The warm California sun peeks out over the eastern horizon. The birds chirp happily in the trees, hidden from view by the dense foliage of late spring. The breeze carries the fresh aroma of blooming flowers, growing throughout the city of Angel Grove for all its citizens to enjoy; but the sounds and smells of the spring morning aren't enough to waken one young man. In fact, even the salty smell of hot sizzling bacon and the nutty smell of coffee brewing in his own home doesn't rouse him from his blissful sleep.
This young man is Tommy Oliver, and for the past week or so, he has been living a dream.
Tommy Oliver had endured much hardship in his life. Since his first encounter with Rita Repulsa at the tender age of sixteen, his strong dark side had been exploited countless times by evil forces.
Zordon, mentor of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, saw great potential in the youngster however, and made Tommy a member of his exclusive team of superheroes. That event brought Tommy face to face with evil villains on a daily basis, and he never truly knew rest. He fought vigilantly against Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, even when his Green Ranger powers were weakened severely. For his selflessness and honor, Zordon granted Tommy a new power-- the White Ranger powers. As the White Ranger, Tommy was the leader of the team of heroes. Tommy was forced to go against his solitary nature in order be a strong, responsible, dependable leader, and the friendships he forged with his teammates were to last a lifetime.
However, Tommy's life as a Power Ranger wasn't always such a bowl of cherries. Time after time, evil villains tried to lure Tommy away from his friends with the promise of power or wealth; but Tommy never really cared for such things. What was most important to him had always been his loved ones; but during the last few years, he had watched many of his best friends leave Angel Grove, and his long-time girlfriend had apparently given him up. These things had been devastating to Tommy, for he had come to feel lost without the people he cared for most. They were his pillars of strength.
Presently though, everything was going well for Tommy. He and Kimberly had recently reconciled, leaving him on Cloud Nine.
Also, the Machine Empire had been destroyed, and Rita and Zedd seemed to have taken some time off. There hadn't been a monster attack in six days, which was truly remarkable for Angel Grove. Today, Tommy's American History class was going on their final field trip of the academic year-- to the Angel Grove Historical Museum, where the students were to learn how the original settlers of Angel Grove lived.
Tommy had been looking forward to the trip for weeks. He had taken special interest in Colonial Angel Grove several months ago, when he traveled back in time to save his friends, who were sent back into the past by the Wizard of Deception. Today, he would have the chance to immerse himself in the past like he couldn't do in a classroom textbook.
"Tommy?" called a sleepy female voice, "Thomas Oliver!"
"Wha..?" mumbled Tommy, squinting towards his bedroom door. The door opened, and his mother entered the room. In her hand was a mug of hazelnut coffee that filled the room with its aroma. She glanced at her watch, and then back at her adopted son.
"Honey, its six-thirty! Didn't you say the bus leaves at seven o'clock sharp?"
For a moment, Tommy gazed at his mother uncomprehendingly. He then glanced at his alarm clock. His hazel eyes widened in alarm, and he sat up in bed.
"Aw man!" he said, leaping out of bed. "I forgot! I didn't set my alarm! I'm gonna be late!"
Tommy grabbed some clothes from his drawers, and rushed past his mother towards the bathroom. Mrs. Oliver sighed and smiled wryly.
"Honestly, Tommy will never change."
"Mrs. Oliver, is Tommy there?"
^No, dear, he's on his way. He only woke up fifteen minutes ago. He should be at the school shortly.^
"Well, he'd better hurry. The bus is ready to leave! I certainly don't want him to miss this field trip!"
^He'll make it. Somehow, he always manages.^
"You're right. Have a nice day, Mrs. Oliver."
^You too, Kat.^
Katherine Hillard hung up the pay phone, and returned to her friends, who were all waiting on the steps of the school. The school bus taking the American History students to the Angel Grove Museum had just pulled up, and the students were already filling up the seats.
"Well?" asked Tanya Sloan. "Where is he?"
"He's running late," said Kat, shaking her head, "His mother said he should be here any minute now."
