Greetings everybody!! Welcome to my humble little homepage. This is Charles Lee from Singapore. I have set up the following links, which might be useful to you. Do feel free to browse around, and leave me any comments on ways to improve my homepage or maybe a little mail just to say 'hi'.
Please check out some of the animatics of my computer animation for MTV Asia!
Also, check out my latest animatics page of my computer animation for SONY 
There is also a link to some info on my Chinese Swordfighting Video that won some awards in 1996
You can now send me an email message directly into my message pager!!
You are caller number
since 29th February 1996. Thank You!
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for comments and suggestions.
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Go to the Hollywood GeoPage
Go to Post - Steven Ong's Page (My
Go to Terence's Page (He stays not too far also)
Go to Zoetrope - Pok's Page (He stays in Tokyo -not too far also!!)
Go to All things Film Sound and Video - Jasmine's Page (She stays just a few blocks away)
Go to Movies Zone - Winie's Page (She stays a few blocks away too!!)
Go to Sounds of Friends Together - Lesley's Page
Go to CybeRanger
Created By CHARLES LEE (leekk@pacific.net.sg)
Last updated on Thurs June 11 16:50:37 SGT 1998
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