update season three as soon as she can.

Note from website maintainer:
Your website maintainer would *love* to have further updates coming from the Episode Guide compiler for the 1998-1999 season.
Keep those cards and letters going in to the people at UPN!
Visit theSupport Our Sentinel! site for more information on how to keep TS going!

To voice your wish with UPN to get The Sentinel back on the air for the fall season, call them in Los Angeles at 310/575-7000 and tell them how you feel!
To fax a letter to UPN, the fax number is 310/575-7220
To send snail mail, write to:
Dean Valentine and Tom Nunan (one letter per exec)
11800 Wilshire Bl.
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Let's make sure the Episode Guide Compiler has lots of material to get behind with!

Note from website maintainer:

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