John Fellows
Hi, this is the little bit were I tell you all about the man behind the screenplay. Although I know very few people will actually be interested. I am a 19 year-old student who lives in England in a quaint, little village called Longhorsley. I commute to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to study Computing and Psychology towards a degree. All very exciting stuff, but I don't exactly sound like your average trying-to-make-it screenwriter do I? I guess writing was always a hobby for me and I never really thought I could make anything out of it.
Of course, now I have reconsidered this opinion and plan to conquer the world with my scripts of excellence, or something. This web-site is the first step towards this goal. I am still amazed by the brilliance behind this whole Internet invention. I can take my script which would normally only be read by myself and my sister and put it on the Internet and have hundreds of people read it and also have them offer feedback on the script. This site has been developing non-stop since it's creation last year and I have managed to update
it as regularly as time will allow. I hope you enjoy the script, that's the main point of me writing it. Just knowing that there are people out there who have read this script and enjoyed it makes me feel all warm inside (But then again, so does watching Gillian Anderson jogging).
The far less offensive...
Why in a world so large and varied, do scripts like mine and the other class amateur writers out there not get made and crap like Batman and Robin does? Discuss.