I am a Web-A-Holic
Are you a web-a-holic too ?? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you are, please join my club!!
1. I own a(being 1) webpage on the net
2. I spend about an hour a day on the net
3. I have more then one(1) page on the net
4. My home is the net, I live on it
Now to how many questions did you answer yes ?? Now be honest =0)
To join fill out the form down below and i will e-mail you with the HTML code for the Graphic, so that
you can add it to your page
It will look like this:

If your browser does not support frames, then u can e-mail me hereand I will send u the code.
Here is the form:
I've added a members page yet again....I'll update it every week if i can find the time to do so....So if u want to visit some of the member's pages *click click click*
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