My name is H.C.Cutrer.
I am a working actor. I live in Dripping Springs,Tx.I am married and have 5 sons. I was born in Baton Rouge, La. I spent 4 years in the service of my country. I lived and worked in Houston,Texas for many years. I moved to Dripping Springs,Tx. in 1978 and have been active in the Movie industry for years.I love to play golf and fish. I am also a photographer. I also hold a pilots license but I have not flown for awhile. I belong to the North Hays County Fire and Rescue.I am the Safety Officer. I am also a Country Music freak and belong to band called the Armadillo and we get together once a year in Golden Shores, Az. on Labor Day weekend. Musicians from all over the country are there. A fun weekend for all. MY ACTING There so many things that I can remember about my acting. When I was a kid I can remember all of us would get together and put on little plays that we would make up. We would all take turns playing different roles. As a kid I spent a lot of time at the movies when we could afford them. When I was in the service I had a chance to visit Republic Studios on my way to the Pacific in 1943. Our Executive Officer had gone to school with a producer So we were invited to go with him to visit. It was one of the most thrilling times of my life. We ate at the café for all the actors. We ate at the same table with Edward G. Robinson. We then went into the studio and met Connie Moore. That indeed was an experience. They were shooting a film called Atlantic City. Edward Everett Horton was another one that was in the film. Then I met another actor named Donald “Red “ Barry .He found some of us were from Houston and he told us he lived in the Bloody fifth ward in Houston and went to Jeff Davis High School. That was a very good time in my life. Upon returning to L.A. area after the war, I was again invited to go back to Hollywood. This time I was invited to a producers home. The next day he too me to Goldwyn Studios on Formosa Street. We spent the day there and had a wonderful time. By then I was stage struck then but had to return to reality. I came home and enrolled in college. My major was to be Music and Dramatic Arts, but my friends made so much fun of me that I changed to Mechanical Engineering. Many times I have regretted that decision. I never once in my life forgot those dreams. When I see young people with these dreams, I try to encourage as much as I possibly can. In this business you have to lead a double life. First we have to pursue own dreams and also make a living in other fields until we can establish ourselves in the Arts. For many years that dream lay dormant in my mind. After many years of working in the oil industry and retiring, I finally got the opportunity to be in a movie. The rest is history. Looking back I must realize this has been in my subconscious for years and I didn’t know it was even there. Then one day I awoke and it was staring me in the face. The support I receive from my loved ones helps a lot. My wife has always been so supportive of me and that makes everything so much easier. Now to get to the way I feel about myself as an actor. Being my own worst critic I sometimes wonder why I stay in the business. Every time this feeling comes over me something comes along to change my mind. As far as acting goes.I think I am a run of the mill actor. At first everyone thinks you have to be a real good looking person to make it good in the business. That is not necessarily the way it is. I am finding out everyday that my lack of education is my biggest problem. Another thing is my speech. There are not a lot of parts for a Texas-Louisiana drawl. Now to get to the nitty-gritty part of acting. I read once that someone asked a well known actor what he thought about his theory of being a better actor, and he said never get caught acting. I think that this is a very good philosophy. Most of me wakes up every morning acting. If I could harness all of this I think I could be one hell of an actor. For some unknown reason I get real serious when the red light comes on. This is something else that I am working on real hard. I think my inability to smile on cue is one of my short comings. It looks easy for some people, but it is not easy for me. This is the main reason I am taking this class at such a late time in my life. Speaking of late in life, I am running into many people that are my age that are actors and we are having the time of our lives. I think one of the advantages of being a little older is that it makes me a lot more stable in the things I get in to. So why go to college? I think the best thing about college is the meeting and learning from people with great experience and knowledge. It is amazing that all book knowledge starts here in these classrooms. There are many things that I think make for being a better actor. First of all is being punctual. There are so many things that depend on a person being on time. First, in any business there are many others depending on each other. If someone is continually late it throws the whole process off. Then that costs the people with the money time and they don’t like that at all. So it is very essential for everyone to show up on time. The next thing is to be able to make yourself available as much as you possibly can. One has to be a pretty good business person to do this. Another thing is sobriety. I could write a book about this subject. This one issue is the most trying thing in this business. It makes no difference whether it is drugs or alcohol. There have been more lives ruined by