Dave Baldwin - 12/20/00 21:03:02 My Email:lemonaidkid@hotmail.com Sex: Prefer not to pay Age: Yes Your Location: Baltimore, MD Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Fried mushrooms (Delaware, OH location only?) Most Honest Politician: Sonny Bono R.I.P. Favorite Karloff Movie: The Old Dark House | Comments: Nice website! Great to see Curt and the gang finally starting to get some recognition thirty years too late. Does anyone know if Rev-ola went belly-up? (they've stopped answering their mail). |
Fred Orcutt - 12/04/00 00:25:45 My Email:forcutt@enterprise-technology.net Sex: Male Age: Just 53 (I don't believe it myself) Your Location: Idaho Most Honest Politician: Yeah, right. | Comments: I was just listening to mix I just made of some of my all time favorites cuts. Crabby Appleton's Go Back was playing ... to me it's a true bridge between 60's (non-acid) rock and the progressive stuff of the 70's. A way, way underestimated talent. So I decided to hunt around on the net and see if I could somehow find a copy of CA's first album -- someone borrowed my 8=track copy in 1971 and I haven't seen it since. |
forrest salfen - 11/28/00 23:21:56 My Email:fsalfen@protective.com Age: old enough Your Location: san diego Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: pinot noir Most Honest Politician: sure as hell not Gore!!! | Comments: I've been looking a long time for a place to purchase the Millennium's Begin CD. Back in the "old" days I had two copies of it, one of which I never opened. Unfortunately I sold all 2500 of my LP's in 1985 (stupid thing, but hey, I was tired of moving 250 lbs around with me everytime I moved). Anyhow, has it ever been remixed/remasterd and where can I obtain a copy? I can't even find any of it on Napster and have been looking it seems like forever. This lp brings back a lot of memories and good time feeli gs. I grew up in the Bay Area and listened to Tom Donahue on the original FM "underground" station, KMPX. There was so much good music back then. I'm putting together a compilation of songs played on that station back then from a "set list" I made back th n that I recently ran across. I need "To Claudia On Thursday" for this compilation as it was played quite a bit (besides I *love* it!!) If you could help me out I'd be forever grateful (dead)!!!! Thanks, Forrest Salfen fsalfen@protective.com 858-385-5990 |
Larry - 11/08/00 01:16:55 My Email:lweisbrod@hotmail.com Age: 47 Your Location: Toronto, Canada | Comments: I am amazed that I finally found this album here. I remember it from my teenage years, and I haven't heard it for ages. A friend of mine had the album. Thanks. Larry W |
Terri Tada - 10/29/00 17:09:09 My Email:terri_t@mtd.biglobe.ne.jp Sex: Machine Age: 31 Your Location: Osaka, Japan Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: hate junk food, eat brown rice Most Honest Politician: Alicia Bay Lawrel | Comments: Glad to share Millenium World with everyone. Recently,I got Curt's Misty Mirage album,Second Millenium,and Millenium Continues those CDs were released this year in Japan. Ooops,I'm making soap now,have to stir it so hard..... |
Bill Piekarski - 09/26/00 23:28:54 My URL:http://billski99.tripod.com My Email:billpiekarski@hotmail.com Sex: Yes, please Age: 49 Your Location: Sunny Lackawanna, New York, on the shores of Lake Erie Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Dilly Bar Most Honest Politician: None; maybe Ralph Nader Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankenstein | Comments: I'm a *big* fan of Michael Fennelly, but he seems to have disappeared. I e-mailed his ex-drummer Phil Jones (Crabby Appleton) but received no reply. Supposedly he did some recording with Jeff Beck (!!!). "Stranger's Bed", his second solo album (on Mercu y) was disappointing, but his first "Lane Changer" (on Epic, but Rod Argent on keyboards and the Kinks rhythm section) was superb! If you've never heard it check it out! If anyone knows of Michael's whereabouts and/or activities I'd appreciate the info. Thanks! |