"He's really cutting it close," said Adam Park, glancing down at his watch, "The bus is scheduled to leave in two minutes!"
"If he doesn't get here in time, we can always stall." said Rocky with a grin. "I can throw myself in front of the bus!"
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," said Katherine, giving him a meaningful glare. Then she glanced past him. "Look, there he is now!"
The four friends turned around, and saw a figure dressed in a red T-shirt and long denim shorts running towards them. His long dark ponytail sailed in the air behind him as he approached. When he stumbled to a halt before his friends, he took a moment to catch his breath, leaning on Kat and Rocky.
"Glad you could join us, man." said Rocky.
"Hey... Rocko," answered Tommy between gasps for air.
"What was it this time?" asked Adam with a grin, "The alarm clock didn't work?"
"I... forgot to set... the time..."
"Big surprise," said Tanya, leaping off the step she was sitting on. "Let's get moving! Hopefully, we'll be able to find seats all together!"
The five friends boarded the bus, and chatted about a variety of topics as they sped along the highway. In about half an hour, the noisy yellow vehicle pulled up in front of the Angel Grove Historical Museum, and the high school students got off. Before they could all disappear into the building and go their separate ways, Mrs. Applebee, the chaperon, tried to get everyone's attention.
"Just a moment, everyone!" she yelled, "You have until two o'clock to tour the museum! There are a number of tours you can take, and I really suggest you venture throughout the entire building! We meet back here at two o'clock sharp. If you're not standing right here by then, you'll have to find your own way home, understood? Have fun!"
With that, the large group of students split up into smaller groups, and dispersed.
"Where do you guys want to go?" asked Adam, holding the big glass door open for Tanya and Kat.
"I really would like to see the mineral section," said Rocky, "I heard they have an awesome display of rare gemstones."
"That sounds interesting," said Tanya.
"I'm game," said Adam.
"I have to make sure to see the section on Colonial Angel Grove," said Tommy.
"I'll go with you," offered Katherine, "That should be fun."
Tanya nudged her. "Not that you're gonna learn anything new though, right?"
"Okay, we'll split up then," said Rocky, walking towards the corridor to their left. "Tommy! See you two at the snack bar in twenty?"
"Typical Rocky," sighed Tanya, rolling her eyes.
"Somehow, I had a feeling that's where you'd be!" called Tommy, as he and Katherine walked down the hall to the right. They were joined by about twelve other students, and a young man in a blue jacket approached them all.
"Hello," he said with a smile. "I'm Eric, and I'll be your guide through the fascinating world of Colonial Angel Grove..."
The group followed Eric through the museum, and Eric continued pointing out what they were seeing. Much of it interested Katherine and Tommy, but for different reasons than the other kids in their group.
Eventually, they came across a small glass case on a pedestal in the center of the corridor. Inside was a single golden coin nestled on a green velvet pillow. The coin had an intricate design on it, and it reflected the lights of the museum ceiling brilliantly.
"This is a historic piece." Eric narrated. "This coin is the only one of its kind found in the area, or anywhere else in the world, for that matter. It is believed to actually be a talisman, brought to California from Mexico by smugglers, selling plundered Aztec and Olmec artifacts. The three-pronged carving etched on the face of the coin is believed to be a leaf, representing agriculture..."
As Eric continued to talk, Tommy moved in closer to get a better look at the small golden coin; but when his eyes finally fell on the tiny artifact, he felt a sudden shiver run down his spine. His eyes widened, and his lips pursed tightly.
The image on the coin was not a leaf. It was a footprint; a chillingly familiar one.
"Tommy?" whispered Katherine, looking up at him worriedly. But Tommy didn't seem to hear her, nor notice her presence. Katherine followed his gaze to the strange coin on the pillow, and then looked back at him in confusion.
"Tommy!" she said more loudly. She squeezed his hand and was surprised by how cold his skin felt.
