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Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology (CARP) -- page maintained by Lester Embree at FAU, contains much valuable information for those interested in phenomenology. Guide to Philosophy on the Internet -- A superb resource for locating information, organizations, and more. Husserl-Archives Leuven International Association for Environmental Philosophy (IAEP) -- A relatively new organization dedicated to the rigorous study of all types of environmental philosophy, not just ethics and aesthetics. |
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International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy-- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is requesting article submissions in a wide variety of areas of philosophy. Founded in 1995 and run by an international board of editors, the IEP is open to articles written by professionally trained philosophers in all areas of academic philosophy. The articles will be professionally reviewed. The IEP currently receives approximately 3,000 hits per day, with the greatest percentage coming from college students. For more information on submissions please see or contact the general editor James Fieser at Nietzsche Society Philosophy Around the Web -- A comprehensive listing of philosophy links Philosophy in Cyberspace -- More links to philosophy resources, includes information about discussion groups. Resources Concerning Existentialism -- A list and description of some pages on the web concerning existentialism, feminism, and phenomenology. Society of German Idealism -- The mission of the Society is to stimulate interdisciplinary scholarship on the philosophies of the German idealists -- chiefly but not exclusively: Kant, Fichte, Hegel, and Schelling -- and to afford an opportunity for international exchange of research on German idealism. The Husserl Page -- An excellent resource for those interested in Husserl. Romanian Society for Phenomenology -- A source for Phenomenology in Europe. See their website for journal submission guidelines. |