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Dustin Hoffman

(Dustin Lee Hoffman)

* 08. August 1937 (in Los Angeles, California)


1980 as Ted Kramer in "Kramer vs. Kramer"

1989 as Raymond Babbit in "Rain Man"


1968 as Benjamin Braddock in "The Graduate"

1970 as Enrico (Ratzo) Rizzo in "Midnight Cowboy"

1975 as Lenny Bruce in "Lenny"

1983 as Michael Dorsay in "Tootsie"

1998 as Stanley Motts in "Wag the Dog"

My Personal Comments

- one of the best actors ever...itīs always a pleasure to see him in a movie

- he was married to ballerina Anne Byrne (1969 - 1980, divorced)

- he has two daughters with Byrne: Anne and Jenna (she is a photographer)

- he is now married to Lisa Gottsegen, a former lawyer...since October 1980

- he has two sons and two daughters with Gottsegen: Jacob and Maxwell, Rebecca and Alexandra

- his father was set designer and furniture designer Harvey Hoffman

- his mother was Lillian Hoffman, who died in June 1980

- Dustin has got a brother, Ron, who once was an economic professor, and is now a lawyer

- his daughter Jenna Byrne had a little role in "Wag the Dog" (1997) (and DeNiroīs daughter Drena Deniro, too)

- his other kids, Jacob, Maxwell and Rebecca Hoffman had little roles in "Hook" (1991)