
The home for stuff and nonsense!

[Zoinks!] [Whats New] [Homer] [Serial Killers] [My CV] [Links]

These pages are under continual transition to a state which can only be described as "HTML Heaven"...=)

Homer WWW These pages are dedicated to all fellow Homer fans on the net and are intended to be the virtual "Bible" of all things good and "Homey"...

Homer resources at your finger tips include:

  • An ever growing list of everyone's favourite words of wisdom from "He who should be king (of dunderheads)"...
  • A smattering of AU audio clips...
  • A smidgen of Homer pictures in all his guises...
  • Links to other Homer maniacs on the web!

Serial Killer WWW "Serial Killers"...the term used to dub society's criminals who follow an initial "random" pattern of motiveless attacks. Read about some of history's infamous killers, and how they were caught, if at all...

Serial Killer resources at your finger tips include:

  • An evergrowing portfolio of worldwide criminals, with full briefings...
  • More interactive material on the way, including (hopefully) a global SK search engine...
  • A smidgen of mug shots and detailed chronologoes of murders...
  • Links to other, pertinant information on the web...

My CV In these pages I talk a little bit about me, myself and I. Find out what kind of mind ticks inside the cranium of the person responsible for these pages...

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These pages are currently living happily in the Hollywood neighbourhood...

Number of people who have been here...