Alex - 09/26/00 00:53:08 My Email:alexvbennett@hotmail.com Sex: Mmm...yes! Age: I don't mind Your Location: England Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Whatever you're having Most Honest Politician: You're joking! Favorite Karloff Movie: Moving Target | Comments: Enjoyed you're site very much. I picked up my copy of The Millennium...Begin, about 20 or so years ago and on first putting it on the turntable it just blew me away! A very fine and special album indeed. I think Curt Boettcher's "Now There's an Innocent F ce" is pretty fine too. Great site, all the best, Alex. |
chris - 09/16/00 23:24:12 My Email:actionz@aol.com Sex: male Your Location: southwest Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: cookie dough Most Honest Politician: LOL!!! Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankenstein | Comments: This band alone with Sagittarius has provided me with unreal pleasure for the last 31 plus yrs!! I was an avid fan of the Music Machine also! Talk Talk alone floored me when i was a young musician myself! In fact, Always wanted so badly to do that song along with my 60's band Magic People which also considted of Ace Freahley from Kiss. It was Keith, Doug and Ron's performances that I always loo ed forward too. The harmonies! They are a breath of fresh air and brillance! Thank you Millenium for the joys you have provided with me over these years! Was also a true Crabby Appleton lover (first album, anyway!) There is so much to say but that's enough..... for now! |
Heather - 08/27/00 08:28:23 My Email:one_of_4_KRET@hotmail.com Sex: female Age: 17 Your Location: SSI, BC, Canada Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Blizzard Most Honest Politician: I have no sense of politicians :) Favorite Karloff Movie: Who's Karloff? | Comments: I just want to say how much I appreciate this page... my mother was Curt's wife, the mother of his only child (my big brother, Varek) and truly they were soul mates. I grew up with his music, though I only met him a few times before his tradgic death whe I was still a toddler. When I see things online talking about him, and his music, his genious and the things he was involved in, I can't help but cry. It makes me and my mother so happy that people appreciate the music he was involved in, thank you. |
Ken Bell - 08/24/00 16:02:52 My Email:noiro@radiks.net Age: 51 Your Location: Omaha, NE Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Dilly Bar (Chocolate Most Honest Politician: Ronald Reagan Favorite Karloff Movie: ???? | Comments: |
Michael Fennelly - 08/11/00 21:31:49 My Email:lakrmike@aol.com Sex: I'm in favor of it Age: golden hippie Your Location: Oregon, USA Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: frozen wood pulp Most Honest Politician: George Clinton Favorite Karloff Movie: Chiller Theatre (TV) | Comments: Nice work Ronnie. And thanks to everyone who had kind words in the guest book. What the guys in the Millennium always wanted was to provide music for the pleasure of an audience. This personal feed-back, 30 years later is sweet, indeed. |
McLaughlin - 06/17/00 14:41:51 My Email:ajmclaughlin@connectfree.co.uk Sex: Male Age: toooo old! Your Location: Scotland Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Hello I'm a Sandwich! Most Honest Politician: The Inner Voice Favorite Karloff Movie: One With a Mummy In It | Comments: Hello Everyone! Does anyone have lyrics and chords to any Sagittarius,Ballroom and Millennium songs? |
Vicki Callahan - 06/15/00 14:31:36 My URL:/gtabarez/ladyinblack.html My Email:vcalla@ladwp.com Sex: Female Age: 47 Your Location: Los Angeles Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: ?? Most Honest Politician: George Bush Jr. Favorite Karloff Movie: The Mummy | Comments: Good site, Gene! You did very well with this. I can see you had many visitors and entries in your guest book. This music is close to many people's hearts. Everyone likes to remember. Nice touch with the lyrics page. Now people can go back and revisi thier youth and remember what they were doing and what it was like when those songs played on the radio and at the school dances. Keep the memory alive. Vicki |
