The Sentinel needs your help! Write to UPN today. Click on the SoS graphic below for addresses and more information

Latest update - June 26th, 1998

Date: 06/26 9:45 AM
From: Support Our Sentinel,

Dear Folks,

As you know, every step of this campaign has been marked by little victories and today we have the most significant victory yet. (g)

We have just received word from the Sentinel production office that UPN has placed an order for 8 episodes!!!

Again, this is a first step to seeing more, and that will depend on how the show rates when it returns to air. So it means it is very important that we turn our attention back to a concentrated effort to raise awareness of the show over the summer and when it returns to air.

But the good news is that the cast and crew of The Sentinel can now return to work. Start date is set for sometime in August.
Stay tuned for more details on that.

We have spoken to UPN this morning as well, and were told everyone was in a meeting and have left a number. Val is not yet aware of this change in status, so we aren't either. We'll be continuing to write letters and make phonecalls, but we can ease off on the intensity of the last 4 weeks. We here are gonna keep ringing, because we're waiting to hear those words from Val's lips (g).

We were also asked to pass along everyone at Pet Fly's sincere thanks for the fans amazing efforts in winning each of these victories along the way. It's been the most aggravating, nerve-wracking, hard-fought battle and they think everyone deserves a rest and a recharge.

What this means is that the plans SOS were brewing to launch into a different facet of the campaign this weekend can be shelved for now, and we can all turn our attention to a follow-up press-release to gain some more media attention on the subject of our success, then follow that up with as much of a noise in the media as we can make. But it also means we can turn some of our energies and list space back to normal discussions and explorations of the show and the characters.

Right now, we think everybody needs to take a break and have some well-deserved rest. Then we hope to unite everybody in a series of initiatives to focus more and more attention on the show over the next few months, and brand it with the "cult-series" status that our hard work and persistance has earned for it. We won't be letting up on UPN.

An absolutely heartfelt thank you to everyone from the SOS committee as well for all your dedication and unswerving loyalty to the show. This last four weeks has been an amazing demonstration of faith, commitment and unity. Have a breather, and we'll regroup soon to make The Sentinel a hot topic on its return.

Kaz and Ursula

Do I have your attention? :)
According to Lois Balzer and a posting on "the raft" UPN has signed contracts with the actors for thirteen new episodes of "The Sentinel!!!!"
Also, I've heard that Paramount has signed with foreign markets to deliver those same thirteen episodes.
This is *very* cool, people!!! And as we all know, good things come in threes, so let's all cross whatever body parts we can for more good news on Monday morning!
However -
(and speaking of Monday morning) We haven't as yet heard from UPN. Until and unless we hear that they're airing TS, we can't automatically assume they're going to.
In any case, we still don't know *when* these new episodes will air and when they do finally air, if the ratings aren't good enough, UPN could *still* pull the show and say "See? We were right!"
IOW, TS fans, vigilance is a good watchword. Don't let your guard down and let's not let Pet Fly or the Sentinel down!

From Judy Eby information about today's deadline. Things to say and people to ask for when you call UPN.
PLEASE READ!!!!! June 15th, 1998

New Chairman of UPN Affiliates board.
A new batch of people to call and write to!
The men and women on this board are from all over the country.
They're all listed in this article from Ultimate TV. Look through and see if any of them are near you!
Especially look for the women on the board and voice your frustrations if you've experienced the problems some of the female fans have been reporting with UPN.
New UPN Affiliate Board Chairman

June 15th is a potentially big deadline day for the actors. Keep calling your affiliates about TS!
Folks from Pittsburgh, PA and Jeannette, PA can find the UPN affiliate information here: WPNA-TV including the phone and fax numbers, contact name, and email address.
If you don't know your local affiliate, go to the SoS website now! They've got a whole section devoted to affiliates.

Since putting up the info that we might hear something this week, I've heard conflicting statements concerning this. Rather than continually updating and correcting anything about when PF or UPN might release any new information, I'm going to wait until I can get a more concrete statement.
My apologies on all fronts. This is frustrating for us all!

As promised on the lists (just a little late), I have the transcribed instant message session with my source from Pet Fly about the goings on amongst PF, UPN and Paramount concerning whether there will be a fourth season for The Sentinel.
4th Season News
He had a lot hopeful things to say to us. Please read and keep calling and writing to UPN!

We have a new goal, TS fans!
Thanks to all the emails, letters, calls and telegrams, UPN is being inundated! (I understand that they had to bring in other people to handle all the calls!)
Pet Fly can't keep up with the email from all the fans. They're printing it out and messengering it all over to UPN!
Let's try to get Entertainment tonight to do a story on our efforts!
Go to their webpage at Entertainment Tonight and email them about us!
Talk about a grassroots effort!

And keep up the email and snail mail to TPTB while you're at it!
UPN Programming
UPN Feedback
Ph: 310-575-7000
Fx: 310-575-7220
Snail Mail:
Mr Dean Valentine
11800 Wilshire Blvd
LOS ANGELES CA 90025-9425

Tom Nunan
Executive VP Entertainment
11800 Wilshire Blvd
LOS ANGELES CA , 90025-9425

Call, fax, write!!!! Especially call/and or fax!

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