This is a tribute to one of the greatest shows of all-time!!  No one will ever
 forget the show about nothing which aired every Thursday at 9 p.m!!.  No tv show will ever compare!!!


                   Elaine's FamousDancing!!                                       George and Jerry talking at the coffeshop, Monnk's

 Jerry and Kramer drop a Junior Mint onto the Operating Table!!      Frank: "My George isn't clever enough to
                                                                                                    pull off a scheme like that!"
                                                                                         Elaine: "You got that right!"
                                                                                         Frank: "What is that suppose to mean?
                                                                                         Elaine: "It means whatever the hell you want it
                                                                                                   to mean!
                                                                                                               Frank: "ARE YOU SAYIN YOU WANT A
                                                                                                                            PIECE OF ME!?"


        Soup Nazi: "NO SOUP FOR YOU!"                                     Jerry and Kramer talking in Jerry's Apartment
        Elaine: "YOU"RE THROUGH SOUP NAZI!" "NEXT!!"

Kramer sliding his way into Jerry's apartment as usual!!!

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