Hi! You have now surfed into my homepage, I´ll try to describe myself as best as I can........
I´m a 18 year old student on Västerhöjdsgymnasiet in Skövde, Sweden. I have a little brother who´s 12 years old and a big sister who´s 21 years old, her name´s Anna. (Interesting huh)
Ok, what´s more to tell, ummmmm..............Oh yeah, I have a dog called Bello and a half-brother named Robin.
My mom and dad are separated and my dad and his girlfriend live in Borås, Sweden. They have a boy together who´s 5 years old.
Ok, that´s enough info, here´s a couple of chatservers that I like
L'Hotel Chat
Kajens Webchat
Aftonbladets Webchat
This chatserver is kinda cool, you´ve got to check it out.
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How to make your own homepage
In this place there´s everything you have to know to do your own homepage.
There it´s links to different kind of places where it says what things you can do and how you do them. Surf around, after a while you know enough to make your completely own homepage. Geocities is a great place for getting a free Homepage.
To make an homepage isn´t as hard as it may seem.
Click on the little CyberDemon to visit a doompage with links to a hundred of different doompages.
Dilbert and Dogbert

Here´s a link to a Dilbert and Dogbert page.
Other Pages
Here´s three of my friends homepages. They are quite cool actually, check 'em out.
The Greatest 3D Doom Game yet. You want it??? I knew you would. Push the button to get it.
Grab it now!
Here´s one of the greatest Quake pages!

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Feel free to mail me, my E-Mail adress is: frank.hp95@vhojd.skovde.se
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