"What?" said Tommy, turning towards her.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he answered immediately. He held her hand tighter, and led her away from the group. "I think I've had enough of Colonial Angel Grove. What say we catch up with Rocky and the others?"
"If you say so," said Kat, still befuddled.
Tommy released her hand, and began walking swiftly back the way they came weaving his way past the throngs of people. Katherine tried to keep up with him, and finally managed to catch him when he had found the remaining Zeo Rangers. Rocky had his nose pressed against the glass, staring at a small orange gemstone which looked like it had captured a raging fire beneath its smooth, clear surface. Adam and Tanya were standing behind him, but failed to reflect Rocky's enthusiasm.
"What have we here, Rocky?" asked Katherine, following Rocky's gaze.
"That, ladies and gentlemen, is a Carnelian. Isn't it gorgeous?"
"I guess so," said Adam with a shrug.
"Is it extremely rare or something?" asked Tanya.
"Its basically reddish-orange quartz," said Rocky, turning around to face his friends. "Its not as rare or valuable as a diamond or anything, but... hey Tommy, you okay?"
"Hm?" said Tommy, looking up, "Oh, I'm fine, Rocko."
"That was a short tour through Colonial Angel Grove," said Adam.
"Well, I just changed my mind is all." he said absently. "Look, I'm going to get some water or something."
With that, he hurried away from the group. Kat watched him go with a worried expression on her face. The others turned towards her curiously. She only shrugged her shoulders in reply.
The rest of the day, Tommy remained quiet and withdrawn. Katherine began to worry tremendously, and the other rangers also began to wonder what plagued their leader so much. Once the field trip was over, the students returned to school grounds, where they were dismissed for the afternoon.
"So," said Rocky. "what say we go to the Youth Center? Its just about time for Tanya's next belt test. She needs to get all the practice she can get." Tanya arched an eyebrow at the remark but didn't bother protesting.
"Right," said Adam. "I guess a few rounds of sparring wouldn't hurt."
"I'll come," said Katherine. "Tommy, what are your plans for this afternoon?"
Tommy looked at all of his friends one at a time. He then lowered his gaze uncomfortably.
"I... I'd better go home," he said. "I've got... some homework to do."
"But its Friday!" Tanya protested. "You can do homework another time."
"No, I'd better go."
With that, Tommy gave a brief wave, and started off in the direction of his house. The four remaining Rangers traded worried glances.
"I'm going with him," said Katherine, following Tommy down the sidewalk. "Something's bothering him, and maybe I can get him to talk about it."
Before anyone could stop her, she was off down the street after the plagued soul she'd spent the day with.
She quickly caught up to Tommy, who was walking as slowly as one would down Death Row. She slipped her arm around his, and fell into step beside him. Tommy didn't even look up at her.
"Are you feeling okay?" she asked. "You look a bit pale."
"I'm fine," he insisted. "I just need to get some things done. That's all."
"Are you sure you don't want company?"
"Positive," he insisted, gently pulling out of Kat's grasp. Glancing at her for the first time, he told her "I'll see you tomorrow."
Kat stopped in her tracks and watched Tommy continue on his way without her. Then she returned to her friends, who were waiting by the stairs at the main entrance of the school.
"He doesn't want company." she said simply. "Let's get going."
The four friends were soon at the Gym and Juice Bar, the favorite after-school hangout among Angel Grove's teenagers. While Rocky led Tanya through her warm-up exercises, Kat and Adam sat down at a table near the mats.
"I don't understand," said Kat, stirring her strawberry-banana milkshake slowly. "This morning, Tommy was in a dandy mood; and he's really been happy this past week. Suddenly, he's more withdrawn than I've ever seen him. What could have happened?"
"You tell me." said Adam. "What happened at the museum this morning?"
"Nothing!" she said with a sigh. "We were on the tour of Colonial Angel Grove, and while the guide was explaining the history of some little Mexican talisman, Tommy turned white as a ghost, and his hand went cold as ice. When I asked him what was the matter, he just said he'd seen enough."
