bubble2.gif (1105 bytes)Welcome to the Dolphin Tank

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Mercian, Goddess of Aquarius and Pia, Goddess of Pisces are the guardians of The Dolphin Tank.  Treat them with respect and they will do the same to you. If you'd like to adopt a cybermaid, click on the cybermaid link above.

Anthoney has found a new friend.   Her name is BlueBell. She is a real sweetheart and Anthoney likes her VERY much.

Anothoney just recently got some brothers and sisters to play with. The little blue animated dolphin is Aqua. She is always full of energy. She is an orphan that came from Laurabells Cyberpet Spot.The 3 dolphins playful you see towards the bottom of the tank are Blue, Azure and Cyan, 1 brother and 2 sisters.  They were also adopted from Laurabells Cyberpet Spot. So far they are all getting along quite well.

In the near future there will be more dolphins coming. I have requested a pod of newborns from cyberbutt2.gif (8871 bytes)

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arrow.gif (1097 bytes)Back to Little White Rabbit's Homepage