this than any other things. Your appearance at an audition is important. I try to look my best as much as possible. After all, the first impression is the most important. Most parts are chosen in the first moments of an audition. There are times when I think that a part may not be right for me and I will decline. I can remember a time when I was at an audition and the casting agent told me that I did not look old enough for the part and I agreed and left. Now I have to talk about agents. Someone told me once that they are necessary evils. Sometimes, I tend to agree with them. An agent should keep your best interest at heart but sometimes they do not do this. It is up to me to keep all of my head shots and resumes in their files. I call them at least once a week to let them know I am available. I also keep in contact with all the casting agents in the area. I have also contacted agents in other cities. It is very important to keep in touch with other people in this business. I do keep my head shot with me at all times. This photo should be done by a good photographer. It should be a glossy 8x10. A resume should be kept up to date. There should be taken to your agent and placed in your file in their office. This keeps me on the agents mind and they will remember to call when something comes along. All of these things help me remember the obligation I have and also the promise to myself to do these things. This last week, I went on the first audition since I started this class. I did not get the part, but I still felt good knowing that I did all the right things, and I knew that it was not anything that I did wrong. I just was not the one they needed for this part. They also called and thanked me. These things help me in many ways in life in general. First, I try to be thoughtful of other people. Be kind and considerate. Help others that seem to be having a rough time and I assure you it will return, ten fold. It is hard at times to remember to be this way, but when I can it gives me a great deal of self satisfaction. Acting in many way has helped me in life in general. It has taught me to handle myself in public. Having self assurance is one of the best feelings that I can have. It teaches me how to be straight-forward and look people straight in the eyes when speaking to them. I have always dreamed of being a great actor. I would like to compare myself to other great actors. I guess my all time favorite actor was Henry Fonda. Next, I would have to pick James Stewart. I can remember seeing them in all the old great movies. I saw them in Cheyenne Social Club. Although I think Henry Fonda’s last movie, On Golden Pond, was his greatest. I can still watch that movie and get goose bumps. I have seen so many of these actors in my lifetime. Spencer Tracy was another great actor. Robert DeNiero is one of my current favorite actors. I think he can play anything he wants to. There is Redford, Newman and many other great actors on the screen today. These are many things that I like to share with my friends. Memories are the things that motivate me more than anything I know. H. C. Cutrer
This is my resume. Thanks for looking at it.
ACTORS CLEARINGHOUSE ...501 N. IH 35...Austin, Tx.
A Perfect World. . . Neighbor
Blank Check . . . Patron
Ned Blessing . . . Town Person
Heartbreak Hotel . . . Background
Bed of Lies Sugar Daddy
Adam Lives . . . Background
Wild Texas Wind . . . Background
Chainsaw Massacre #2 . . . Background
Gideon Oliver . . . Kennoite
Red Headed Stranger . . . Bartender
Lonesome Dove . . . Roulette Dealer
Songwriter . . . Salesman
Gilbert Grape . . . Town Person
Ned Blessing 2,4,5,6 . . . Town Person
The Substitute . . . Town Person
Underneath . . . Wedding
Devil's Bed . . . Town Person
Living a Lie . . . Prison Visitor
Scared By Love . . . Background
Deadly Family Secrets . . . Background
The Love Of Zachary . . . Family Friend
Michael . . . Old Codger
True Women. . . Senator
Devil's Cello.. Merle
Hope Floats... Dancer
Where The Heart Is.... Town Person
Picnic............... Dancer
The Alamo ... Settler
Life Of David Gale...background
$5.15/hr..offended customer
Conflict Of Interest...UN Ambassador
Chevy Truck/Nat. . . .Principal
Mazda Truck/Nat.. . . Principal
American Beef . . . Principal
Meth. Hospital . . . Principal
Teachers Retirement . . . Principal
Southern Union Gas. . . Principal
Ford Truck/Reg. . . . Principal
General Telephone . . . Principal
Gibraltar Savings . . . Background
Volvo . . . Background
Mr. Gatti's . . . Background
Walmart . . . Background
Volkswagon . . . Background
University Savings . . . Background
Visa Card . . . Patron
Frost Bank . . . Principal
Chevrolet/Nat. . . . Principal
University Credit. . . Principal
Amer. Beef Council . . . Principal
Miller Lite fan
Mazda Truck (National). . . Principal
Every Little Kiss . . . Bruce Hornsby . . . Dockworker
Thirteenth Millennium. . . Lucky Tomblin . . . Bum
Shop It Around . . . Jason and the Scorchers. . . Background
University of Texas Telecommunications . . . 5 Films . . . Principal
Southwest Texas University . . . Television Acting 89-90
Southwest Texas University . . . Film Acting 92-93
Southwest Texas University . . . Film Acting 95
State Of Texas Seminar . . . Theatrefest 92-93-94-95
Southwest Texas University . . . Hollywood Seminar and Tour
Southwest Texas University . . . Jack Degelia Workshop
Southwest Texas University . . . Dea McAllister Workshop
Wimberley Theatre . . . Actors Workshop
Southwest Texas University . . . Powers Boothe Workshop
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