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to the DS9 Bio's since the 19/6/96.
Click on links for each biography.
Recurring Characters
- Majel Barrett as Lwaxana Troi
- Rosalind Chao as Keiko O'Brien
- Andrew Robinson as Elim Garak
- Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat
- Max Grodenchik as Rom
- Aron Eisenberg as Nog
- Jill Sayre as Marta
- Leslie Bevis as the Boslic Captain
- Louise Fletcher as Vedek/Kai Wynn
- Philip Anglim as Vedek Bareil
- Kenneth Marshall as Lt Commander Eddington
- Chase Masterson as Leeta
- Penny Johnson as Captain Kasidy Yates
All biographies written by Denis Tanguay and Duncan White.
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