If you're interested in contributing towards an ad that will be run in The Hollywood Reporter (an entertainment trade paper) encouraging this venture, email TS Ad for information on helping.
If you'd like to join with a mailing group that's targeting Paramount and the SciFi Channel for the same push, email Barb Nice-Miller. She's the one that worked on the Ad Group previously and is now running a mail-in campaign to encourage SciFi towards FRS for TS.
And here are some addresses and names to write to towards that end:
At the Sci-Fi Channel:
Bonnie Hammer
Senior Vice President, Sci-Fi Channel Programming
The Sci-Fi Channel
USA Networks
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
At USA (the owner of the network):
Barry Diller
USA Networks Inc.
152 West 57th Street
42nd floor
New York, N.Y. 10019
Paramount Television Chairman - Kerry McCluggage
Executive VP, Media Relations - John Wentworth
VP, Media Relations - Michelle Hunt
Senior VP, Advertising, Publicity and Promotions - Trisha Cardoso
c/o Paramount Television
5555 Melrose Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90038-3197
Fax 323-862-1823
And everyone can give the people at Pet Fly a new boost by writing them at:
The Sentinel
Pet Fly Productions
3100 W. Burbank Blvd., #200
Burbank, CA 91505
A new page for the site!
There are three upcoming fan Sentinel events. Check out the basics at the Sentinel Gatherings Page!
I got to visit Planet Hollywood while in Vancouver in October and actually see the TS stuff on display there myself. As soon as I have the pictures scanned I'll add them to my Planet Hollywood!Page.
The complete posting to all the lists about the news from Vancouver and Pet Fly can be found on the Campaign page along with previous information and other things dealing with the fight to keep Sentinel on the air.
Believe it or not, I'm still accepting submissions for "Spooky Sensations."
Check out the zines page for information.Sentinel Zines
We can't go further without viewing my pretty shot of the guys from the pilot, can we?
Or without reading my disclaimer and the bare bones info on the show...
Nothing about The Sentinel belongs to me or anyone that has contributed to this page. Everything about it belongs to UPN, PetFly productions and/or Paramount. I ain't makin' a buck from this webpage, but I thought it would be fun to play with the universe like the other Sentries do!
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about (where have you been for the past four seasons?!!!!), Sentinel is a UPN Network (and in some areas syndicated Paramount) television show about a man with genetically enhanced senses and the anthropologist who helps him learn how to use them. The show stars Richard Burgi as James Ellison, Garett Maggart as Blair Sandburg, and Bruce A. Young as Simon Banks.
And you can email me at
Shelagh if you want to tell me anything, comment or criticize (I can take it! ;-) ), or just want to say "hi!"
Sentinel Zines
Upcoming zines looking for submissions on the Sentinel Zine page!
Please email me if you hear of a Sentinel zine in the making, one that currently exists, or any multi-media zines that have or will accept Sentinel stories. Look for the links (email and otherwise) to get info directly from the publisher.
FYI I will *not* include information on any zine without the prior permission of its editor.
(This listing is *massively* out of date. I'll hopefully be updating it shortly. Please stay tuned and be patient with your dreadfully busy webpage maintainer! Thank you for your support.)
A Brief Episode Guide for The Sentinel Compiled by Katherine A. Ring
(In the works by Kathy - the Complete Guide to The Sentinel)
Original Sentinel Artwork by Lisa Gosselin
From the artistic mind of MegaRed herself!
For those who want to see more of Lisa's artwork, check out her webpage! (See the TS links page)
Sentinel Fanfiction
Sentinel Fanfiction I'm currently housing here
Some stories with original artwork Lisa (MegaRed) Gosselin!
Sentinel Gatherings Report Page
I was going to set up some links for reports from Sentinel gatherings, but Nightowl's put together a pretty comprehensive list of links. Check 'em out (if you haven't already) at her site!
Sentinel Links
Links to other Sentinel pages and other cool Sentinel related stuff on the web!
Updated - Cascade Times, a new TS online list, the website for the official Richard Burgi Fan Club, and two new fanfic archives
Other Links
Links to non-Sentinel stuff on theweb
The Sentinel Drinking Game
A game for all to play! ;-) For those under the legal drinking age or those who prefer their drinks soft, may we suggest a nice cola or something in a fruit juice or herbal tea?
Blair's Father
Just for fun, a treatise on who Blair Sandburg's father *really* is! With a little debate done by a weird friend when I told him of my discovery.
Non-Sentinel Stuff
So far this consists of Highlander stories. I'm still hoping to find my many-years-old Star Trek Musical. For now, there are two HL stories by your webpage maintainer. Enjoy!
You are visitor number to wander into my
little Sentinel site! Keep coming! I *love* to see those numbers get higher!
Click on the SoS graphic below for more ways to help the cause!
This page was last updated June 1st, 1999.
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