The Corrs

[ ...the corrs... ]

talking on corners, these guys

Welcome and thanks for visiting my tribute to the best Irish group, The Corrs. Although I have not been expose to The Corrs' enchanting Celtic folk rock music for long, I am now a truly big fan of theirs. I hope The Corrs will be around for time to come.

I learnt about The Corrs so late due to the lack of promotion for them over here, but I am very thankful to Warners Music Malaysia because they made a great effort to get The Corrs here for a three day promotion in April 1998.

So enjoy yourselves at my homepage and I will try to get the latest news about The Corrs from around the globe.


Andrea, Sharon, Caroline and Jim, this is for you. Hope you enjoy it. Please sign my guessbook if you all ever drop by.

Sign Guestbook.

View My Guessbook.

The images you see here are taken by yours truly (some from the net) and I hope Andrea, Sharon, Caroline And Jim approve of it. In the future , I will also be updating my picture gallery with pictures taken by other fans of The Corrs in Malaysia.

This site was last updated on 19th June 1998


Corrs Webring


Neverbeen Productions
© 1998, 1999