A new Bond chapter added today! I graduated from college! Hooray for summer!

Welcome everyone to my homepage.
This is the place to write your own chapters
to ongoing interactive web stories!

Current Fiction:

James Bond Interactive Adventures - NEW! -
Chapter Fourteen!
Bond is searching for a buried Nazi treasury
but the Russians are trying to get there
first. Who will succeed?

The Matrix Construct - NEW! -
Neo and Morpheus have returned to the Matrix
in a brand new interactive adventure.

Quote of the Whenever
A collection of bizarre, sometimes disturbing
quotes. Updated on a highly irregular basis.

Anyway, enjoy the site!

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What's New
·Hoosiers need serious practice
·Let's hope I get a "Yes" from a med school
·Go the Berserk boxset!
Site Sections
·James Bond Interactive Adventures
·The Matrix Construct
·Quote of the Whenever
·Awards Page
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·Radiskull and Devil Doll
·Afro Squad!
·James Bond.com
·Digits Webcounters