Pat Beckers - 04/02/00 15:07:49 My URL:http://home.wxs.nl/~patriczik/wondermints/skyscrapers.htm My Email:patriczik@yahoo.com Sex: Male Age: 35 Your Location: Maastricht, Netherlands | Comments: Hey, In japan a Curt Boettcher cd called Misty Mirage was released last week. It contains some unreleased tracks that were recorded between 1966 and 1969. There are even some demo's of Millennium tracks (I Just Want To Be Your Friend, The Know It All). Ve y recommended, but remember it's a Japanese release, so hard to get. And the liner notes are by Boettcher 'know it all' Dawn Eden. Look at http://www.d-ville.com to see the cover and get a little bit of information. As far as I know the second (unreleased Millennium album will come out May 25th in Japan. Best to all you Millennium fans. Curt Boettcher rules!!! |
Ron Sauer - 03/10/00 14:01:06 My Email:rgsauer@aol.com Age: 53 Your Location: Cincinnati, Ohio Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: None Most Honest Politician: None Favorite Karloff Movie: Bride of Frankenstein | Comments: Thanks for the page. Love Curt Boettcher. Isn't "Honest Politician" an oxymoron? |
Steve Farquhar - 02/27/00 19:59:12 My Email:stevecfarquhar@tinyworld.co.uk Sex: male Age: 36 Your Location: Angus,Scotland Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: giddy, giddy Most Honest Politician: Tony Benn Favorite Karloff Movie: FronkenSchteen obviously | Comments: Big, big, big fan of Curt, Michele et al and all the psychedelic/softpop stuff on Sundazed, Rev-Ola, etc,. I've just logged on to these pages for the first time and although it might sound a little sad, I am an excited lad. |
robert crum - 02/09/00 21:19:10 My Email:robert_crum@intuit.com Age: 50 Your Location: San Diego Most Honest Politician: Contradiction here? Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankenstein | Comments: Don't know what to say. Releasing "Millennium" on CD is a big deal for me. I don't know why, exactly, it was very special to me when it was first released. . .and I find now. . .listening as I'm writing this. . .that it's still very special and important music to me. I don't have ANY other album/cd that has ever held the same place in my heart. I am VERY anxious to see release of "Millennium II" as mentioned on the Millennium Homepage. . .and I will be seeking out the "Ballroom" CD as well. Thanks. . .and bye for now Robert |
MORANA Cyril - 02/07/00 20:43:29 My Email:xmorana@aol.com Age: 29 Your Location: Paris, France Favorite Karloff Movie: The Mummy | Comments: It's good to read about Curt Boeetcher, one of the 3 true geniuses of the 60's (McCartney, Wilson and Boettcher)... Congratulations. |
John Bilich - 02/01/00 15:18:30 My Email:jjbxxx@worldnet.att.net Age: 43 Your Location: Los Angeles Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Fecal Fungoo Most Honest Politician: Idi Amin Favorite Karloff Movie: Rip Her Rectum #12 | Comments: Why does it burn when I pee? |
tony fanucchi - 02/01/00 07:54:55 My Email:fantone@aol.com Age: 45 Your Location: sonoma california | Comments: got this page from a british site-very interesting-was looking for stuff about micheal fennelly-used to love crabby appleton-and i actually had a cut-out of his solo lp strangers bed-back in the mid-70s-thought he was one of those should of been huge op stars-he could write,play and sing-now i hear about this group ive never even heard of-will check in a gain-thanks...tf |
Merrill Falk - 01/31/00 19:29:31 My Email:falk@milan.k12.mi.us Sex: male Age: 47 Your Location: Milan, Michigan | Comments: I'm just trying to figure out where Michael Fennelly is. I'm a big fan of his "Lane Changer" album, and I'm also the curious type. Merrill |
Eric Meece - 01/28/00 19:27:38 My URL:http://www.kkup.com/ericm.html My Email:eameece@california.com Age: 50 Your Location: San Jose | Comments: Correction to the words to To Claudia on Thursday. The second verse was omitted from your page. It is: Let the heavens kiss you with the breeze Let the sunshine see you through the trees Don't give a thought to anything in the world but you and me |
