This page change nearly everyday, please come back in as often as you can
This page change nearly everyday, please come back in as often as you can
Last Update: 3-27-96
My Rather Small Collection

If you are interested,
Contact Me at
If you don't have any anime to trade with, I can still get you some titles.
You can send in tapes for me to copy or send $5.00 per tapes for me to copy titles.
or You can Visit the GLAG Anime Club that would do request.

Titles receive straight from the Subbers
The following title should be in pretty good condition and quality,
you can bet you sweet boody on it.
Bastard 1-6 -SW Excellent Copy
DNA^2 1-15 -AQA Excellent Copy
Pon Pocko Tanuki - Sw
YU YU Hakuso Movie 2 - Sw
Gundam 0080 1-6 - Nexus
Gundam 0083 1-8 - Opx, VTAS
Gundam Ms 08th Team - AJA
Gundam F91 -Dainex
Gundam: Char's Counter Attack -Dainex
Laputa -Yatsuya
Nausicca -Yatsuya
Macross 7 Tv 1-4 -Psycho Korp
Macross 7 Tv 25-28 -Psycho Korp
Maison Ikkoku TV 49-52 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 53-56 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 57-60 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 61-64 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 65-68 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 69-72 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 73-76 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 77-80 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 81-84 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 85-88 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 89-92 -Newtype
Maison Ikkoku TV 92-96 -Newtype
Sailor Moon R Moive -Cellestial Research
Sailor Moon S Movie -Cellestial Research
Video Girl Ai 1-6 -AQA
Titles received from the Distributors and trades (little)
The names Follow the titles are not the subbers, they are the distributors.
*Note* The quality may varies, because that is what the Distributor got.
Arion -NM Subbed by AVP
Big War -Newtype ??
City Hunter Stuff, Check Here for format
Cobra -Newtype ??
Cockpit 1-3 -NM ??
DanCougar 1-5
Dirty Pair Flash 1-6 -Newtype Subbed by TAAS
Dirty Pair Flash II 1-4
Dragon Ball Z movies 1,4-12 -Newtype Subbed by Seiyan Jin, S-Baldic
Dragon's Heavan -Newtype Subbed by S.Baldric
Final Fantacy 1-4
Five Start Story
Gatchman OAV 1-3
GS Mikami 1-4
Gundam Zeta 1-4 -Newtype subbed by Nexus
Gundam 0083 9-13 -Newtype Subbed by Nexus
Gundam Movie 1 -Newtype by ??
Gundam Movie 2 -Newtype by ??
I Can Hear The Sea
Kiki's Delivery Service
Legend of Galatic Heros Movie 1 Subbed by Caltech
Legend of Galatic Heros TV 1-8 Subbed by Caltech
Luna Varuga 1-4
Maison Ikkoku TV 1-4 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 5-8 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 9-12 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 13-16 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 17-20 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 21-24 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 25-28 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 29-32 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 33-36 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 37-40 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 41-44 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 45-48 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Maison Ikkoku TV 49-52 -Newtype Subbed by AA
Mausib Ikkoku Final Movie -Newtype Subbed by SVII
Patlabor P1, P8-P12 -Newtype Subbed by Arctic, SVII
Porco Rosso
The Samurai
Tekkamen Blade TV 1-2 Subbed by Unkown
Ushio and Tora 1-4 UK Sub
Ushio and Tora 5-8 UK Sub
Ushio and Tora 9-10 + CD theatre UK Sub
Weathering Continent -Newtype S. Baldric
Wicked Beast City -Newtype ???
Whisper of The Heart
Wing Gundam 1-4 SB, you know who
Yotoden 1-3
YS II 1-4
Coming UP add to the above:
Gundam W 4-8
Gundam MS 08th 3-4
L-Gaim 1-8
Dragon Ball TV 1-45
Dragon Ball Z movie 13
Dragon Ball Z Bardok Special
Lupin III: Bye Bye Liberty
Villgust 1-2
Slam Dunk Movie
Titles aquired from trading
*Note* The quality are still pretty good, want more details?
Please feel free to ask me. I will give you an honest answer.
City Hunter Stuff, Check Here for format
Legend of Galatic Hero TV 1-26
Lupin III: The Zentetsu Sword
Madara 1
Open The Door
Saint Seiya Movie 1+2
Shadow Skill
Sparkling Phantom
Touch Movie 1-3
My Even Smaller Commecial Stuffs
Name |
Dagger of Kamui: |
Detonator Orgun vol.1 |
Dirty Pair: Affair on Nolandia |
Dirty Pair: Flight 005 |
Dirty Pair: Project Eden |
Lupin III: Farewell Lupin |
Lupin III: Wing of Albatross |
Macross II vol.1 |
Macross II vol.2 |
Macross II vol.3 |
Macross Plus 1 |
Macross Plus 2 |
Macross Plus 3 |
Ninja Scroll |
Patlabor 1 |
Orguss 02 vol.1 |
Orguss 02 vol.2 |
Orguss 02 vol.3 |
Project A-Ko 2 |
Project A-Ko 3 |
Project A-Ko 4 |
Project A-Ko: Grey |
Record of Lodoss War vol. 1-6 |
Rupan III: Fuma Conspiracy |
Wing of Honneamise |

Sound Tracks CDs
Name |
Gundam: The Best |
Gundam: 0083 OST (2 CDs) |
Macross II |
Macross Plus |
Ranma Ost 1 |

Titles on The Way to me.....
More City Hunter stuffs...
Gundam Movie 3
Legned Of Galatic Hero 26 to beyond (in a long while)
Patlabor OVA 2-10
Patlabor TV 4-30
Peacock King

If you are interested,
Contact Me at
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