Sailormoon Links

Below is a lisst of Sailormoon related pages that fall into several categories. Click on the link to visit that site (like you didn't know what to do ^_-)


The Everchanging Sailormoon Gateway: Great page, lots of awesome fanfiction and tons of info. One of THE best SM sites around.

The Sailor Senshi Page: Another awesome page with lots of info. Check out the "Dumb Sailormoon Rumors" section.

Stayka's Dark Kingdom Home: A really good Dark Kingdom page; has lots of original pics. **Special thanks to them for letting me use pics of Nephrite, Metallia and Jadeite from their site**

Web Page Reviews

The Worst Sailor Moon Pages Ever: The first Sailormoon web review page on the net. great place to go for lots of links to sites.

The Witches Are Watching...: A pretty good review page that isn't as...well...harsh as the AQ. They even review my "old" page. Check the archives!

S A R (Sailor-Animamate-Reviews): A new group of reviewers that show a lot of promise.

Kinmokusei: Another new group of reviewers similar to S A R, but use the Starlights and Princess Kakyuu as alias'.

The Small Lady: Another older review group, a very original idea and character base. I like her a lot.

More links will be coming soon!

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