Tammy Hess-Gilbert - 01/21/00 02:24:17 My Email:Tamhester@Worldnet.att.net Sex: woman Age: 51 Your Location: North Hollywood, CA Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Boysenberry Shake Most Honest Politician: Truman Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankenstein meets Abbott & Costello | Comments: Its your other sister telling you how much I appreciate your contributions to the Music and memories that make me smile. Good to read Dr. Bobs note, those were good days with my ex Ronnie "Blues Magoos" and Brandon. I will never forget and look forward t more from you. Love... |
Eric Meece - 01/14/00 02:29:56 My URL:http://www.california.com/~eameece My Email:eameece@california.com Age: 50 Your Location: San Jose CA Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: none Most Honest Politician: none Favorite Karloff Movie: none | Comments: Great to see this site! I'm a big fan of Lee Mallory and Curt Boettcher, and one of my favorite songs is Lee Mallory's "That's the Way It's Gonna Be" and "Many Are the Times." I especially like Karmic Dream Sequence. I interviewed Lee on my radio show Fri ay January 7th. |
Ron Cline - 12/11/99 02:27:34 My Email:rcline@swcp.com Age: 18 months older Your Location: Albuquerque | Comments: I've just noticed that the superb Rev-Ola release is available at Amazon -- look for "Begin + 6" |
David D. Brown - 11/20/99 22:54:24 My Email:DrTechnical@excite.com Age: 52 Your Location: Greensboro, NC Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Never go there! Most Honest Politician: Jack Kemp Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankenstein | Comments: I was so thrilled when I saw Begin on CD, as I was wearing out my old taped version of it. I was working at the campus FM radio station at NC State University when this record came out, and I almost played the grooves off it. Definitely one of my all-time favorite albums. |
Ron Edgar - 10/26/99 01:30:40 My Email:rdedgar@hotmail.com Age: 53 Your Location: mpls,MN | Comments: With my best wishes this latest news from joey stec tonight made my heart sing with hope. Maybe curt,s dream will find reality. So it only takes 30 years or so! Somethings work on slow wheel. My dream is to see all those smiling faces in person with instr ments in hand. good luck joe foster. Ron....... |
Ron Edgar - 10/26/99 01:11:15 My Email:rdedgar@hotmail.com Sex: male Age: 53 Your Location: mpls,mn Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: peanut buster parfait | Comments: /I,m the real guy if you want to write me my email add is listed above. |
Lasse Iinainen - 10/04/99 07:31:02 My Email:Liinainen@hotmail.com Sex: Male Age: 54 Your Location: Pori, Finland, Europe | Comments: Great to see a site for Millennium!!!!! Yours, Lasse |
andrew - 08/12/99 19:26:26 My Email:andrew@netwiz.net Age: 27 Your Location: Oakland, California. Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Dip cone. Most Honest Politician: uhhh.... Favorite Karloff Movie: uhhhh.... | Comments: Cool page. I love "Begin," it's a shame the band didn't do more recording, although I am both stunned and thrilled to hear that a second album apparently will become reality. I am definitely planning on attending a show if they happen. I'd like to know any more biographical information on Curt Boettcher, if possible. I just bought a (expensive) vinyl copy of Begin on eBay... it was worth it, though. |
Patricio Capella - 07/26/99 20:34:04 My Email:patriciocapella@ciudad.com.ar Sex: male Age: 29 Your Location: Argentina | Comments: Since iheard the Sagittarius album,i fell in love with the beautiful pop of the 60's. The work of curt boettcher is so special,that i will make an special about him in my radio show.Can you help me? |
Shelann - 06/23/99 03:55:55 Sex: yes Age: legal Your Location: somewhere between here and there... closer to here than there. Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: double dipped chocolate thingies Most Honest Politician: Jesus Favorite Karloff Movie: Boris does Dallas | Comments: nifty keen far heavenly out homepage, dude!..... I like it..... do you have spell check? |
