Daniel Hofverberg´s Movies and Television Site

Welcome to my comprehensive web site. Here you can find information about a large number of TV shows and movies, including episode guides, picture galleries and much more. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to daniel_hofverberg@yahoo.com.

Latest News (April 28th 2002)! The Message Board on this web site is currently down, due to the cancellation of the InsideTheWeb service. I am currently in the process of setting up a brand new joint message board/forum for all my web sites, which I'm hoping will be online before the end of April. Sorry for the delay, but everything is almost done now. In the meantime, please use the Message Board on my Family Ties Home Page instead.

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Today´s TV Quote

Lori: "What kind of sick, twisted world do you live in...?"
Apache: "Hollywood..."

Lori and Apache, Movie Stars, season 2/episode 2

If you have any memorable or interesting quotes from TV shows of any kind, please send them to me right away! Please e-mail them to me immediately.

During 2002, new quotes will hopefully be available about every 4 to 8 weeks. Click here to read old quotes!

Episode Guides Theme Song Lyrics Picture Gallery Message Board Computer Software Listen to Music! Sign my Guestbook! User Survey Short Biography Favorite Links For navigation without graphics, use the text links at the bottom of the page.

New Sections!
Please also try out the Voting System, where you can vote for your favorite TV show and other stuff.

Other sites created by me:

Family Ties Unofficial Home Page
Also available at familyties.virtualave.net and www.familyties-tv.com.

Halfway Across the Galaxy Home Page

Swedish Dubbings Home Page (Dubbningshemsidan)

To reach me:

You're always welcome to contact me by E-mail. I will hopefully be able to answer your mail within a day or two, at all times. You're also welcome to write to me by regular mail ("snail mail") or by calling me at home (remember the time difference - Sweden is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time).

E-mail address: Daniel_Hofverberg@yahoo.com or daniel.hofverberg@telia.com 

Postal address:
Daniel Hofverberg
Plankvägen 4

Telephone number:
+46 910 35474
(no fax number available anymore!)

Mailing Lists:

If you're interested in the TV show Family Ties with Michael J. Fox, then join my Family Ties mailing list right away, and get information about the home page and about Family Ties. The mailing list also works as a discussion group.

Enter your e-mail address below, then click the 'Join List' button.

Please note that this form hasn't worked for a few weeks, due to technical problems. If you have tried to fill out the form for the last few weeks, please do it again!

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(Please double-check so the address is correct and valid - Otherwise you won´t receive anything!)

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I also have another mailing list at Dubbningshemsidan (the Swedish Dubbings Home Page), where you can get information about actors, dubbings and animated movies. If you're interested in this mailing list, please visit Dubbningshemsidan and fill out your e-mail address at the form at the bottom. Please note that the mailings on this list will be in Swedish.

If anyone is interested in a general mailing list for this site about TV shows and movies, please e-mail me immediately. If there is any interest at all for such a mailing list, I'll start one!

Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator/Communicator (preferably 3.0 or greater).

This site was created using CorelWEB.Designer 1.2 and Microsoft FrontPage 2000.
Internal graphics created with CorelDRAW! 4.0 and 9.0

© 1996-2002 Daniel Hofverberg
All rights reserved (applies to all pages on the site, except those that contain other contradicting copyright information)

If you want to use anything from this home page on a page of your own, you must contact me first. However, usually that´s not a problem.

This is a completely unofficial home page, and is not endorsed or sponsored by any production companies associated with the TV series and movies mentioned on any pages on this site. The author of the site does not provide any guarantees in any way for the information, or anything else regarding the home page.

Software mentioned on these pages are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

I apologize for any linguistic errors on this site. All pages on the site are written in US English.

CoolSites Winner Winner of Crazy Dragon CoolSites Award

Text Links:
| Episode Guides | Theme Song Lyrics | Picture Gallery | Message Board | Listen to music | User Survey | Sign my guest book | Short Biography | Favorite Links | Computer Software | Voting System | TV Chat |