My Opinions of Sailormoon

Here are just some of my opinions on Sailormoon. These are my ideas and opinions, so please don't get mad at me if I say something you don't like.

Group Rankings

The Inner Senshi - OK, I have nothing against the Inners, but I don't like them. I think they hold up WAY too much screen time and hog the spotlight when there are good times to let other Senshi do things.
The Outer Senshi - I love the Outers. They have interesting storylines, cool attacks, transformations, etc. I personally think that the screen time should have been more balanced out, giving more to Pluto and Saturn, and less to Uranus and Neptune.
The Starlights - I like the Starlights, but not as much as the Outers. I like their attacks and their henshin music. I think they could have been shown a little less though, and I do think they should have "died" in the last episode.

Senshi Rankings

Sailorsaturn - Surprise, surprise, Saturn is my favorite :) I think she's the best of them all. Her attacks are the most powerful, she's strong, and has a really good background story.
Sailorstarhealer - Healer is my second favorite. I like her bitchy attitude and attack.
Sailorneptune - I used to hate her, but I changed my mind after seeing her. I'm not sure why I like her, she's just cool.
Sailorpluto - Pluto's my thrid fav. All the stuff she does is neat, like the time stopping thing, but she IS boring.
Sailoruranus - I don't know why Uranus is high on the list. I guess I just like the fact that shes arrogant, and, unlike most people who are, she has a reason to be. I also like her attack.
Sailorstarfighter - Fighter's OK, but I do find her strange and sort of annoying, but her attack is pretty nifty, so that puts her up on the list.
Sailorvenus - Venus is my favorite Inner. Her attacks her the best, and, tied w/Usagi, she's the funniest. But I hate her ditzy side and find it extremely irritating.
Sailormars - Mars is here because of her attitude, as well as her attacks. I personally think she's overrated and should have had less screen time.
Sailorjupiter - Don't know why Jupiter is here, but I like her better than the rest on the list, so there you go ^^
Sailorstarmaker - Let's see, Maker is too smart, weird looking and has the stupidist attack and henshin phrase ever. But she is a Starlight, so that puts her in front of who's left.
Sailormercury - I dislike Mercury, I think she's too smart and has too much to say. Her attacks are kind of stupid, and half the time she says stuff that's way to obvious.
Sailorchibimoon - I also don't like Chibimoon. She's too cute. It's like you want to throw up after seeing her for too long.
Sailormoon - I HATE Sailormoon. She's an idiot, and she eats of every ounce of screen time. I can understand that it's her show, but they could have had Pluto get a Super attack or Saturn get a real attack or henshin instead of giving Moon yet another every fifteen episodes.


Sailormoon S - My absolute favorite season. It has the appearance of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, as well as Pluto's attacks, etc. I do have several problems with it though, but it was still the best season. Sailormoon Sailorstars - It's got good villains, as well as the Sailorstarlights. I do find Chibichibi annoying though, and the last episode is sort of hard to understand.
Sailormoon R - I though this series was pretty good. the villains were interesting, as well as Pluto's first appearance. I din't like Chibiusa in this series though, she was WAY too bratty.
Sailormoon - This series was OK, but I though it was a little obvious through the whole thing about several things, like who the princess was. I didn't like Beryl of the Generals, they were just annoying.
Sailormoon SuperS - I haven't seen any of this series, so I can't judge it.

Anyways, that's my little opinions page!

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