christoffer - 05/26/99 17:09:01 My Email:raltingo@hotmail.com Sex: man Age: 23 Your Location: Stockholm, Sweden | Comments: HI! Great page! Begin is right up there with Pet sounds. I would like also to express my love for Assocition and thier "Birthday" |
Peter Black - 05/22/99 07:51:47 My Email:peterblack@xiphias.com Age: 48 Your Location: LA Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Coke Freeze Most Honest Politician: Jerry Brown Favorite Karloff Movie: Abbot and Costello | Comments: Begin is one of my Favorite Albums. I still have the vinyl somewhere. It lives right next to Battle of the Bands by the Turtles (also underrated). I gather Begin was the first 16 track album, and they jury-rigged it with two eight tracks. Just picked up E mit Rhodes Listen Listen retrospective CD. Great. Any other suggestions of lsot gems for me to gather? |
dr bob - 03/07/99 21:49:03 My Email:bobpoholek @aol.com Age: 54 Your Location: mansfield,ma | Comments: old friend of joey stec & trumpet playe/worked with joey & ralph scala on Dependaples album in early 70's.turned on to joey by barry tashian & bill briggs out of east coast burrito brothers band/ended up on short tour with Albert Collins blues band /toure with Little Richard & Bo Didley/now settled down with fam in new england/occupation pharmacist |
Joe Foster - 03/03/99 01:04:06 My Email:joe.foster@creation.co.uk Sex: Male Your Location: Brighton,England Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: am lactose intolerant Favorite Karloff Movie: Black Cat | Comments: Great site & getting better! Begin & The Ballroom are available from revola, & I'm plotting with the guys to unearth more stuff..To be continued... |
H.Andrews - 03/02/99 17:29:05 My Email:@hayand.free-online.co.uk Sex: Male Age: 27 Your Location: N'pton,England, UK Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: No Idea Most Honest Politician: Nil Favorite Karloff Movie: Unsure | Comments: Discovered Millennium + Sagittarius last year, fantastic albums - psych-pop perfection. Just thought you may like to know there is a Ballroom CD out at the moment on Rev-ola records a division of Creation Records in the U.K. The cat no is CREVO58CD. Well worth buying to hear some pre Millennium tracks + demos etc. You can order it through their web site aswell as Begin. Just search for Rev-ola. T |
Joey Stec - 12/25/98 01:12:38 My Email:jwloki@aol.com Sex: male Age: 45 Your Location: L.A. Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: none don't use Most Honest Politician: Clinton Favorite Karloff Movie: Mummy | Comments: hello to everyone :remember "It's You" |
- 11/22/98 05:00:50 | Comments: |
Dave Mirich - 10/30/98 23:11:11 My Email:dmirich@aol.com Age: 42 Your Location: denver Most Honest Politician: Homer Page Favorite Karloff Movie: bride of frankie? | Comments: I have listened to the Begin CD countless times, and have given the Sag CD many turns as well. The Mil CD has hooked and intrigued me in a way that is hard to convey in words. My friends don't appreciate it as I do. It is easily one of my very top CDs nd I've been a music fan forever. I am anxiously awaiting the new Ballroom CD. BTW, For people who like this music, I strongly recommend the CD by Lusk, and the latest by Ya Lo Tengo. |
Greg L - 10/30/98 21:43:11 Age: 47 Your Location: Florida | Comments: To cool! Thanks for the great web site! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Doug Guillory - 10/21/98 16:31:55 My Email:d_guillory@hotmail.com | Comments: I am trying to locate this LP but have'nt had any luck.Any Ideas.Does anyone know What happened to Michael Fennely after his two solo LP's ? |
Doug Guillory - 10/21/98 00:20:09 My Email:d_guillory Age: 39 Your Location: sfca Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Doublr dip cone Most Honest Politician: Jimmy Carter Favorite Karloff Movie: Glen or Glenda | Comments: Can't belive I found this page.I did a search for Crabby Appleton and after many entries found this.I love it.I am starting up a Crabby Appleton home page soon and was just looking for any info.I'll be back |