"Did you say Colonial Angel Grove?" asked Adam, with a sudden frown. "What did the talisman look like?"
"It was small, and made of gold, and it had a design of a leaf on it, if memory serves."
"Wait a second," Adam said, digging in his school bag. He pulled out a notebook and a pencil. On the pad, he drew a circle, with a three-toed footprint on it. He passed the notepad to Katherine.
"Yes," she said in surprise. "That is the talisman exactly! Where have you seen it?"
"Its no Mexican talisman, Kat." said Adam, standing up, "Its the Green Power Coin. Wait here."
Adam jogged over to the mat, where Rocky and Tanya were stretching.
"Guys," he said quietly, "could you join Kat and me at the table? We have a problem."
Rocky and Tanya followed Adam to the table where Kat was staring at the drawing, and they all took seats. Rocky saw the picture of the coin, and his eyes widened.
"What's happening," he asked, "and what does it have to do with the Green Coin?"
"I think I know what's bothering Tommy all of a sudden." said Adam. "Guys, the Green Power Coin is on display at the Angel Grove Museum, in the Colonial Angel Grove section."
"There was a Green Coin?" asked Tanya in surprise.
"..and its in the museum?!" said Kat.
"Yeah." said Adam. "You see, before any of us were Power Rangers, there were only five-- Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Pink. Rita decided she wanted her own Power Ranger, so she cast a spell on a transfer student who had just moved to Angel Grove-- Tommy."
"Tommy was Rita's Evil Green Ranger," continued Rocky, "but only for a week. Then the other Power Rangers managed to save him. Tommy joined the Power Rangers on the side of good after that, and he fought Rita's monsters with the rest of the team; but Rita wasn't through yet. She had cast another spell on Tommy, linking the Green Coin with a candle. When the candle burned out, Rita would once again be in control of the Green Ranger Powers. To keep that from happening, Tommy resigned from the team and gave his coin to Jason, protecting the Power from Rita. Kimberly told us a few times about how hard Tommy took the power loss. He left Angel Grove for weeks after that."
"He was with the Rangers on and off after that," Adam continued. "regaining the Green Powers when Jason, Trini, Kim, Zack and Billy's parents were kidnapped, and then losing them again after Zedd arrived on the moon. Then he was appointed the White Ranger and things started looking up for him because the Power was his now-- Rita couldn't take it away. Shortly after, Jason, Trini and Zack left Rocky and Aisha and me joined up. Tommy served as the White Ranger from then on, until the Power Coins were destroyed, and we became the Zeo Rangers."
"But what does that have to do with the Green Coin being in Colonial Angel Grove?" asked Tanya.
"Zedd and Rita didn't give up on having Tommy be their Evil Green Ranger so easily," said Adam. "but as long as Tommy was the White Ranger, he was more or less protected from their spells to make him obey them. So, Rita found a loop-hole in that rule by creating an evil clone of Tommy to become the Green Ranger. At the same time, Rita summoned the Wizard of Deception, who sent me, Aisha, Rocky, Billy, and Kimberly into the past and out of the way. While we were trapped in Colonial Angel Grove, the Evil Green Ranger challenged Tommy. Fortunately, Rita's clone was too much like the original. The clone broke the evil spell he was under, and helped Tommy bring the rest of us back to the present. However the clone realized that there couldn't be two Tommy Olivers in one place, so he decided to stay in the past, and build a life for himself there. He kept the Green Ranger Coin with him."
"I see," said Katherine, "so the coin remained in the past, and now it's ended up in the museum with some other old Angel Grove artifacts!"
"Tommy has always felt guilty about what he did as the Green Ranger." said Rocky. "He tries his best to forget it ever happened, and he's scared that deep down the Green Ranger is in him somewhere. Seeing the coin today must've spooked him something awful."
"Someone should go talk to him." Kat said, standing up. "He needs support--"
"Actually, I think Tommy just needs to be alone for a while." said Adam, catching her arm. "He's got some thinking to do. I don't think we should intrude. After all, none of us knew him when he was the Green Ranger. We wouldn't know how to comfort him."
