User Survey

Welcome to my User Survey! Here I will ask you a few questions regarding my home page, and all I want you to do is to answer them all. Please note that all answers will be completely confidential. Thanks a lot in advance for doing this.

If you can´t find an alternative that suites you on any question, then select the most appropriate choice.

How many times before have you visited my home page?

How often do you usually visit my home page?

What do you think of the new layout of the pages?

Do you prefer the use of image-maps (active areas in pictures) or links with normal text?

What do you think of the Theme Song Lyrics on the page?

Is the lyrics featured on the page correct (or does it appear to contain errors)?

What do you think of the Episode Titles(+ synopses) list?

What do you think of the Picture Gallery?

What do you think of the home page generally?

What do you think of the Family Ties Home Page?

What do you think of the Scandinavian Dubbings Home Page?

Have you experienced any problems with the site (missing pictures, links that doesn´t work, etc)?

If you should mark the home page in a scale of one thru five, what should you give it?

If you have any comments or questions, you can write them here (optional):

Personal Questions:

What country are you from?

What town or city do you live in (type the name)? (optional)
Note! If you live just outside of a larger city/town, then specify that city instead of the exact name of your village/neighborhood.

How old are you?

What computer are you using?

If you selected PC, what operating system are you running?

What browser are you using?


Marital status:
(If there are more than one option that is appropriate for you, then select the one that is most up-to-date.)

E-mail address:
Fax Number (optional):
Telephone Number (optional):
(Remember to include the country code and area code on the telephone and fax numbers!)

If the form doesnīt work for you, please answer the same questions by e-mail to instead.