Den8Atk - 10/10/98 15:56:51 My Email:Den8Atk@aol.com Age: 45 Your Location: san lorenzo,ca Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: dipped cone | Comments: I am a very old fan of Millenum. I used to hang around the guys in the late 60's hoping one of them would actually notice me! I really appreciated their music and am looking forward to hearing the album again. Hope they are doing well. A special HI to Joey and Lee. I am Joey's sister's best friend.... does anyone remember two teenagers hanging on the perimeter?? Love...Denise |
- 10/06/98 21:21:48 | Comments: |
Cindy - 09/08/98 12:50:59 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Ron Weekes - 08/31/98 22:53:57 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Studio/8242 My Email:weekesr@ricks.edu Age: 44 Your Location: the Rocky Mountains Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Pecan Cluster Breeze Most Honest Politician: NOT Bill Clinton. How about George Washington or Abe Lincoln? Favorite Karloff Movie: Too many | Comments: I like your Millennium page. Please consider adding a link to my Gary Usher page. ron |
Katia Potts - 08/23/98 08:45:03 My Email:katiapotts@hotmail.com Most Honest Politician: Bill Clinton (not) Favorite Karloff Movie: War & Peace | Comments: Nice lyrics. Reminds me of another time, when hearts were gentler. |
Justin - 08/20/98 05:33:23 My URL:http://members.delphi.com/naturldsastr My Email:meroot@edge.net Age: 14 Your Location: Tullahoma TN Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: ?? Most Honest Politician: ?? Favorite Karloff Movie: ?? | Comments: Hi I saw your page it is very informative |
Ron Cline - 06/04/98 04:07:34 My Email:rcline@swcp.com Age: six months older Your Location: Albuquerque | Comments: The Rev-Ola CD out of England is worth getting if only for Dawn Eden's new liner notes -- try: http://www.blackmail.co.uk/one/html/crev052.html |
- 04/10/98 21:22:23 | Comments: |
Jim Snyder - 03/07/98 10:13:05 My Email:joegideon@yahoo.com Sex: just show up... Age: 100 or so. Your Location: Monterey, CA Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Darla Most Honest Politician: Fred Grandy Favorite Karloff Movie: Beach Bl- no yhat was Vincent Pr- uh, Frankenstein, I guess. | Comments: Nice work. I've been a friend and partner-in-crime of Mallory's for - seems like a millenium- or so. I last saw him at an opium den near Chinatown. He was blurry but happy. He does need $10, though. It's nice to see so much interest in this wouldabeenalandmarkgroup/album. It's great stuff. Does anyone know of any film/videotape that exists of the group? |
patrick shanahan - 03/01/98 16:22:54 My Email:pshana6983@aol.com Age: 51 Your Location: bailey, colorado Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: blizzard Most Honest Politician: none Favorite Karloff Movie: the body snatcher | Comments: joey and i finally hooked up after twenty years yesterday for lunch. great to see him and great to find out about the rerelease. it was a magic time and im proud to have been in on some of it. just wish curt was here. ive thuoght about him often. hi to ev ryone. stay well |
Onyx Williams - 02/19/98 19:16:04 My Email:Onyx15@juno.com Age: 46 Your Location: S.F. Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankinstine | Comments: Nice. I'm a friend of Lee Mallorys. Thanks |
Dena Fielding - 02/05/98 13:32:59 My URL:http://www.golder.com My Email:dena_fielding@golder.com Sex: Female Age: 28 Your Location: Atlanta, GA Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Hmmmmmm Most Honest Politician: They're all honest!! Yeah right! | Comments: Hey Ronnie!!! Patsy gave me your address to check out your webpage. It's way cool!!!!! Hope to see you and the others at the beach!!!!! Dena |
Pat Beckers - 12/20/97 21:53:26 My Email:patriczik@wxs.nl Sex: Love it! Age: 32 Your Location: Maastricht, Netherlands | Comments: Although I am not The Know It All I knew that Some Sunny Day there would be a web page on the best album of all times: Begin by The Millennium. And It's You who's compiled it. I hope It Won't Always Be The Same and that this page is just the Prelude to a pecial page on Rock's forgotten musical GEM. As long as it will exist I Just Want To Be Your Friend. P.S. tell Claudia that I'll visit her on Thursday. And now There's Nothing More To Say! Great work! |