"Tommy's a rock." said Rocky resolutely. "He can handle it. He can handle anything."
"I hope its that simple," said Kat, retaking her seat, "but when it comes to Tommy Oliver, it never is."
Tommy Oliver walked through the park to the Youth Center. His head still pounded from the attack by Zedd's Putty Patrol a few hours ago, but he couldn't get any relief from it. At that moment, his only concern was his friends. He couldn't find Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Billy, or Kimberly anywhere. He had a horrible feeling in the pit of his being that something had happened to the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, leaving him all alone. As he walked, a figure leapt out of the surrounding trees into his path. Tommy looked into the man's eyes, and was taken aback when he saw his own eyes staring back at him.
"Hello, Tommy," sneered the double, gnawing casually on a small twig.
"Who are you?" Tommy asked in surprise.
"I'm you, Tommy. Or at least, the real you. I'm the physical embodiment of your dark side," he answered with a sickeningly sly grin.
"My dark side faded with the Green Ranger Powers!" Tommy snapped angrily, stepping back from his tormenter. The double just laughed a chilling, cold laugh, and stared back at him.
"Are you so sure about that? Face it, Tommy, we all have our dark sides. You can't get rid of me so easily. I'll always be there inside of you..."
Tommy saw his clone's hazel eyes flash with green light. Then, Tommy's vision blurred, and the scenery suddenly changed.
Through the visor of his helmet, which he was suddenly wearing along with the rest of his suit, he saw the bright blue sky of Angel Grove turn midnight black, and the green grass of the park become a reddish brown-- drenched with blood. Tommy's stomach wretched as he followed the stream of blood with his eyes back to its source. The sight he saw made him so ill, he could barely keep himself from vomitting. His helmet stopped him from smelling the powerful odor of fresh blood, but that didn't help in the least.
Not fifteen feet away from him, he saw a collection of crumpled corpses, with their brightly colored uniforms torn, and blood oozing from slashes all over their bodies. Tommy didn't have to get too close to see who they were. They were the Yellow, Pink, Black, Red, and Blue Power Rangers.
Almost against his will, he approached the scene of carnage. His hands quaked as he reached out towards the Ranger lying closest to him-- the Yellow Ranger. He gently removed her helmet, and bit his lip when he saw the long waves of silken ebony hair pour out of the helmet. Trini Kwan's face was bruised and battered, and her skin was cold as ice. Tommy shuddered in dismay to see how his dear friend had come to such a brutal end.
He then turned towards the next Ranger, but he couldn't yet bring himself to touch her. He took a deep breath, mustering all his courage before unlatching the broken pink helmet. When he pulled it off, he cried out in horror when he saw the lifeless doe-colored eyes of Kimberly Anne Hart staring back at him. Those eyes bored a hole in his being like nothing else ever had.
"I don't believe it," Tommy whispered as he picked up Kimberly's body and hugged it tightly to himself. "I must have been sent back in time, to some horrible alternate world! What could have happened to them? I... I can't breathe..."
He gently lay Kimberly's corpse on the grass, and pulled off his helmet. To his surprise, he wasn't wearing his Red Zeo uniform. He wasn't even in the White uniform. He was wearing the Green Ranger armor, and the shiny green suit was saturated with deep red blood. He looked to his hip sheath, expecting to see the Dragon Dagger, but he didn't. He gasped when he saw the blood-stained blade of the Sword of Darkness.
"No!" he cried, choking back tears. "NOOOO!!!"
"NOOOO!!" Tommy cried, sitting bolt upright in bed. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and every limb on his body trembled. Tommy stopped to take some deep breaths, and hugged his knees to his chest, sobbing outright. Then after a few minutes of silent, tortured tears, he rose from his bed, and slipped some clothes on.
I... I can't go back to sleep, he thought, tying his sneakers, Not tonight. Maybe not ever...
