
I graduated from the "Film, Sound and Video" programme offered by Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore. My major is in Sound (Electronic Music and Multitrack Recording) and Computer Graphics/Animation. My other subjects and knowledge includes Audio for Picture, Production Design, Basic Post-Production techniques, and Video/Film Production.

At present, I am doing music composition, and working as a freelance crew in local film production, MTVs, and corporate videos.

I am one of the Music Composer for a local (Singapore) Chinese feature film, "The Road Less Travelled" 1996/1997

Recently, I've composed and arranged the song "Love in the City", the fanfare, and the dance music for the beauty peageant, Christine's Charity Queen 97. Christine's Charity Queen is a event that is held every year in Johore Bahru, Malaysia. It is a fund raising event cum beauty peageant to assist and contribute to the bettlement and welfare of the less privileged children of the society. This song will also be the official event song for this year and the coming years.
Another of my recent work, was a short 15 seconds jingle for the new Citizen watch ('codenamed' INDEPENDENT) TVC.

It's a pity, that I cannot upload, and play these files as MIDI files over the net, due to some copyright issues.. However, if you require my service, and needs my resume, I think we can arrange to meet (if you are from/in Singapore) or maybe I can send a cassette copy of my recent works. Do not hesitate to contact me via email or leave me a message in my message pager.

I was working as a 3D Animator at ARETĘ INTERACTIVE Pte Ltd.

My past work includes
MTVs with my own original music composition
A short Chinese Swordfighting Video that won some awards
A Computer Graphics animation that was shown on MTV (Asia)
another animation for a SONY show held in Hawaii.


A few of us had the intention to set up an Audio Post Production company. However, we feel that we are still very new, and the industry in this region is not very established yet. We do welcome any suggestions and recommendations in this field. Please write to me at

More About Charles Lee

I am also a big fan of Vivian Chow and Kitaro. Most of my music are influenced by him. I do hope to be able to be as famous as him someday in the music industry.

You can also check out my new Vivian Chow Photo Gallery!

That's all for the moment, do come back soon for more updates.


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Last updated Thurs October 09 02:20:00 SGT 1997