Ron Cline - 12/20/97 18:50:09 My Email:rcline@swcp.com Age: 49 Your Location: New Mexico | Comments: If you listen to the CD and haven't previously heard the record album, remember that the last two tracks were added later. I recommend stopping after "Anthem" to understand the vision of the original. A classic work, and I'm happy to see, finally, a web site to spread the news. (I'm that rare person who purchased the LP still in its shrink-wrap.) |
Thomas - 11/10/97 15:11:52 My Email:Thomal@gdpc.se Sex: Male Age: 32 Your Location: Sweden Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Don't know Most Honest Politician: Haven't meet someone yet!! Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankenstein | Comments: Great!!! The Millenium album has been a very good inspiration for our own album!!! Keep up the good work!!!!! |
Karl Boettcher - 10/28/97 00:30:54 My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/ks/karlb My Email:karlkarl@juno.com | Comments: Dude, Dude interesting stuff on a fellow Boettcher, got a brother curt also and the diversity need and high $ spending seem to run in the blood. O.K. if I link to your page? Let me know. . WWW.angelfire.com/ks/karlb |
Jonas P - 10/26/97 14:53:42 My URL:http://hem1.passagen.se/joelen5 My Email:joelen5@hotmail.com Sex: Male Age: 18 Your Location: Sweden Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: uhhh Most Honest Politician: ME Favorite Karloff Movie: The Ape | Comments: Keep up the good work! |
Michele - 10/11/97 06:35:28 My Email:fencor@telusplanet.net Sex: "F"... = Failing Grade Age: Same as yours... Your Location: You know where... Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Banana split... Most Honest Politician: Lincoln... Favorite Karloff Movie: Hmmm... Thinking... | Comments: Great Job Ronnie!!!... Getting better all the time... and that is not easy for a Bone Head... *S*S*S* |
Glang, Jung - 10/03/97 04:21:03 Sex: Some other time Age: Beyond your wldst drms Your Location: Dwnstrs in chair Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: digethead w/cherry Most Honest Politician: Kermit Favorite Karloff Movie: Frnkstn meets Madonna | Comments: You have entirely too much time on your hands. You should be out exercising your body and not polluting the minds of innocent delinquents. I can't believe I wasted this much time getting to this lame website. I had more fun in Mr Roper's algebra class. Speaking of class....get some! |
Vince Miller - 09/21/97 23:00:27 My URL:http://No Fixed Abode My Email:Mr Sushi@compuserve.com Sex: Hmmm Age: Nearly 37 Your Location: London ( the one in England) Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: Choccy Ice Cream Most Honest Politician: Dennis Skinner Favorite Karloff Movie: Dont know enough of his movies. | Comments: Dawn Eden is now nearly 30 |
Shelann - 09/02/97 17:16:03 My Email:ms@pioneer-net.com Sex: yes Age: age of the unknown and not quite certain Your Location: behind the screen Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: dilly bar/ double dipped chocolate Most Honest Politician: did you find one? where? Favorite Karloff Movie: sound of music | Comments: hey bud!.. this is a splendid venture.. (((hugging ghoulies))) |
Dawn Eden - 09/01/97 08:00:16 My URL:under construction My Email:DawnEden@panix.com Sex: Yes Age: almost 29 Your Location: New Jersey Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: choc. covered banana Most Honest Politician: Phil Ochs Favorite Karloff Movie: need to see more 1st | Comments: BEAUTIFUL redecorating job, Ronnie! I especially love what you did with the back cover visual at the top of your page. Also wild to see the insert pic of Curt and the nice shot of Michael. "The boys" will love this. |
Ronnie - 08/15/97 17:32:50 My Email:lugosi@edge.net Sex: male Age: 48 Your Location: Tennessee Favorite Dairy Queen Treat: chocolate dipped cone Most Honest Politician: ???????????????????? Favorite Karloff Movie: Frankenstein | Comments: I thought I would be first to sign my guestbook ... |