Tommy automatically reached for his Zeonizers, which were in the top drawer of his night table. He held them in his hands for a few minutes, and then put them back beside his communicator. He took another deep breath, and opened his bedroom door. Years of training in a variety of martial arts styles had conditioned him to be as silent as a shadow, so he easily moved through the house without making a single sound. He was out the door in moments, and began to stroll down the dark, quiet streets of Angel Grove. He just let his feet carry him, not caring where he ended up. He needed to clear his head.
Why did that damned coin have to show up?! he thought, biting his lower lip, I was just fine! Everything was going great in my life! Zedd and Rita were leaving us alone for a change, the Machine Empire is history, we're just about ready to graduate, and Kimberly and I are back together...
Tommy halted a moment and squeezed his eyes shut, but the only image he could see was Kimberly's lifeless eyes staring at him accusingly. His eyes flew open again, and he sighed, continuing on his way.
Why does the past still haunt me? I thought I dealt with my dark side! When I convinced my clone to be good, I proved my dark side was weaker than the rest of me, didn't I? Or did I just convince my clone to do what I've been doing all my life-- denying an integral part of me?
Tommy looked up, and recognized his surroundings. He was standing atop the rocky bluffs overlooking Angel Grove, about a half mile out of town. He took a seat on a log, and stared out at the sleeping city wistfully.
"Are you truly rid of the Green Ranger, Angel Grove?" he asked out loud. "Or is it only a matter of time before the darkness in my soul demands to be released? Will I ever be at peace?!"
Tommy cried out that last statement as loudly as his lungs could manage. He waited a few moments in silence, as if expecting the city he protected to somehow answer his question, and relieve his pain; but it didn't, and all that remained was a chilly silence...
..until he heard the rustling of leaves behind him.
Tommy launched himself off the log and whirled around. No gentle nightime breeze had made that noise...
..but what he saw, as he stared into the dimness, was still not what he expected.
Standing ten feet away from him was a woman. She was about his height-- a good six feet tall-- with long hair piled luxuriously on top of her head and tumbling down around her shoulders like a cascade. The dim light of the city highlighted her smooth, voluptuous figure, and her long, form fitting dress flowed around her slender calves like water.
The dress struck him, for it was like nothing he'd ever seen-- like a second skin to the woman's flesh, black as night at the hem and becoming lighter as it rose up her body. At the ribs, the color began to turn again, becoming a deep orange, and bringing to life the neckline that resembled flames crawling up her shoulders.
Upon her slender neck was a golden choker, holding a bright orange gemstone that rested against the creamy white skin of her throat.
Tommy looked into her smooth, ageless face for a moment, but could only see the glint of moonlight in her eyes. They seemed to him like wide pools of swirling darkness-- no pupils, just orbs of shining ebony.
"Who are you?" he asked, affirming in his mind that she was not native to the state. He wasn't even sure she was human.
Her reply came like a whisper on the wind, brushing against his cheek like a cool breeze.
"I could tell you my name..." she said. "..but I'd much rather talk about you, Tommy."
Great, she's one of those.
"How do you know who I am?" he inquired, his nerves still jangling in his ears. He didn't like being startled.
The woman stepped forward, gliding a little nearer to him. He responded with a wary step back.
She simply went on, "I know alot of things about you, Tommy Oliver. I know about Zordon, and Rita Repulsa, and the Green Ranger..."
He stiffened a little. She noticed, and stopped.
"..yes, I know many things about you, young man. Don't take it offensively, I don't mean you any harm at all..." she paused then, her eyes darting to his chest for some reason. "'s just that I've come a very long way to see you, and...." she took on a wistful look. "..I'd like us to get to know each other better."
Tommy frowned. What kind of deal was this?
"Answer my question." he said.
The woman sighed, and shook her head. "I should have known you'd be this way." she said, laughing a like a mother talking of her habitually naughty child. She started to circle him slowly, and he followed her with his eyes, but his feet were rooted to the ground. His heart thudded in his ears.
"'re that type of man: cautious and untrusting of strangers. Strangers like me the most, correct?" she stopped directly behind him, and there was silence a moment. He was about to turn and look at her, when suddenly he felt her very close to him, her warm breath tickling his ear and making him shiver.
"Trust..." she whispered. " an elusive thing, Tommy."
He kept silent, tense.
"Trust is something we all think we have, but one day we'll be going about our business and all of a sudden, poof!--"
Tommy flinched.
"'s gone. We don't know where it went, or what could have happened to drive it away, but we know we are suddenly alone. No friends, no allies... we have nothing."
She continued to whisper in his ear, the warmth of her body against his back and shoulder. "It's happening to you Tommy. You know it and I know it. Their trust is fading away..."
"Just cut it out and tell me who you are." he growled, not liking the situation one bit. He mentally kicked himself for leaving his Zeonizers behind.
The woman lowered her eyes, smiling a little to herself. "Alright, I see you're a person who likes to get to the point." He shivered again as she began to trace a finger along the muscles of his back.
"I know your life has been hard at times." she said in a sympathetic tone. "Since the beginning, you've never really had the chance to belong-- to fit in, and be loved."
"That's not true. My friends love me," he said. "and I belong with them."
"..but do they love all of you?" she demanded softly. "Do they love that concealed part of you that you try so hard to keep in check? Or do they only tolerate you because so far, you've done a pretty good job of hiding it?"
As she spoke, he kept his eyes steadily forward, trying not to react to anything she said or did. He was having difficulty.
Tommy shook his head in defiance. "No, they know who I am... they know what I was."
But she gripped his arm suddenly. "DO they??"
He gasped. Tommy was scared silent for a moment.
"Do they really know? Do they understand the nature of the darkness you've always had in your soul? Will they ever realize how important a part of you it really is??"
Her black eyes glimmered. He was frozen; and he somehow she was right. How could they understand?
"Tommy, you are special." she breathed. "You are unique, and you have the potential to be more powerful than anyone you've ever fought beside as a Ranger. Come away with me and I'll show you a place where you truly belong."
He turned his head slightly.
"A place that doesn't shun darkness, but lets us accept it. The darkness is a part of us all, Tommy. Even your friends have dark sides; but they are so accustomed to fighting evil that they can't admit they possess it themselves." Tommy trembled as he saw Kat's face in his mind. "..but you... you know what it's like to let your dark side take control. You don't need to be afraid of it!"
Now he saw visions of himself as the Green Ranger, wreaking havoc on Angel Grove. He saw the destruction he had caused and he remembered how alive and invigorated he had felt.
Salacia's grip was like iron. "The longer you keep that part of you locked away in the deepest reaches of your soul, the more you deny the person you truly are...!"
"NO!" wrenched himself away, twisting and staggering backward. His knees were weak and he wanted to burst into tears right there in front of her. "My friends love me!" he screamed, trembling with rage. "They know what I am and they know what I was, and I've beaten the darkness! I won't let it win!!"
And with that, he ran from the cliff edge. He didn't look back at the mysterious and terrifying woman standing there, watching him flee.
Tommy ran all the way back into town, not even bothering to look at his surroundings, and when he arrived at his home he collapsed onto the porch swing, setting it swaying madly.
Curling in on himself on the cold cushion, he began to cry even harder than before. His lungs begged for oxygen, exhausted from the marathon, but he couldn't stop sobbing.
He wasn't even sure exactly why, but he knew that for some reason, everything he knew and loved was about to slip away...
..probably forever.
Shutting his eyes tightly, he let the swing rock him gently into a tortured sleep.
On the clifftop, standing in the same place as he had left her, the woman watched him in her mind's eye.
Poor young one, she thought. So alone, so confused and so afraid. What will it take for you to finally find peace?
Lying on the swing, Tommy didn't indicate that he could hear her, but she knew he could.
You will remember my face, she told him. I am the last hope for you. You will call my name of Salacia, and you WILL return to me...